Topic Review
Brain and Oral Microbiota
There is an oral microbiota of the mouth, a microbiota of the skin that has many subcategories (e.g., the armpits, nose, feet), and gut microbiota, among many others. Disruptions to these different microbiomes are increasingly becoming associated with numerous inflammatory, immune, and nervous system-related diseases by a communication pathway called the microbiome–brain axis.
  • 453
  • 29 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Oral Management of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia
X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is the most common genetic form of rickets and osteomalacia and is characterized by growth retardation, deformities of the lower limbs, and bone and muscular pain. Spontaneous dental abscesses caused by endodontic infections due to dentin dysplasia are well-known dental manifestations. When dentin affected by microcracks or attrition of the enamel is exposed to oral fluids, oral bacteria are able to invade the hypomineralized dentin and pulp space, leading to pulp necrosis, followed by the formation of a periapical gingival abscess. 
  • 452
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Teeth Damage during General Anesthesia
Dental injuries during anesthesia, especially when advanced airway management is required, represent a legal problem. Factors such as poor dental condition and excessive pressure during intubation contribute to dental damage. The maxillary central incisors are commonly affected.
  • 451
  • 01 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Overview of COVID-19-Associated Mucormycosis
Immune-compromised diseases lead to a majority of opportunistic conditions such as oral fungal infections, also known as oral mycosis. Often, the impairment of host resistance leads to the initiation of pathogenic conditions in the oral cavity, and progression through local colonization. The use of immunosuppressive drugs and immunodeficiency upon viral infection, especially in COVID-19 patients, has led to a significant increase in the frequency of oral mycosis globally. 
  • 450
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Magnesium Modified β-Tricalcium Phosphate
Researchers already improved the properties of β-TCP by achieving optimum surface and bulk β-TCP chemical/physical properties through the hydrothermal addition of magnesium (Mg) and to later establish the biocompatibility of β-TCP/Mg for bone grafting and tissue engineering treatments. The present results indicate that the hydrothermal addition of 1.4 wt% MgO to the particle surface of β- TCP particle significantly increased cell proliferation and osteoblastic differentiation in vitro and resulted in more new bone regeneration from histologic and micro-CT evaluation in vivo compared to the β-TCP control particles; altogether, Mg was advantageous to commercial β-TCP bone regeneration.
  • 448
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
No-pain Removal of HPV Lesions in Oral Cavity
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection: verruca vulgaris (VV), squamous cell papilloma (SP), condyloma acuminatum (CA), and multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (MFEH), all of them are a benign hyperplastic exophytic proliferation of the oral epithelium, caused by different HPV genotypes. Subtypes 6 and 11, with a low-oncogenic risk, are the most commonly found and cause CA in both the oral cavity and in the anogenital region. Labial mucosa, soft palate and lingual frenum are the most common locations of CA and koilocytes can be observed in histopathologic sections. All HPV-related oral lesions present clinical similarities, and therefore, a biopsy is necessary for a precise diagnosis.
  • 447
  • 19 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Sarcopenia and Oral Status
Aging is accompanied by profound changes in many physiological functions, leading to a decreased ability to cope with stressors. Many changes are subtle, but can negatively affect nutrient intake, leading to overt malnutrition. Poor oral health may affect food selection and nutrient intake, leading to malnutrition and, consequently, to frailty and sarcopenia. 
  • 446
  • 21 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Dec1 and Dec2
Periodontal inflammation is a common inflammatory disease associated with chronic inflammation that can ultimately lead to alveolar attachment loss and bone destruction. Understanding autophagy and pyroptosis has suggested their significant roles in inflammation. In recent years, studies of differentiated embryo-chondrocyte expressed genes 1 and 2 (Dec1 and Dec2) have shown that they play important functions in autophagy and in pyroptosis, which contribute to the onset of periodontal inflammation. 
  • 445
  • 29 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Hand Hygiene in a Pandemic Context with SARS-CoV-2
Hand hygiene (HH) is the basis of any program for infection control. It's a good predictor of nosocomial infections, especially when the medical staff come in contact with a patient’s oral cavity. HH is a widespread topic among students or practitioners. Aspects regarding HH have been addressed in numerous studies conducted during the pandemic period with SARS-CoV-2.
  • 444
  • 25 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Coronavirus Disease 19 Infection in Dental Practice
Dental professionals and patients are exposed to a high risk of COVID-19 infection, particularly in the prosthodontic practice, because of the bio-aerosol produced during teeth preparation with dental handpieces and the strict contact with oral fluids during impression making. 
  • 444
  • 14 Jul 2022
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