Topic Review
Hydrogen Production in Arctic Region
The development of markets for low-carbon energy sources requires reconsideration of issues related to extraction and use of oil and gas. Significant reserves of hydrocarbons are concentrated in Arctic territories, e.g., 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas reserves and 13% of oil. Associated petroleum gas, natural gas and gas condensate could be able to expand the scope of their applications. Natural gas is the main raw material for the production of hydrogen and ammonia, which are considered promising primary energy resources of the future, the oxidation of which does not release CO2. Complex components contained in associated petroleum gas and gas condensate are valuable chemical raw materials to be used in a wide range of applications.
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  • 17 Apr 2024
Topic Review
January 1938 Geomagnetic Storm
Infobox storm The 25–26 January 1938 geomagnetic storm (also titled the Fátima Storm) was a massive solar storm which occurred 16–26 January with peak activity on 22, 25, and 26 January and was part of the 17th solar cycle. The electrification of Europe and North America was still in its infancy, therefore the light storm could be seen brilliantly. The intensely bright arches of crimson light with shifting spectrum of green, blue-white, and red radiated from a brilliant Auroral Crown near the Zenith instead of appearing as usual in parallel lines. This Aurora is believed by many people, especially those of the Catholic faith, to be related to the Fátima Prophecies (explained below). On January 25–26th, 1938, the sky was lit up with an Aurora Borealis light storm, seen all across the world. The storm was identical to other storm induced, low-latitude aurora borealis. The great Aurora that was witnessed across Europe, the Americas, and Oceania had not been seen/documented in Europe since 1709, and in the Americas since 1888. The storm was remarkable primarily because of how far and wide it was observed, and for the brightness of its green strip lights and red glow, which led many to believe the cause was a fire. Reports collected at the time show that the Aurora was witnessed in the far north of Canada, and spread as far south as Southern California and on Bermuda in the North Atlantic off of the Carolinas. In Europe, the aurora was seen in Northern Scotland, East Austria, in southern Sicily, Gibraltar, and Portugal. This magnificent display of lights was experienced across the world, as reported in different news archives. The lights sent some into panic, as many were awestruck, astonished by the rarity of the experience. Canada experienced the most vivid auroral displays on the nights of January 24–26. In the Netherlands people were awaiting the imminent birth of Princess Juliana's baby Princess Beatrix who was eventually born on 31 January 1938: the Dutch considered the aurora as a lucky omen. In Salzburg, Austria, some residents called on the fire department as they believed something was on fire. Alarm bells were rung into a frenzy that night and the fire departments were constantly sounding new alarms trying to calm the citizens. The loud multitude of ringing further caused panic, causing some residents to flee to more rural areas. The same fright was seen in London where many also believed whole streets were on fire, even the guards of Windsor Castle summoned the fire brigade to put out the said "fire". In Switzerland, the snow-covered peaks of the Swiss Alps were glowing bright and reflecting some of the Auroral rays causing a reflective disco effect. In Descanso, San Diego, the National Forest Service was alerted on the night of January 22nd to respond to a "great fire in the backcountry"; after they checked out the back roads they discovered it was the crimson Aurora Borealis in the northern sky, which had not been seen in that region since February 1888. In Bermuda, many people believed that a massive freight ship was on fire at sea. Steamship captains were calling the wireless stations to learn if there were any S.O.S calls and if they could help. In Scotland, religious individuals living in the lowlands believed the Aurora to be an ill-omen for Scotland. The electrical side effects of the light storm were limited because, at that time, electricity had not been advanced to our modern technological standards. Short-wave radio transmissions were shut down for almost 12 hours in Canada. In England, the signaling equipment line on the Manchester-Sheffield express trains was inoperable due to electrical disturbances. These coal trains were halted in their movement and waited at these junctions for safety reasons. Teletype systems at the New York Western Union offices began to spew out garbage data, suffering electrical shortages.  
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  • 25 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Coastal Assessment and MAM of Sea Level Rise
Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the most pressing challenges of climate change and has drawn noticeable research interest. Factors induced by global climate change, such as temperature increase, have resulted in both direct and indirect changes in sea levels at different spatial scales. Various climatic and non-climatic events contribute to sea level changes, posing risks to coastal and low-lying areas. Nevertheless, changes in sea level are not uniformly distributed globally due to several regional factors such as wave actions, storm surge frequencies, and tectonic land movement. The high exposure to those factors increases the vulnerability of subjected areas to SLR impacts. The impacts of events induced by climate change and SLR are reflected in biophysical, socioeconomic, and environmental aspects. Different indicator-based and model-based approaches are used to assess coastal areas’ vulnerabilities, response to impacts, and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. Various studies have been conducted to project future SLR impacts and evaluate implemented protection and adaptation approaches, aiding policymakers in planning effective adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce damage.
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  • 07 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Antimony as a Critical Raw Material
Antimony is widely acknowledged as a critical raw material of worldwide significance, based on its recognition by many countries. According to current projections, there is an anticipated increase in the demand for antimony in the forthcoming years. An issue of significant concern within the supply chain, which poses a substantial obstacle to sustainable development, is the global unequal allocation of abundant antimony resources. Most nations exhibited a high degree of dependence on a few countries for their net imports of antimony, resulting in a notable disruption and raising concerns regarding the supply chain. 
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  • 23 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Ship Automatic Identification System
The extraction of ship behavior patterns from Automatic Identification System (AIS) data and the subsequent prediction of travel routes play crucial roles in mitigating the risk of ship accidents. This study focuses on the Wuhan section of the dendritic river system in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the partial reticulated river system in the northern part of the Zhejiang Province as its primary investigation areas. Considering the structure and attributes of AIS data, a novel algorithm known as the Combination of DBSCAN and DTW (CDDTW) is introduced to identify regional navigation characteristics of ships. Subsequently, a real-time ship trajectory prediction model (RSTPM) is developed to facilitate real-time ship trajectory predictions. Experimental tests on two distinct types of river sections are conducted to assess the model’s reliability. The results indicate that the RSTPM exhibits superior prediction accuracy when compared to conventional trajectory prediction models, achieving an approximate 20 m prediction accuracy for ship trajectories on inland waterways. This showcases the advancements made by this model.
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  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Mobile Maps Using Eye Tracking
The use of mobile mapping applications is currently one of the most popular methods of navigating in urban spaces. Widespread access to smartphones and a wide range of mobile navigation applications allow each of us quick and easy access to geographic information. Mobile maps, like paper ones, allow the user to browse, search for points of interest and calculate routes, but their significant advantage, as indicated by users, is real-time information about the user’s current position.
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  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Flag Clouds in Mt.Everest
Flag clouds refer to flag-shaped stationary clouds that appear on the windward side of isolated snow-covered peaks under specific terrain conditions. By observing it, we can forecast the local weather.
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  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Small-Scale Rice Processing in Nigeria
Rice processing is an important part of Nigeria’s agricultural sector and has the potential to bring significant value to the country. Rice is a staple food in Nigeria and an important food and calorie source for the population.
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  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Hybrid Solar Dryers
Hybrid solar dryers, by definition, designed and constructed using direct solar energy and a heat exchanger. The products are dried under direct solar radiation and/or backup energy or stored heat when sunlight is not available. These types of dryers are used in single and mixed modes of drying. Several studies have been developed to test different techniques to improve solar dryers, considering the possible use of thermal storage materials, the deep bed drying method, improved solar collector designs and energy hybridization. They can be divided several ways, depending on their construction.
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  • 17 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Supply Chains
Carbon supply chains require a lot of energy during the operation, contributing to an additional environmental impact. In fact, the increased and required energy in terms of fuel consumption per kWh in the presence of carbon dioxide capture is between 24 and 40% for new supercritical pulverized coal plants, 11 and 22% for natural gas combined cycle plants, and 14 and 25% for coal-fired integrated gasification combined cycle systems compared to the respective system without capture plants. To be sure that the considered supply chain reduces carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental impacts a life cycle assessment should be developed optimizing its design with the minimum burden.
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  • 13 Jan 2024
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