Topic Review
Plant Defense Strategies against Drought
Drought stress imposes substantial constraints on the growth and production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a globally important cereal crop essential for food security. Plants have evolved various defense mechanisms to withstand environmental variations, such as stress escape, stress avoidance, and stress tolerance.
  • 909
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Sarcopenia Pathophysiology
The pathophysiology of sarcopenia has multifactorial causes. Some cellular and molecular mechanisms have been suggested to be involved that include protein homeostasis imbalance, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and satellite cell dysfunction. These factors do not independently cause sarcopenia but interact with each other to cause sarcopenia.
  • 239
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Role of Sensory Innervation in Corneal Epithelial Renewal
Corneal clarity is required for vision, and blindness occurs when the cornea becomes opaque. The cornea is covered by unique transparent epithelial cells that serve as an outermost cellular barrier bordering between the cornea and the external environment. Corneal sensory nerves protect the cornea from injury by triggering tearing and blink reflexes, and are also thought to regulate corneal epithelial renewal via unknown mechanism(s). When protective corneal sensory innervation is absent due to infection, trauma, intracranial tumors, surgery, or congenital causes, permanent blindness results from repetitive epithelial microtraumas and failure to heal. The condition is termed neurotrophic keratopathy (NK), with an incidence of 5:10,000 people worldwide.
  • 215
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Soft Tissue Regenerative Medicine
Soft tissue regeneration holds significant promise for addressing various clinical challenges, ranging from craniofacial and oral tissue defects to blood vessels, muscle, and fibrous tissue regeneration. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as a promising tool in regenerative medicine due to their unique characteristics and potential to differentiate into multiple cell lineages.
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  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
TDP-43 Role in Chromatin Remodeling and Transcription
TDP-43 gained momentum in the neurodegeneration field when it was first discovered that almost all amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases and as many as half of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) cases present pathological ubiquitinated inclusions of TDP-43. Its involvement in chromatin silencing and nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttling constitute convergent key findings from several biological screens, and several crucial epigenetic factors appear to be able to modify TDP-43-induced degeneration. TDP-43 activity at the chromatin level and its implication in the regulation of DNA transcription and stability -such as DNA repair and regulation of retrotransposons activity- are further supported by a continuously growing amount of studies.
  • 665
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Classification of Biostimulants
Biostimulants provide beneficial properties to plants by increasing plant metabolism, which promotes crop yield and improves the quality of crops; protecting plants against environmental stresses such as water shortage, soil salinization, and exposure to sub-optimal growth temperatures; and promoting plant growth via higher nutrient uptake. Biostimulants are classified as microbial, such as arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF), plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), non-pathogenic fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, or non-microbial, such as seaweed extract, phosphite, humic acid, other inorganic salts, chitin and chitosan derivatives, protein hydrolysates and free amino acids, and complex organic materials.
  • 441
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Basic Substances in Pest and Disease Management
Pathogens and pests constantly challenge food security and safety worldwide. The use of plant protection products to manage them raises concerns related to human health, the environment, and economic costs. Basic substances are active, non-toxic compounds that are not predominantly used as plant protection products but hold potential in crop protection. Basic substances’ attention is rising due to their safety and cost-effectiveness.
  • 294
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid as a Neuroactive Compound
Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) was reported as a promising therapeutic molecule for several neurological disorders that still lack effective treatments.
  • 240
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Designing Novel Animal Models for Pathology Research
The development of animal models for the study of pathological conditions is a cornerstone of biomedical research. These models offer invaluable insights into disease mechanisms, potential therapeutic interventions, and the fundamental biology of various pathologies. 
  • 302
  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Netosis in Brief
Netosis is a complex and fascinating cellular process that plays a pivotal role in our immune defense system. It involves the formation and release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) composed of chromatin and antimicrobial proteins. These NETs act as sophisticated snares, capturing and neutralizing various pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The process begins with chromatin decondensation, mediated by enzymes like PAD4, allowing the extrusion of chromatin from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. Subsequent rupture of the nuclear envelope leads to NET formation and their release into the extracellular environment. While netosis is essential for immune defense, dysregulation can contribute to autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders, and even thrombosis. Understanding netosis opens doors to potential therapeutic interventions targeting this intricate cellular mechanism.
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  • 18 Sep 2023
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