Topic Review
Narcissistic Triangulation
Triangulation is a term most closely associated with the work of Murray Bowen called Family Theory. Bowen theorized that a two-person emotional system is unstable, in that under stress it forms itself into a three-person system or triangle.
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  • 17 Nov 2022
Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tūsī (Persian: محمد ابن محمد ابن حسن طوسی‎ 18 February 1201 – 26 June 1274), better known as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (Persian: نصیر الدین طوسی‎; or simply Tusi /ˈtuːsi/[1] in the West), was a Persian polymath, architect, philosopher, physician, scientist, and theologian.[2] Nasir al-Din al-Tusi was a well published a
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Natalia Kryvda
Natalia Kryvda (Ukrainian: Наталія Юріївна Кривда; 25 July 1966, Kyiv) is a Ukrainian philosopher and public intellectual, Ph.D., professor at the department of Ukrainian philosophy and culture at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.[1] She is also an academic director of MBA programs at Edinburgh Business School at House of Knowledge.[2] Her sizeable body of work in
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  • 09 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Nature has two inter-related meanings in philosophy and natural philosophy. On the one hand, it means the set of all things which are natural, or subject to the normal working of the laws of nature. On the other hand, it means the essential properties and causes of individual things. How to understand the meaning and significance of nature has been a consistent theme of discussion within the history of Western Civilization, in the philosophical fields of metaphysics and epistemology, as well as in theology and science. The study of natural things and the regular laws which seem to govern them, as opposed to discussion about what it means to be natural, is the area of natural science. The word "nature" derives from Latin nātūra, a philosophical term derived from the verb for birth, which was used as a translation for the earlier (pre-Socratic) Greek term phusis, derived from the verb for natural growth. Already in classical times, philosophical use of these words combined two related meanings which have in common that they refer to the way in which things happen by themselves, "naturally", without "interference" from human deliberation, divine intervention, or anything outside what is considered normal for the natural things being considered. Understandings of nature depend on the subject and age of the work where they appear. For example, Aristotle's explanation of natural properties differs from what is meant by natural properties in modern philosophical and scientific works, which can also differ from other scientific and conventional usage. Stoicism encourages practitioners to live in accordance with nature. Pyrrhonism encourages practitioners to use the guidance of nature in decision making.
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  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
In the Hebrew Bible, a nazirite or nazarite is one who voluntarily took a vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. "Nazarite" comes from the Hebrew word נזיר nazir meaning "consecrated" or "separated". This vow required the person to: After following these requirements for a designated interval (which would be specified in the individual's vow), the person would immerse in a mikveh and make three offerings: a lamb as a burnt offering (olah), a ewe as a sin-offering (hatat), and a ram as a peace offering (shelamim), in addition to a basket of unleavened bread, grain offerings and drink offerings, which accompanied the peace offering. They would also shave their head in the outer courtyard of the Jerusalem Temple and then place the hair on the same fire as the peace offering. (Numbers 6:18) The nazirite is described as being "holy unto YHWH" (Numbers 6:8), yet at the same time must bring a sin offering. This has led to divergent approaches to the nazirite in the Talmud, and later authorities, with some viewing the nazirite as an ideal, and others viewing him as a sinner.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
NDT Methodology for Copper-Based Artifacts
The great archaeological and artistic value of historic copper-based artifacts from various archaeological sites of Greece results in the restriction or even the prohibition of sampling, settling the need for the employment of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. X-ray fluorescence (XRF), fiber optics diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (FORS) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray detector (ESEM-EDX).
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  • 06 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Necessity of VEDAS and UPANISHADS at schools
It can be claimed that research in the VEDAS and UPANISHADS, though unfoundedly projected as religious scriptures of Hinduism, actually contains deep reservoirs of knowledge related to science, history, morality, and philosophy. Going deeper into it, we would find that under its vast legacy, these texts contain a deep reservoir of knowledge. This piece warms up to the fact that these texts should be incorporated in the modern education curricula since they have the potential to impart all such essential life skills and wisdom.
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  • 03 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Neck (Water Spirit)
The neck, nicor, nokk, nix, nixie, nixy, or nokken (German: Nixe; Dutch: nikker, nekker; Danish: nøkke; Norwegian: nøkken; Swedish: näck; Faroese: nykur; Finnish: näkki; Estonian: näkk) are shapeshifting water spirits in Germanic mythology and folklore who usually appeared in the form of other creatures. Under a variety of names, they were common to the stories of all Germanic peoples, although they are perhaps best known from Scandinavian folklore. The related English knucker was generally depicted as a wyrm or dragon, although more recent versions depict the spirits in other forms. Their sex, bynames, and various transformations vary geographically. The German Nix and his Scandinavian counterparts were male. The German Nixe was a female river mermaid.
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  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Nederlands Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap
The Nederlands-Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap (English: Dutch Israelite Religious Community) (NIK) is the umbrella organisation for most Jewish communities in the Netherlands, and is Orthodox in nature, while to be described as traditional in outlook. The expression Orthodox, is for the Dutch situation at least, of a later date than the existence of the congregations that make up the NIK and the NIK itself. The Rabbi of the NIK is Rabbi Dr. Raphael Evers. On total, the NIK has some 20 rabbis actively working in 36 congregations throughout the country, serving some 5,000 Jews.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Neo (Constructed Language)
Neo is a constructed international auxiliary language created by Arturo Alfandari, a Belgian diplomat of Italian descent. The language combines features of Esperanto, Ido, Novial and Volapük. The root base of the language and grammar (in contrast to that of Esperanto and Ido) are closely related to that of the French language, with some English influences.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
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