Topic Review
Berberine in Oncogenic Herpesvirus Infections
Human herpesviruses are known to induce a broad spectrum of diseases, ranging from common cold sores to cancer, and infections with some types of these viruses, known as human oncogenic herpesviruses (HOHVs), can cause cancer. Challenges with viral latency, recurrent infections, and drug resistance have generated the need for finding new drugs with the ability to overcome these barriers. Berberine (BBR), a naturally occurring alkaloid, is known for its multiple biological activities, including antiviral and anticancer effects.
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  • 02 Jun 2021
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
The Potential for Cellulose Deconstruction in Fungal Genomes
Fungal cellulolytic enzymes are carbohydrate active enzymes (CAzymes) essential for the deconstruction of the plant cell wall. Cellulolytic activity is described in some glycoside hydrolases (GH-cellulases) and in auxiliary activities (AA-cellulases) families. Across environments, these enzymes are mostly produced by some fungi and some bacteria. Cellulolytic fungi secrete these enzymes to deconstruct polysaccharides into simple and easy to metabolize oligo- and mono-saccharides. The fungal ability to degrade cellulose result from their repertoire of CAZymes-encoding genes targeting many substrates (e.g., xylan, arabinose). Over the past decade, the increased number of sequenced fungal genomes allowed the sequence-based identification of many new CAZyme-encoding genes. Together, the predicted cellulolytic enzymes constitute the fungal potential for cellulose deconstruction. As not all fungi have the same genetic makeup, identifying the potential for cellulose deconstruction across different lineages can help identify the various fungal strategies to access and degrade cellulose (conserved vs. variable genomic features) and highlight the evolution of cellulase-encoding genes. Here, the potential for cellulose deconstruction identified across publicly accessible, and published, fungal genomes is discussed. 
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  • 24 May 2022
Topic Review
Microbially-Induced Desaturation and Carbonate Precipitation
Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) has been proposed as a sustainable approach to solve various environmental, structural, geotechnical and architectural issues. In the last decade, a ubiquitous microbial metabolism, nitrate reduction (also known as denitrification) got attention in MICP research due to its unique added benefits such as simultaneous corrosion inhibition in concrete and desaturation of porous media. The latter even upgraded MICP into a more advanced concept called microbially induced desaturation and precipitation (MIDP) which is being investigated for liquefaction mitigation.
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  • 01 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Piezo Channels in Bone
Mechanotransduction is an important process for living cells and tissues by which they experience and respond to mechanical stimuli. Cellular mechanotransduction is crucial for bone development and physiology, and abnormal cellular mechanotransduction leads to various bone diseases, including osteoporosis (OP) and osteoarthritis (OA). Piezo channels are mechanosensitive ion channels located in the cell membrane and function as key cellular mechanotransducers for converting mechanical stimuli into electrochemical signals. The Piezo channels play crucial roles in numerous physiological and pathological process by functioning as cellular mechanotransducers. Under mechanical stimuli, Piezo channels are opened to make cationic ions cross membrane, which promotes cellular mechanotransduction to adapt to the microenvironment.
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  • 01 Jul 2021
Sankara Bhagavadpada
Dr. Sankara Bhagavadpada [1] is an Indian Advaitic spiritual teacher, author & Vedic astrologer[2] from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.[3] Dr. Sankara Bhagavadpada was born Shankar Ramachandran, on May 1, 1948 in Madras, India. In his boyhood years, he came under the benevolent spiritual & philosophical influence of his mother and his philosopher-friend Sri Bhagavan.[4] In 1971, he secured his M
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  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Capillary-Driven Flow Device
The capillary flow device works on the principle of capillary-driven flow microfluidics and allows detection by multiple microchannels in a single microchip via smartphone imaging/portable detectors. Compared to other types of devices such as dipsticks and paper microfluidic devices, this device is fabricated with cheaper materials, coated with minute amounts of reagents and offers multiplexity on a single microchip. The sample is loaded into the microchannels via capillary force, which eliminates the requirement of external/internal fluidic mechanisms or controls. A capillary-driven flow device was developed in this study which is simple to operate and allows loading multiple samples in a single device.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Age-at-Death Estimation by Dental Means
Age-at-death is one of the most valuable pieces of information in a biological profile, and is an important step in identifying remains. Age-at-death estimation by dental means is performed by forensic odontologists and forensic anthropologists in their daily casework tasks. Osteological and dental methods of age estimation rely on developmental changes in younger individuals and on degenerative changes in older individuals. Skeletal methods based on developmental changes are highly reliable, while methods based on degenerative or post-formation changes show higher variability. From all skeletal methods, those relying on tooth formation and development are the most accurate to assess an individual’s age. Dental methods of age estimation can be implemented in the skeletal analysis of juvenile and adult remains, representing an additional indicator of age.
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  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
The Biological Activities of Marine Exopolysaccharides
The unique living environment of marine microorganisms endows them with the potential to produce novel compounds with diverse biological activities. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) is a high molecular weight carbohydrate polymer secreted by microorganisms during growth and metabolism. The complex and diverse structures of EPS endow them with unique biological activities and functions. 
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  • 23 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Multi-Omics Model for Cancer Genetics
In the coming age of omics technologies, next gen sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, and other high throughput techniques will become the usual tools in biomedical cancer research. However, their integrative approach is not trivial due to the broad diversity of data types, dynamic ranges and sources of experimental and analytical errors characteristic of each omics.
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  • 02 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Mechanotransduction in Skin and Wounds
Skin injury is a common occurrence and mechanical forces are known to significantly impact the biological processes of skin regeneration and wound healing. Immediately following the disruption of the skin, the process of wound healing begins, bringing together numerous cell types to collaborate in several sequential phases. These cells produce a multitude of molecules and initiate multiple signaling pathways that are associated with skin disorders and abnormal wound healing, including hypertrophic scars, keloids, and chronic wounds. Studies have shown that mechanical forces can alter the microenvironment of a healing wound, causing changes in cellular function, motility, and signaling. A better understanding of the mechanobiology of cells in the skin is essential in the development of efficacious therapeutics to reduce skin disorders, normalize abnormal wound healing, and minimize scar formation.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
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