Topic Review
Teaching Sustainability in Planning and Design Education
Education for sustainable development (ESD) benefits school improvement and individual students, allowing them to ask critical questions about the status quo, clarify their values, and think systemically. In the fields of planning and design, including urban planning, regional planning, landscape architecture, and urban design, sustainability is vital to address the development dilemmas of environmental protection, urban development, economic activity, and social expectations. Design and planning decisions must consider a wide range of activities representing the goals of preservation, development, economic opportunities, social justice, and many others.
  • 597
  • 23 Aug 2022
Topic Review
History, Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Moisturizers
Moisturizers are one of the most widely used preparations in cosmetics and have been extensively used to soften the skin for consumers. Cosmetically, moisturizers make the skin smooth by the mechanism of increasing the water content in the stratum corneum, hence exerting its most vital action, which is moisturizing action and maintaining a normal skin pH.
  • 3.3K
  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Participation of Marginalised Groups in Climate Change Governance
For many of the world’s poor people, adaptation to climate change is not a choice but a reality. Existing evidence suggests that the poor, particularly those in the developing world, are the most vulnerable to any changes in climate variability and change. Climate change is having devastating impacts on the livelihood-supporting systems of many poor and rural households in South Africa. These changes are not only affecting the biophysical elements of the natural resource base, but they are also greatly compromising the ability of many small-scale farmers, especially women, who, in most cases, lack any form of productive assets to deploy so as to minimise the impacts of climate change.
  • 552
  • 23 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Exposure Routes of Micro and Nanoplastics to Human
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic particles that range from 1 μm to less than 5 mm, while nanoplastics (NPs) are plastic particles smaller than 1 μm. MNPLs are mainly classified in two ways—primary or secondary—taking into account their origin. Primary MNPLs are plastic particles intentionally manufactured to have a small size (1 μm to less than 5 mm), e.g., pellet beads, which are used as raw material for the production of cosmetics, such as toothpastes, exfoliating treatments, body wash, and other personal care products.
  • 551
  • 22 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Particles on Pulmonary Endothelial Cells
Due to particle sizes ranging from the nanometre to the millimetre scale, these particles can be easily inhaled or absorbed by the skin, reaching the cells of the pulmonary alveoli and finally entering the bloodstream, which can lead to health adverse effects. Endothelial cells (ECs) guarantee permeability for the passage of blood, hormone fluids, macromolecules and platelets through arteries, veins, arterioles and venules and controls blood flow and vascular relaxation and constriction. The function of pulmonary endothelial cells (PECs) is not very different from vascular endothelial cells; they regulate blood flow but also control the passage of liquid and macromolecules between the interstitial space, the vessels and the smooth muscle cells.
  • 325
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Map Projections Classification
Many books, textbooks and papers have been published in which the classification of map projections is based on auxiliary (developable) surfaces and projections are divided into conic, cylindrical and azimuthal projections.
  • 1.4K
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Animal Venoms on Human Innate Immunity
Venoms are products of specialized glands and serve many living organisms to immobilize and kill prey, start digestive processes and act as a defense mechanism. Venoms affect different cells, cellular structures and tissues, such as skin, nervous, hematological, digestive, excretory and immune systems, as well as the heart, among other structures. Components of both the innate and adaptive immune systems can be stimulated or suppressed. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against microorganisms and external stimuli; it is nonspecific and is composed of physical barriers, soluble antimicrobial peptides and molecules, effector cells and phagocytes. Studying the effects on the cells and molecules produced by the immune system has been useful in many biomedical fields. The effects of venoms can be the basis for research and development of therapeutic protocols useful in the modulation of the immunological system, including different autoimmune diseases. 
  • 414
  • 10 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Field-Effect Transistor-Based Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring
The precise monitoring of environmental contaminants and agricultural plant stress factors, respectively responsible for damages to our ecosystems and crop losses, has become nowadays a topic of uttermost importance. This is also highlighted by the recent introduction of the so-called "Sustainable Development Goals" of the United Nations, which aim at reducing pollutants while implementing more sustainable food production practices leading to a reduced impact on all ecosystems. In this context, the standard methods currently used in these fields represent a sub-optimal solution, being expensive, laboratory-based techniques, and typically requiring trained personnel with high expertise. Recent advances in both biotechnology and material science, have led to the emergence of new sensing (and biosensing) technologies, enabling low-cost, precise, and real-time detection. An especially interesting category of biosensors is represented by field-effect transistor-based biosensors (bio-FETs), which enable the possibility of performing in-situ, continuous, selective, and sensitive measurements of a wide palette of different parameters of interest. Furthermore, bio-FETs offer the possibility of being fabricated using innovative and sustainable materials, employing various device configurations, each customized for a specific application. In the specific field of environmental and agricultural monitoring, the exploitation of these devices is particularly attractive as it paves the way to early detection and intervention strategies useful to limit, or even to completely avoid negative outcomes (such as diseases to animals or ecosystems losses). 
  • 950
  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity
Remote sensing (RS) enables a cost-effective, extensive, continuous and standardized monitoring of traits and trait variations of geomorphology and its processes, from the local to the continental scale. RS technologies can record geomorphic traits, their diversity and variations, from which the other four geomorphodiversity characteristics are derived. However, compared to in situ measurements, RS approaches can only record certain parts of these geomorphic traits and their variations. This is because capturing geomorphic traits and diversity using RS approaches is limited by various constraints, namely: (1) the characteristics and spatial-temporal distribution of geomorphic traits; (2) the characteristics of geomorphological processes; as well as (3) the RS sensor characteristics, the chosen RS platforms and the characteristics of RS data-processing and classification information. These constraints and limitations define the detectability, feasibility, accuracy, depth of information, repeatability, and, thus, standards disability in monitoring the five geomorphic characteristics using RS approaches.
  • 424
  • 20 May 2022
Topic Review
Mortars of the UNESCO Site of Panamá Viejo
Characterization of the mortars belonging to the UNESCO site of Panamá Viejo is here presented. The monumental site is located in Panama City (Panama) and it represents the first Spanish settlement on the Pacific Coast, founded 500 years ago, in 1519.
  • 445
  • 16 May 2022
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