Topic Review
Marine Chitin/Chitosan and Collagen Value Chains
Chitin/chitosan and collagen are two of the most important bioactive compounds, with applications in the pharmaceutical, veterinary, nutraceutical, cosmetic, biomaterials, and other industries. When extracted from non-edible parts of fish and shellfish, by-catches, and invasive species, their use contributes to a more sustainable and circular economy. 
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Long Telomeric Repeat-Containing RNA
Telomere dysfunction is implicated in vascular aging and shorter leucocyte telomeres are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. Another pathophysiological mechanism that explains the causal relationship between telomere shortening and atherosclerosis development focuses on the clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), which represents a new and independent risk factor in atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Since telomere attrition has a central role in driving vascular senescence, understanding telomere biology is essential to modulate the deleterious consequences of vascular aging and its cardiovascular disease-related manifestations. Emerging evidence indicates that a class of long noncoding RNAs transcribed at telomeres, known as TERRA for “TElomeric Repeat-containing RNA”, actively participates in the mechanisms regulating telomere maintenance and chromosome end protection. However, the multiple biological functions of TERRA remain to be largely elucidated. 
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Genetic Engineering Approach for Next-Generation of Bt-Based Agents
Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) and B. cereus sensu stricto Frankland and Frankland are closely related species of aerobic, spore-forming bacteria included in the B. cereus sensu lato group. This group is one of the most studied, but it remains also the most mysterious species of bacteria. Despite more than a century of research on the features of these ubiquitous bacteria, there are a lot of questionable issues related to their taxonomy, resistance to external influences, endophytic existence, their place in multidimensional relationships in the ecosystem, and many others.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
CAR NK Cell Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma
Melanoma is among the most lethal forms of cancer, accounting for 80% of deaths despite comprising just 5% of skin cancer cases. Treatment options remain limited due to the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms associated with melanoma heterogeneity that underlie the rapid development of secondary drug resistance. For this reason, the development of novel treatments remains paramount to the improvement of patient outcomes. Although the advent of chimeric antigen receptor-expressing T (CAR-T) cell immunotherapies has led to many clinical successes for hematological malignancies, these treatments are limited in their utility by their immune-induced side effects and a high risk of systemic toxicities. CAR natural killer (CAR-NK) cell immunotherapies are a particularly promising alternative to CAR-T cell immunotherapies, as they offer a more favorable safety profile and have the capacity for fine-tuned cytotoxic activity. 
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Strigolactone
Plants, the cornerstone of life on Earth, are constantly struggling with a number of challenges arising from both biotic and abiotic stressors. To overcome these adverse factors, plants have evolved complex defense mechanisms involving both a number of cell signaling pathways and a complex network of interactions with microorganisms. Among these interactions, the relationship between symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and strigolactones (SLs) stands as an important interplay that has a significant impact on increased resistance to environmental stresses and improved nutrient uptake and the subsequent enhanced plant growth.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Using CO2 for Biomanufacturing of Fuels and Chemicals
Microbial cell factories offer an eco-friendly alternative for transforming raw materials into commercially valuable products because of their reduced carbon impact compared to conventional industrial procedures. These systems often depend on lignocellulosic feedstocks, mainly pentose and hexose sugars. One major hurdle when utilizing these sugars, especially glucose, is balancing carbon allocation to satisfy energy, cofactor, and other essential component needs for cellular proliferation while maintaining a robust yield. Nearly half or more of this carbon is inevitably lost as CO2 during the biosynthesis of regular metabolic necessities. This loss lowers the production yield and compromises the benefit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions—a fundamental advantage of biomanufacturing.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Antibiotic Resistance and Biofilm
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing global problem for public health, and focusing on biofilms has provided further insights into resistance evolution in bacteria.poorly treated bacterial infections can lead to failures of different organ systems, particularly in fragile patients, and excessive immune-mediated inflammatory responses during sepsis may occur more frequently. Is it possible that nature can help control AMR diffusion? An analysis of resistance mechanisms is summarized, and an excursus of the different approaches to challenging resistance spread based on natural processes is presented as “lessons from Nature”. On the “host side”, immunotherapy strategies for bacterial infections have a long history before antibiotics, but continuous new inputs through biotechnology advances are enlarging their applications, efficacy, and safety. Antimicrobial peptides and monoclonal antibodies are considered for controlling antibiotic resistance. Understanding the biology of natural predators is providing new, effective, and safe ways to combat resistant bacteria. As natural enemies, bacteriophages were used to treat severe infections before the discovery of antibiotics, marginalized during the antibiotic era, and revitalized upon the diffusion of multi-resistance. Finally, sociopolitical aspects such as education, global action, and climate change control are also considered as important tools for tackling antibiotic resistance from the One Health perspective.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Calcium’s Role and Signaling in Muscle Aging
Calcium signaling involves the movement of calcium ions within or between cells, which can affect the electrochemical gradients between intra- and extracellular membranes, ligand binding, enzyme activity, and other mechanisms that determine cell fate. Calcium signaling in muscle, as elucidated by the sliding filament model, plays a significant role in muscle contraction. However, as organisms age, alterations occur within muscle tissue. These changes include sarcopenia, loss of neuromuscular junctions, and changes in mineral concentration, all of which have implications for calcium’s role. Additionally, a field of study that has gained recent attention, cellular senescence, is associated with aging and disturbed calcium homeostasis, and is thought to affect sarcopenia progression. 
  • 383
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
N-3 FattyAcids as a Nutritional Support of Cattle
Fatty acids (FAs) play a key role in the reproduction of dairy cows and the health status and body condition of cows during the periparturient period, as well as fetus developmental programming and embryo development, and the immunity of newborn calves.
  • 146
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Lateralised Behavioural Responses in Livestock to Environmental Stressors
Lateralised behavioural responses to environmental stressors have become more frequently used as indicators of social welfare in animals. These lateralised behavioural responses are under the control of asymmetrical brain functions as part of the primary functions of most vertebrates and assist in primary social and survival functions. Lateralised behavioural responses originating from the left hemisphere are responsible for processing familiar conditions, while the right hemisphere is responsible for responding to novel stimuli in the environment. The forced lateralisation and side preference tests have been used to determine the visual lateralised behavioural responses in livestock to environmental stressors. Limb preference during movement has also been used to determine motor lateralisation. 
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  • 06 Dec 2023
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