Topic Review
Overview of Dried Fish
Fish is a good source of nutrients, although it is easily spoiled. As such, drying is a common method of preserving fish to compensate for its perishability. Dried fish exists in different cultures with varying types of fish used and drying methods. 
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  • 30 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Central African Lion
The Central African lion is a Panthera leo leo population in northern parts of Central and East Africa. This population has been fragmented into small and isolated groups since the 1950s. It is threatened by loss of habitat and prey base and trophy hunting. In 2005, a Lion Conservation Strategy was developed for West and Central Africa. Results of phylogeographic research indicate that the Central African lion clade forms a phylogenetic group with lion samples from West and North Africa, the Middle East and India . This group diverged from lions in southern parts of East and Southern Africa at least 50,000 years ago. Morphometric analysis of lion skulls corroborates the assessment of two major evolutionary lion clusters, one in Sub-Saharan Africa and the other in North Africa and Asia.
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  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Plant Secondary Metabolite in stress
Plant secondary metabolites (SMs) play important roles in plant survival and in creating ecological connections between other species. The accumulation of SMs are highly dependent on environmental factors such as light, temperature, soil water, soil fertility, and salinity. For most plants, a change in an individual environmental factor can alter the content of secondary metabolites even if other factors remain constant. In this review, we focus on how individual environmental factors affect the accumulation of secondary metabolites in plants during both biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Furthermore, we discuss the application of abiotic and biotic elicitors in culture systems as well as their stimulating effects on the accumulation of secondary metabolites. Genes responsible for secondary metabolite biosynthesis in various plant species during stress conditions are regulated by transcriptional factors such as WRKY, MYB, AP2/ERF, bZIP, bHLH, and NAC, which are also discussed here.
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  • 28 May 2021
Topic Review
Ohdo Syndrome, Say-Barber-Biesecker-Young-Simpson Variant
The Say-Barber-Biesecker-Young-Simpson (SBBYS) variant of Ohdo syndrome is a rare condition characterized by genital abnormalities in males, missing or underdeveloped kneecaps (patellae), intellectual disability, distinctive facial features, and abnormalities affecting other parts of the body.
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  • 24 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Genomic Aberrations
Multiple Myeloma is a genetically heterogeneous disease, arising and progressing through the appearance and accumulation of a tangle of genomic aberrations. In the last decade, cheap and wide applicable sequencing technologies allowed significant advantages in its biological knowledge. Here author focus on genomic events that drive plasma cell disorders. 
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  • 21 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Biopolymeric Composite Materials
Biopolymers have attained enormous attention with perspective multi-functional and high-performance biocomposites having a low environmental impact with unique properties like, abundantly available, renewable, eco-friendly, and light-weight. Biopolymeric composites should substitute synthetic materials in optics, bio-chemistry, and biomedical engineering with versatile applications, and investment and research on these materials increase significantly. Biopolymers and biodegradable synthetic polymers have attracted researchers’ enormous attention in recent years . 
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  • 19 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Bambara Groundnut
Currently, the global agricultural system is focused on a limited number of crop species, thereby presenting a threat to food security and supply, especially with predicted global climate change conditions. The importance of ‘underutilized’ crop species in meeting the world’s demand for food has been duly recognized by research communities, governments and policy makers worldwide. The development of underutilized crops, with their vast genetic resources and beneficial traits, may be a useful step towards solving food security challenges by offering a multifaceted agricultural system that includes additional important food resources. Bambara groundnut is among the beneficial underutilized crop species that may have a positive impact on global food security through organized and well-coordinated multidimensional breeding programs. The excessive degrees of allelic difference in Bambara groundnut germplasm could be exploited in breeding activities to develop new varieties. It is important to match recognized breeding objectives with documented diversity in order to significantly improve breeding. 
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  • 08 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Ras-Associated Protein 1 in Cancer
Metastasis is known as the most life-threatening event in cancer patients. In principle, the immune system can prevent tumor development. However, dysfunctional T cells may fail to eliminate the tumor cells effectively and provide additional survival advantages for tumor proliferation and metastasis. Constitutive activation of Ras-associated protein1 (Rap1) has not only led to T cell anergy, but also inhibited autophagy and supported cancer progression through various oncogenic events. Inhibition of Rap1 activity with its negative regulator, Rap1GAP, impairs tumor progression. However, active Rap1 reduces tumor invasion in some cancers, indicating that the pleiotropic effects of Rap1 signaling in cancers could be cancer-specific. All in all, targeting Rap1 signaling and its regulators could potentially control carcinogenesis, metastasis, chemoresistance and immune evasion. Rap1GAP could be a promising therapeutic target in combating cancer. 
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  • 23 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Bottle Conditioning
Bottle conditioning refers to a method of adding fermenting wort or yeast suspension in sugar solution into beer in its final package. Additionally denoted as bottle refermentation, this technique has been originally developed to assure beer carbonation, and has further significance related to formation of distinctive sensory attributes and enhancement of sensory stability, which are the phenomena associated with ongoing yeast metabolic activities in the final package.
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  • 23 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Sensory Neurons
Four sensory systems (vestibular, lateral line, electroreception, auditory) are unique and project exclusively to the brainstem of vertebrates. All sensory neurons depend on a common set of genes (Eya1, Sox2, Neurog1, Neurod1) that project to a dorsal nucleus and an intermediate nucleus, which differentiate into the vestibular ear, lateral line and electroreception in vertebrates. 
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  • 23 Sep 2021
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