Topic Review
Rapid Nontranscriptional Effects of Calcifediol and Calcitriol
Classically, a secosteroid hormone, vitamin D, has been implicated in calcium and phosphate homeostasis and has been associated with the pathogenesis of rickets and osteomalacia in patients with severe nutritional vitamin D deficiency. The spectrum of known vitamin D-mediated effects has been expanded in recent years. However, the mechanisms of how exactly this hormone elicits its biological function are still not fully understood. The interaction of this metabolite with the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and, subsequently, with the vitamin D-responsive element in the region of specific target genes leading to the transcription of genes whose protein products are involved in the traditional function of calcitriol (known as genomic actions). Moreover, in addition to these transcription-dependent mechanisms, it has been recognized that the biologically active form of vitamin D3, as well as its immediate precursor metabolite, calcifediol, initiate rapid, non-genomic actions through the membrane receptors that are bound as described for other steroid hormones. So far, among the best candidates responsible for mediating rapid membrane response to vitamin D metabolites are membrane-associated VDR (VDRm) and protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3 (Pdia3). 
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  • 29 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Bioinformatics in Plant Breeding and Disease Resistance
In the context of plant breeding, bioinformatics can empower genetic and genomic selection to determine the optimal combination of genotypes that will produce a desired phenotype and help expedite the isolation of these new varieties. Bioinformatics is also instrumental in collecting and processing plant phenotypes, which facilitates plant breeding. Robots that use automated and digital technologies to collect and analyze different types of information to monitor the environment in which plants grow, analyze the environmental stresses they face, and promptly optimize suboptimal and adverse growth conditions accordingly, have helped plant research and saved human resources.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Early Follicles
Early follicles' development, especially the activation of primordial follicles, is strictly modulated by a network of signaling pathways. Recent advance in ovarian physiology has been allowed the development of several therapies to improve reproductive outcomes by manipulating early folliculogenesis. Among these, in vitro activation (IVA) has been recently developed to extend the possibility of achieving genetically related offspring for patients with premature ovarian insufficiency and ovarian dysfunction. This method was established based on basic science studies of the intraovarian signaling pathways: the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the Hippo signaling pathways. These two pathways were found to play crucial roles in folliculogenesis from the primordial follicle to the early antral follicle. Following the results of rodent experiments, IVA was implemented in clinical practice. There have been multiple recorded live births and ongoing pregnancies. Further investigations are essential to confirm the efficacy and safety of IVA before used widely in clinics.
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  • 27 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Tagetes (Asteraceae)
The genus Tagetes, which includes plants known as ‘marigolds’, belongs to the Asteraceae family and contains more than 50 cultivated and wild species. Marigolds are native to America, but several species are naturalised in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Plants of the genus Tagetes are amongst the most widespread garden flowers worldwide. Marigolds are popular amongst gardeners due to their easy cultivation, wide adaptability, low demands for ecological and technological factors, and flower production throughout the year.
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  • 21 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Chromosome Organization in the Cell Nuclei
The spatial organization of the genome into the cell nucleus plays a central role in controlling several genome functions, such as gene expression and DNA replication timing during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Here we show how chromosomes are organized in the cell nucleus according to the gene density and to the GC-level of the various chromosomal bands, allowing a corrected and coordinated gene expression during cell life. The human genome, such as the genome of the other mammals, is composed by two very different parts: one very gene-dense, replicated at the onset of the S-phase, very GC-rich and the other endowed with opposite features. These two genomic compartments are localized far apart within a chromosome, with regions having intermediate properties located between them. This determines a zig-zag organization of the larger chromosomes, to position the gene-poorest genome compartment at the nuclear periphery and the gene-richest one at the nuclear interior.
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  • 05 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Basic Principles of Bioprocess Monitoring and Viability Determination
Bioprocesses involve multiple steps, including upstream processing, downstream processing and product formulation. Each of these steps must be monitored and regulated precisely, which requires suitable sensors that meet specific demands. Both the process itself and the process monitoring can be arranged differently. Likewise, this applies to the determination of viability, with each method possessing advantages and disadvantages.
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  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
The ABC Model of Happiness
Happiness is a feeling, an immediate experience, not a cognitive construct. It is based on activity in the brain’s neurobiological reward and motivation systems, which have been retained in evolution.
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  • 01 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Crystallization Behavior and Quality of Frozen Meat
Preservation of meat through freezing entails the use of low temperatures to extend a product’s shelf-life, mainly by reducing the rate of microbial spoilage and deterioration reactions. Characteristics of meat that are important to be preserve include tenderness, water holding capacity, color, and flavor. In general, freezing improves meat tenderness, but negatively impacts other quality attributes. The extent to which these attributes are affected depends on the ice crystalline size and distribution, which itself is governed by freezing rate and storage temperature and duration.
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  • 18 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Marine Glycoconjugates
From 2012 to 2016 a special issue was edited in the journal Marine Drugs dedicated to marine glycoconjugates with the idea that from the end of the decade 1980-1990 increasing advances of analytical techniques boosted the field of glycobiology contributing to its growth with better recognition of structures and roles of complex molecules such as saccharides, glycoproteins, glycan, glycolipids, and proteoglycans (all defined as glycoconjugates). Tremendous impact in biomedical and biotechnological applications of glycoconjugates, like in terrestrial counterparts and the addition of more significance to the current –omic revolution toward a possible marine glycocode, generally based the hope of these studies. 
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  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Chitosan Composites
This topic discusses the properties of chitosan, which is synthesized from the biopolymer named chitin. Chitin is available in nature in abundance. Chitosan is a biodegradable polymer with other biological properties like antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The polymer and its derivatives are nonimmunogenic and noninflammatory. Due to their advantages, these polymers have received much attention in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In the present topic, the sources of chitosan and their properties will be discussed in brief.
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  • 29 Oct 2021
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