Topic Review
Institute for Medieval Studies, Leeds
The Institute for Medieval Studies (IMS) at the University of Leeds, founded in 1967, is a leading research and teaching institute in the field of medieval studies. It is home to the International Medieval Bibliography and the International Medieval Congress.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Information Systems in Effective Management of Human Resources
The effective management of human resources (HR) is crucial for the success of any organization, and information systems play a vital role in supporting and enhancing HR functions. Integrating information systems with HR practices has become increasingly important in today's technologically advanced business environment. Information systems are integral to effectively managing human resources by streamlining processes, improving data management and analytics, enhancing recruitment and talent management, enabling employee self-service, ensuring compliance, and supporting remote work. As technology continues to evolve, the role of information systems in HR management is likely to expand and become even more sophisticated.
  • 955
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
In philosophy and theology, infinity is explored in articles under headings such as the Absolute, God, and Zeno's paradoxes. In Greek philosophy, for example in Anaximander, 'the Boundless' is the origin of all that is. He took the beginning or first principle to be an endless, unlimited primordial mass (ἄπειρον, apeiron). The Jain metaphysics and mathematics were the first to define and delineate different "types" of infinities. The work of the mathematician Georg Cantor first placed infinity into a coherent mathematical framework. Keenly aware of his departure from traditional wisdom, Cantor also presented a comprehensive historical and philosophical discussion of infinity. In Christian theology, for example in the work of Duns Scotus, the infinite nature of God invokes a sense of being without constraint, rather than a sense of being unlimited in quantity.
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  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Inedia (Latin for "fasting") or breatharianism /brɛθˈɛəriənɪzəm/ is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism. According to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana, and some practitioners believe that it is possible for a person to survive on sunlight alone. The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy when it is practiced as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet. Breatharianism is considered a deadly pseudoscience by scientists and medical professionals, and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation and dehydration. Though it is common knowledge that biological entities require sustenance to survive, breatharianism continues.
  • 2.4K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Industrial Heritage in Pakistan
Industrial heritage consists of the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural, or scientific value. These remains consist of buildings and machinery, workshops, mills and factories, mines and sites for processing and refining, warehouses and stores, places where energy is generated, transmitted, and used, transport and all its infrastructure, as well as places used for social activities related to the industry, such as housing, religious worship or education. The industrial revolution in Pakistan and the major industrial sites and infrastructure of heritage value, such as seaports and railway infrastructure, can be connected to the British rule of the Indian subcontinent. Unlike industrial sites in the Western world, industrial sites in Pakistan are not recognized as heritage sites and are usually ignored by the authorities. They are not currently considered potential sites for future city redevelopment, and the political instruments to offer new programs for such sites are limited.
  • 2.1K
  • 25 May 2022
Topic Review
Indoor and Outdoor Residential Factors of High-Density Communities
Effective residence planning is crucial to encourage sustainable housing development. Residents in densely populated cities inevitably have negative residential experiences caused by compact land use. Still, this situation is improvable through optimizing the physical environment or increasing service facilities that cater to dwellers’ residential preferences.
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  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
The principle of individuation, or principium individuationis, describes the manner in which a thing is identified as distinguished from other things. The concept appears in numerous fields and is encountered in works of Carl Gustav Jung, Gilbert Simondon, Alan Watts, Bernard Stiegler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, David Bohm, Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, and Manuel De Landa.
  • 3.0K
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Individualist Anarchism in France
Individualist anarchism in France has developed a line of thought that starts from the pioneering activism and writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Anselme Bellegarrigue in the mid-19th century. In the early 20th century, it produced publications such as L'En-Dehors, L'Anarchie and around its principles it found writers and activists such as Émile Armand, Han Ryner, Henri Zisly, Albert Libertad and Zo d'Axa. In the post-war years, there appeared the publication L'Unique and activist writers such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps. In contemporary times, it has found a new expression in the writings of the prolific philosopher Michel Onfray. Individualist anarchism is a group of several traditions of thought within the anarchist movement that emphasize the individual and his or her will over external determinants such as groups, society, traditions and ideological systems. French individualist anarchism was characterized by an eclectic set of currents of thought and practices which included anti-militarism, freelove, freethought, illegalism and naturism. While most American individualist anarchists advocates mutualism, a libertarian socialist from of market socialism, or a free-market socialist form of classical economics, European individualist anarchists are pluralists who advocate anarchism without adjectives and synthesis anarchism, ranging from anarcho-communist to mutualist economic types.
  • 2.2K
  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Indigenous Aryans
Indigenous Aryans, also known as the Out of India theory (OIT), is the idea that the Aryans are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, and that the Indo-European languages radiated out from a homeland in India into their present locations. Reflecting traditional Indian views based on the Puranic chronology, the indigenist view proposes an older date than is generally accepted for the Vedic period, and argues that the Indus Valley Civilization was a Vedic civilization. In this view, "the Indian civilization must be viewed as an unbroken tradition that goes back to the earliest period of the Sindhu-Sarasvati (or Indus) tradition (7000 or 8000 BCE)." It is presented as an alternative to the established migration model, which proposes the Pontic steppe as the area of origin of the Indo-European languages. The proposal is based on traditional and religious views on Indian history and identity, and plays a signifcant role in Hindutva politics. Support for this idea mostly exists among Indian scholars of Hindu religion and the history and archaeology of India, and has no support in mainstream scholarship.
  • 6.3K
  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Indeterminacy, in philosophy, can refer both to common scientific and mathematical concepts of uncertainty and their implications and to another kind of indeterminacy deriving from the nature of definition or meaning. It is related to deconstructionism and to Nietzsche's criticism of the Kantian noumenon.
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  • 30 Nov 2022
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