Topic Review
Recent studies show that searching for new possibilities of phytotherapy using compounds isolated from Centaureinae plants is worth the effort. Treatment based on active substances from plants of the Centaureinae subtribe is often effective and does not cause side effects, as was demonstrated on an example of antifungal infections and SD and melasma and lentigo solaris treatment.
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  • 09 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Myokines are small proteins (5–20 kDa) and proteoglycan peptides that are produced and secreted by skeletal muscle cells in response to muscle contractions.
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  • 14 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cytogenetics of Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are heterogeneous groups of clonal myeloid disorders characterized by unexplained persistent peripheral blood (PB) cytopenia(s) of one or more of the hematopoietic lineages, or bone marrow (BM) morphologic dysplasia in hematopoietic cells, recurrent genetic abnormalities, and an increased risk of progression to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Cytogenetics has been an important and a necessary parameter in the diagnosis of MDS. The WHO relies heavily on cytogenetic aberrations in MDS. In addition to establishing a clonal process in patients with peripheral blood cytopenia, cytogenetics plays a major role in the prognostication, clinical-morphologic correlation, theragnostic strategies, and in predicting the likelihood of progression to AML. In contrast to other myeloid malignancies, in which the diagnosis is defined by a single cytogenetic event, there is a vast spectrum of cytogenetic-defining lesions in MDS, making diagnosis very challenging. 
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  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Horizontal transfer of Resistance Genes
Emergence and rapid spread of antibiotic resistance has posed a serious threat to public health and undermined decades of progress made in the fight against bacterial infections. Plasmid-mediated horizontal tranfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has been recognized as the most dominant dissemination pathway of ARGs in humans, animals and environmental settings. In particular, four pathways including conjugation, transformation, transduction and vesiduction account for horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. A better understanding of these pathways and underlying mechanisms would contribute to developing more effective stategies to control the prevalence of ARGs.
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  • 14 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Sea Buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is a dioecious and anemophilous plant, the pollination of female blossoms is possible by wind. It withstands well on poor soils and is able to tolerate extreme temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +40 °C. Since it has low requirements on growing conditions, it behaves invasively if it grows in low humid, alluvial gravel, wet landslips, and riverside.
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  • 20 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Cyanobacteria (blue-green microalgae) are ubiquitous, Gram-negative photoautotrophic prokaryotes. They are considered as one of the most efficient sources of bioactive secondary metabolites.
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  • 15 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Free Stalls for Dairy Herds
Lying is an important behavior of dairy cattle. Cows should spend more than 50% of a day lying as it has a high impact on their milk yield and animal welfare. The design, size, and flooring properties of the free stalls influence the time cows spend lying, the way they lie down, and their rising movements. The design of the free stalls should enable the cows to move and lie in positions as natural as possible. Cows should rest, with all parts of the body, on a clean, dry and soft bed, be able to stretch their front legs forward, lie on their sides with unobstructed space for their neck and head, and rest with their heads against their flanks without hindrance from a partition. When they stand, they should not be hindered by neck rails, partitions, or supports. A comfortable place for cows to lie down helps cows to stay healthy, improve welfare, and increase milk yield. Hence, the probability of a longer productive life for the cows increases and the number of replacements per year decreases.
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  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Beneficial Microorganisms in Soil Quality and Plant Health
The practice of agriculture has always been a source of food production. The increase in the global population leads to improvements in agriculture, increasing crop quality and yield. Plant growth results from the interaction between roots and their environment, which is the soil or planting medium that provides structural support as well as water and nutrients to the plant. Therefore, good soil management is necessary to prevent problems that will directly affect plant health. Integrated crop management is a pragmatic approach to crop production, which includes integrated pest management focusing on crop protection. Currently, there is an extended idea that many microorganisms, such as fungi or bacteria, are useful in agriculture since they are attractive eco-friendly alternatives to mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides. The microbes that interact with the plants supply nutrients to crops, control phytopathogens and stimulate plant growth. These actions have beneficial implications in agriculture.
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  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Cervical Epithelial Cells
Using Raman microscopy, we investigated epithelial cervical cells collected from 96 women with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or belonging to groups I, IIa, IIID-1 and IIID-2 according to Munich III classification (IIID-1 and IIID-2 corresponding to Bethesda LSIL and HSIL groups, respectively). All women were tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection using PCR. Subcellular resolution of Raman microscopy enabled to understand phenotypic differences in a heterogeneous population of cervical cells in the following groups: I/HPV−, IIa/HPV−, IIa/HPV−, LSIL/HPV−, LSIL/HPV+, HSIL/HPV−, HSIL/HPV+ and cancer cells (SCC/HPV+). We showed for the first time that the glycogen content in the cytoplasm decreased with the nucleus size of cervical cells in all studied groups apart from the cancer group. For the subpopulation of large-nucleus cells HPV infection resulted in considerable glycogen depletion compared to HPV negative cells in IIa, LSIL (for both statistical significance, ca. 45%) and HSIL (trend, 37%) groups. We hypothesize that accelerated glycogenolysis in large-nucleus cells may be associated with the increased protein metabolism for HPV positive cells. Our work underlines unique capabilities of Raman microscopy in single cell studies and demonstrate potential of Raman-based methods in HPV diagnostics.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agriculture
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are biotrophic symbionts forming close relationships with an estimated 80% of terrestrial plants suitable as their host. Via an established AM fungal–host relationship, soil-bound nutrients are made available to the host plant through root cortical arbuscules as the site of exchange. At these sites, photosynthetic carbohydrates are provided to the AM fungus—carbohydrates that cannot be produced by the fungus. AM fungal–host symbiosis is very sensitive to soil disturbance, for example, agricultural tillage practices can damage and reduce AM fungal abilities to interact with a host and provide plant growth-promoting properties.
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  • 13 Apr 2022
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