Topic Review
Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal Domain Proteins in Pulmonary Diseases
Bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) proteins are epigenetic modulators that regulate gene transcription through interacting with acetylated lysine residues of histone proteins. BET proteins have multiple roles in regulating key cellular functions such as cell proliferation, differentiation, inflammation, oxidative and redox balance, and immune responses. As a result, BET proteins have been found to be actively involved in a broad range of human lung diseases including acute lung inflammation, asthma, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Due to the identification of specific small molecular inhibitors of BET proteins, targeting BET in these lung diseases has become an area of increasing interest. Emerging evidence has demonstrated the beneficial effects of BET inhibitors in preclinical models of various human lung diseases. 
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  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Desmosomes in Cell Fate Determination
Desmosomes play a vital role in providing structural integrity to tissues that experience significant mechanical tension, including the heart. Deficiencies in desmosomal proteins lead to the development of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC). The limited availability of preventative measures in clinical settings underscores the pressing need to gain a comprehensive understanding of desmosomal proteins not only in cardiomyocytes but also in non-myocyte residents of the heart, as they actively contribute to the progression of cardiomyopathy.
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  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Sage and Lavender Essential Oils
Modern society is becoming more and more reluctant to use antibiotic or chemical compounds in food production and is demanding foods without what they perceive as artificial and harmful chemicals, including many used as antimicrobials and preservatives in food. Another big problem is the improper use of antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum ones, which has significantly contributed to increased antibiotic resistance in many microorganisms. As a consequence, the whole scientific world has recently concentrated numerous studies on the research of natural remedies capable of counteracting multidrug-resistant strains and fighting infections: the use of aromatic plants and their essential oils (EOs) as potential alternatives to conventional antimicrobials to extend shelf life and combat foodborne pathogens has heightened.
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  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Climate Change and Plant Breeding
Plant breeding is, by definition, the art and science of changing the traits of plants through genetic improvements to produce desired characteristics for the benefit of humanity. Thus, plant breeding strives to use diverse genetic material to change the genetic composition of desirable plants/crops and select and multiply those with the highest attributes, structure, and nutrient composition for the most suitable uses related to human requirements. Crop yield has been a major target of plant breeding, although resistance and quality have also been important. Climate change calls for breeding efforts to improve characters in agricultural crops that can contribute to mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The assessment of plant characters has shown that an increased nutrient use efficiency is a major character that has a larger impact in decreasing the GHG emissions in wheat production.
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  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Camelina sativa as an Allelopathic Potential Cover Crop
Camelina sativa, known for its high oil content and adaptability to diverse climatic conditions, exhibits allelopathic potential by releasing chemical compounds that inhibit weed growth. The crop’s vigorous growth and canopy architecture contribute to effective weed suppression, reducing the prevalence and spread of associated pathogens. Furthermore, the chemical compounds released by camelina through the solubilization of compounds from leaves by rain, root exudation, or deriving from microbial-mediated decay of camelina’s tissues interfere with the growth of neighbouring plants, indicating allelopathic interactions. The isolation and identification of benzylamine and glucosinolates as allelochemicals in camelina highlight their role in plant–plant interactions. 
  • 483
  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Overview of Dried Fish
Fish is a good source of nutrients, although it is easily spoiled. As such, drying is a common method of preserving fish to compensate for its perishability. Dried fish exists in different cultures with varying types of fish used and drying methods. 
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Ultraviolet Reactors for Nonsolid Food Pasteurization
UV-C is an increasingly popular option for the pasteurization of non-solid plant-based foods because it is germicidal, economical, and environmentally-friendly. It is a proven alternative to conventional thermal processes for inactivating microorganisms.UV-C irradiation in nonsolid foods can be performed in equipment that either uses batch or continuous operation modes.
  • 570
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Alternative Splicing in Immunomodulatory Genes
The interaction between the tumor and immune cells within the tumor microenvironment is facilitated by signaling pathways driven by immunomodulatory proteins. Alternative splicing regulates the production of multiple immunomodulatory proteins with diverse functionality from a single mRNA transcript. Splicing factors are pivotal in modulating alternative splicing processes but are also subject to regulation. The dysregulation of alternative splicing may result from splicing factor (SF) abnormal expression levels and mutations in the cis and trans-acting elements and small nuclear RNA (snRNA) molecules. Aberrant splicing may generate abnormal mRNA transcripts encoding isoforms with altered functions that contribute to tumorigenesis or cancer progression.
  • 299
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Effects of Natural Products on Lipid Metabolism Disorders
Natural products that are extracted from the source and from concentrated, fractionated, and purified yielding, which are generally defined as bioactive compounds, have the ability to modulate lipid metabolism, improve insulin signaling, and protect against cardiovascular damage.
  • 302
  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Recombinant DNA Strategies for Industrial Potential of Fungi
Genetic and metabolic engineering strategies have enabled improvements in yield and titer for a variety of valuable molecules produced naturally in fungi, as well as those produced heterologously. Wild-type strains do not often produce these compounds at the levels required in industry, or do not produce the desired enzymes with the required properties or catalytic specificity. To overcome these problems, different genetic engineering approaches have been developed to improve the industrial potential of fungi.
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  • 30 Aug 2023
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