Topic Review
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L.)
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum(L.) Gaertn.) is a multipurpose crop suitable to Mediterranean environments.
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  • 07 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Melatonin in Wine and Beer
Melatonin is a hormone secreted in the pineal gland with several functions, especially regulation of circadian sleep cycle and the biological processes related to it. This review evaluates the bioavailability of melatonin and resulting metabolites, the presence of melatonin in wine and beer and factors that influence it, and finally the different benefits related to treatment with melatonin. When administered orally, melatonin is mainly absorbed in the rectum and the ileum; it has a half-life of about 0.45–1 h and is extensively inactivated in the liver by phase 2 enzymes. Melatonin (MEL) concentration varies from picograms to ng/mL in fermented beverages such as wine and beer, depending on the fermentation process. These low quantities, within a dietary intake, are enough to reach significant plasma concentrations of melatonin, and are thus able to exert beneficial effects. Melatonin has demonstrated antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory and neuroprotective actions. These benefits are related to its free radical scavenging properties as well and the direct interaction with melatonin receptors, which are involved in complex intracellular signaling pathways, including inhibition of angiogenesis and cell proliferation, among others. In the present review, the current evidence on the effects of melatonin on different pathophysiological conditions is also discussed.
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  • 08 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Receptor-Dependent Apoptotic Pathway
Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death which has an important role in tissue and organ homeostasis and in the control of organism development. Two main signaling pathways are involved in regulation of apoptosis: the mitochondrial dependent intrinsic pathway and death receptor dependent extrinsic pathway. The receptors are members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF).The extrinsic apoptotic pathway triggers apoptosis by binding of ligands to death receptors, which leads to formation of a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) and in consequence, caspase activation. This pathway and its subpathways and regulatory factors and linkages to the other cellular signaling events are briefly presented.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Toxoplasma gondii-Induced and Associated Diseases
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a prevalent protozoan parasite of medical and veterinary significance. It is the etiologic agent of toxoplasmosis, a neglected disease in which incidence and symptoms differ between patients and regions. In immunocompetent patients, toxoplasmosis manifests as acute and chronic forms. Acute toxoplasmosis presents as mild or asymptomatic disease that evolves, under the host immune response, into a persistent chronic disease in healthy individuals. Chronic toxoplasmosis establishes as latent tissue cysts in the brain and skeletal muscles. In immunocompromised patients, chronic toxoplasmosis may reactivate, leading to a potentially life-threatening condition. 
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  • 05 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Dairy Products through the Addition of Microalgae
Microalgae are prokaryotic or eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms which have the ability to grow fast and to live under conditions not favorable to other species. They are attracting increasing attention, as their incorporation in foods and beverages can be a promising strategy to develop sustainable foods with improved nutritional profiles and a strong positive impacts on health. Despite the increasing market demand in plant-based foods, the popularity of fermented dairy foods has increased in the recent years since they are a source of microorganisms with health-promoting effects. In this context, the incorporation of microalgae in cheeses, fermented milks and other dairy products represents an interesting approach towards the development of innovative and added-value hybrid products based on animal proteins and enriched with vegetable origin ingredients recognized as extremely valuable sources of bioactive compounds.
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  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Ammonia Classification and Biological Ammonia Production
Ammonia, a compound with the chemical formula NH3, is composed of two of the most ubiquitous elements on Earth—nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is colorless and characterized by its pungent odor. Ammonia has a wide range of industrial and agricultural applications due to its unique properties
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  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Astrocytes as Templates for Angiogenesis
 Angiogenesis is a key process in various physiological conditions in the nervous system and in the retina during postnatal life. Although an increasing number of studies have addressed the role of endothelial cells in this event, the astrocytes contribution in angiogenesis has received less attention.
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  • 08 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Oral–Gut Microbiome Axis
The oral cavity and gut are the two largest microbial ecosystems. The oral-to-gut and gut-to-oral microbial transmission can regulate pathogenesis, indicating the presence of the oral–gut microbiome axis. 
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  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review
Hearing Loss in Mucopolysaccharidoses
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of lysosomal storage disorders caused by a deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. Hearing loss is a common clinical presentation in MPS. MPS VI presents primarily with conductive hearing loss, while the other subtypes (MPS I, MPS II, MPS III, MPS IVA, and MPS VII) can present with any type of hearing loss (conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss). However, hearing loss is absent in MPS IVB and MPS IX. The sensorineural component develops as the disease progresses, but there is no consensus on the etiology of the sensorineural component. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the most common therapy utilized for MPS, but the effects of ERT on hearing function have been inconclusive. This review highlights a need for more comprehensive and multidisciplinary research on hearing function that includes behavioral testing, objective testing, and temporal bone imaging. This information would allow for better understanding of the progression and etiology of hearing loss. Owing to the prevalence of hearing loss in MPS, early diagnosis of hearing loss and annual comprehensive audiological evaluations are recommended.
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  • 14 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Neural Stem Cell
Stem cells have extensive proliferative potential and the ability to differentiate into one or more mature cell types. The mechanisms by which stem cells accomplish self-renewal provide fundamental insight into the origin and design of multicellular organisms. These pathways allow the repair of damage and extend organismal life beyond that of component cells, and they probably preceded the evolution of complex metazoans.
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  • 11 Mar 2021
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