Topic Review
Sex Determination and Differentiation in Southern Swordtail Fishes
Southern swordtail fishes, which belong to the viviparous teleosts called Xiphophorus, are unique models for studies of evolution of sex chromosomes. Monofactorial sex-determining systems, with either the male or the female being the heterogametic sex, as well as sex determination involving more than two sex chromosomes, are found in swordtails and related species. Some swordtail species seem to have originated by crossing between two closely related species. Although the sword has disappeared in many Xiphophorus species during evolution, females of non-sworded species still prefer sworded males, demonstrating a discrepancy between natural and sexual selection. Natural sex change has not been documented sufficiently convincingly in swordtails, but, at least in some subspecies, two or more male phenotypes exist.
  • 339
  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Effect of Resveratrol on Distinct Skeletal Muscle Components
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol utilized in Chinese traditional medicine and thought to be one of the determinants of the “French Paradox”. Some groups evidenced its properties as a calorie-restriction mimetic, suggesting that its action passes through the modulation of skeletal muscle metabolism. Accordingly, the number of studies reporting the beneficial effects of resveratrol on skeletal muscle form and function, in both experimental models and humans, is steadily increasing.
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Mitochondrial Turnover and Aging
Aerobic organisms use molecular oxygen in several reactions, including those in which the oxidation of substrate molecules is coupled to oxygen reduction to produce large amounts of metabolic energy. The utilization of oxygen is associated with the production of ROS, which can damage biological macromolecules but also act as signaling molecules, regulating numerous cellular processes. Mitochondria are the cellular sites where most of the metabolic energy is produced and perform numerous physiological functions by acting as regulatory hubs of cellular metabolism. 
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Food-Secure World
Food security is an overly broad concept. It is, therefore, difficult to capture the totality of this concept in a few words. Several attempts have been made by global bodies in recent decades before arriving at the current definition. At the World Food Conference (1974), the concept of ‘food security’ was introduced, and it was defined as the consistent availability of sufficient global food supplies, including essential nutrients, to enable a steady increase in food consumption and counteract fluctuations in production and prices. 
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting the Quality of Canola Grains
Canola, Brassica napus L., is a major oilseed crop that has various uses in the food, feed, and industrial sectors. It is one of the most widely produced and consumed oilseeds in the world because of its high oil content and favorable fatty acid composition. Canola grains and their derived products, such as canola oil, meal, flour, and bakery products, have a high potential for food applications as they offer various nutritional and functional benefits. However, they are affected by various factors during the production cycle, post-harvest processing, and storage. These factors may compromise their quality and quantity by affecting their chemical composition, physical properties, functional characteristics, and sensory attributes. Therefore, it is important to optimize the production and processing methods of canola grains and their derived products to ensure their safety, stability, and suitability for different food applications. 
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  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis of childhood that affects the medium vessels with a special predilection to the involvement of coronary arteries. The major morbidity of this disease is due to coronary artery aneurysm, which occurs in about 25–30% of untreated cases. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) has consistently been shown to reduce the risk of CAAs to less than 5%. However, the mechanism of immunomodulation remains unclear. Several studies on the role of IVIg in the modulation of toll-like receptor pathways, autophagy, and apoptosis of the mononuclear phagocytic system, neutrophil extracellular trap, and dendritic cell modulation suggest a modulatory effect on the innate immune system. Similarly, certain studies have shown its effect on T-cell differentiation, cytokine release, and regulatory T-cell function.
  • 287
  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Oxidative Stress and Medicinal Plants for Leydig Cells
Leydig cells are essential for steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. An imbalance in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cellular antioxidant level brings about oxidative stress. Oxidative stress (OS) results in the dysfunction of Leydig cells, thereby impairing steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis, and ultimately, male infertility. To prevent Leydig cells from oxidative insults, there needs to be a balance between the ROS production and the cellular protective capacity of antioxidants. Evidence indicates that medicinal plants could improve Leydig cell function at specific concentrations under basal or OS conditions. The increased usage of medicinal plants has been considered a possible alternative treatment for male infertility. 
  • 269
  • 11 Aug 2023
Topic Review
mtDNA in Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a precursor to the major health diseases associated with high mortality in industrialized countries: cardiovascular disease and diabetes. An important component of the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome is mitochondrial dysfunction. The mitochondrial AAA + protease Lon (Lonp1) has a broad spectrum of activities. In addition to its classical function (degradation of misfolded or damaged proteins), enzymatic activity (proteolysis, chaperone activity, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) binding) has been demonstrated. 
  • 373
  • 11 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Secondary Metabolites of Aspergillus sydowii
Marine-derived fungi are renowned as a source of astonishingly significant and synthetically appealing metabolites that are proven as new lead chemicals for chemical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural fields. Aspergillus sydowii is a saprotrophic, ubiquitous, and halophilic fungus that is commonly found in different marine ecosystems. This fungus can cause aspergillosis in sea fan corals leading to sea fan mortality with subsequent changes in coral community structure.
  • 336
  • 11 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Strategies to Target Myofibroblasts for Scarless Skin Healing
Myofibroblasts have drawn much attention among scientific research communities from multiple disciplines and specialisations. As further research uncovers the characterisations of myofibroblast formation, function, and regulation, the realisation of novel interventional routes for myofibroblasts within pathologies has emerged. The research community is approaching the means to finally target these cells, to prevent fibrosis, accelerate scarless wound healing, and attenuate associated disease-processes in clinical settings.
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  • 11 Aug 2023
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