Topic Review
Shared Residential Landscapes
This paper uses the concept of urban commons to develop a conceptual framework to inform the design and management of shared residential landscapes in the UK. The framework is founded on an exploration of the implications of applying the traditional ‘commons’ idea within the urban context. Urban spatial concepts and theories, such as informal urbanism, territory, placekeeping and partnerships, are drawn upon to build these implication into a framework that provides a new urban, spatial and place perspective on the urban commons concept. In addressing the urban implications for commons through spatial theories, four preliminary concepts are developed. These include; 1) the emergent common mindset in a complex-adaptive assemblage, 2) a spatial arrangement that reflects a shared territorial perception of ‘ours’, 3) opportunities for adaption and occupation of space as placemaking and 4) the reorientation of professional roles in delivering urban commons. The framework creates a foundation for further research on the design and long-term management of shared residential landscapes as urban commons to benefit the everyday social lives of residential communities.
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  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Portraits of the Historical Jesus
Portraits of the historical Jesus refers to the various biographies of Jesus that have been constructed in the three separate scholarly quests for the historical Jesus that have taken place in the past two centuries, each with distinct characteristics and developing new and different research criteria. The portraits of Jesus that have been constructed in these processes have often differed from each other, and from the dogmatic image portrayed in the gospel accounts. These portraits include that of Jesus as an apocalyptic prophet, charismatic healer, Cynic philosopher, Jewish Messiah and prophet of social change, but there is little scholarly agreement on a single portrait, or the methods needed to construct it. There are, however, overlapping attributes among the various portraits, and scholars who differ on some attributes may agree on others. By the 21st century scholars began to focus on what is historically probable and plausible about Jesus.
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  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
New Research Topics of Asian Religions
This entry opens up a discussion on new research ideas of Asian religions for the contemporary world. 
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  • 12 Apr 2023
Topic Review
In the Hebrew Bible, a nazirite or nazarite is one who voluntarily took a vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. "Nazarite" comes from the Hebrew word נזיר nazir meaning "consecrated" or "separated". This vow required the person to: After following these requirements for a designated interval (which would be specified in the individual's vow), the person would immerse in a mikveh and make three offerings: a lamb as a burnt offering (olah), a ewe as a sin-offering (hatat), and a ram as a peace offering (shelamim), in addition to a basket of unleavened bread, grain offerings and drink offerings, which accompanied the peace offering. They would also shave their head in the outer courtyard of the Jerusalem Temple and then place the hair on the same fire as the peace offering. (Numbers 6:18) The nazirite is described as being "holy unto YHWH" (Numbers 6:8), yet at the same time must bring a sin offering. This has led to divergent approaches to the nazirite in the Talmud, and later authorities, with some viewing the nazirite as an ideal, and others viewing him as a sinner.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Dhammakaya Meditation
Dhammakaya meditation is a method of Buddhist meditation developed and taught by the Thai meditation teacher Luang Pu Sodh Candasaro (1885–1959).[note 1] In Thailand, it is known as vijjā dhammakāya, which translates as 'knowledge of the body of truth'. It is the meditation tradition that is at the center of the Dhammakaya Movement. The Dhammakaya meditation method has become very popular in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia, and has been described as a revival of samatha (tranquility) meditation in Thailand. The method was discovered by Luang Pu Sodh in the 1910s. Followers of the Dhammakaya Movement believe the method was the same as the original method the Buddha used to attain enlightenment. According to Luang Pu Sodh, the Dhammakāya, the core concept of the tradition, can be found within every human being. The most important aspect of the meditation method is the focus on the center of the body. As of 2008, there was still scholarly debate as to the origins of Dhammakaya meditation. Scholars refer to the Yogavacara tradition as a possible source, or that the method might be new or partly new. Dhammakaya meditation is taught at several temples of the movement, and consists of a stage of samatha (tranquility) and vipassana (insight), following the structure of the Visuddhimagga, a standard fifth-century Theravāda guide about meditation. In the method, the stages are described in terms of inner bodies (Pali: kāya), but also in terms of meditative absorptions (Pali: jhānas). Dhammakaya meditation has been the subject of considerable discussion among Buddhists as to its authenticity and efficacy, and also has been the subject of several scientific studies.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Afrikaans Folklore
Learners of Afrikaans as an additional language could be enabled to respond to aesthetical, emotional, cultural and social values. Through the use of Afrikaans folklore teachers can focus on developing the learners' ability to behave with cultural and aesthetic sensitivity in different social contexts. Afrikaans examples of folklore are mentioned and discussed briefly to include stories with humour, magic, the transmission of social and cultural values and traditions, ecological meaning, idiomatic expressions, praise poems, ogre characters and stereotypes. By means of a well-known background and/or context of a text, learners of Afrikaans as an additional language can become aware of the aesthetic range of the target language; they can become acquainted with the depth and content of meaning implied in the text. If a text is understood, the reader becomes personally involved and this, in itself, can lead the reader to interact creatively with the text - from the mechanical aspect of the language system to the analytical aspect - where s/he can participate in the story. The learner can thus discover how the events unfold, s/he can share the characters' emotional experiences and communicate their personal responses. Herein lies the relevance of a good reading text (despite the origin) - because the reader inhabits the text and in the process the language becomes transparent.
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  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Pointing-Out Instruction
The pointing-out instruction (ngo sprod) is the direct introduction to the nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist lineages of Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen. In these traditions, a "root guru" gives the "pointing-out instruction" in such a way that the disciple successfully recognizes the nature of mind. The tradition of conferring such instructions outside the context of formal empowerment (Sanskrit: abhiṣeka) is unique to the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages. Whether or not such instructions are valid without the formal empowerment has historically been a point of contention with the more conservative Gelug and Sakya lineages. The pointing-out instruction is often equated with the fourth formal vajrayana empowerment.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Towards A Comprehensive Model of Placemaking Strategy
The title deals with one of the most important issues of the current era after the fragmentation that occurred in urban design and the emergence of many dead places devoid of human presence. Its importance comes in forming a base, a checklist for the development of one of the most important components of the city, (the street), especially the commercial streets, which provide two functions at the same time. A street for movement, linking the city and meeting people's daily needs. Placemaking is an essential and promising step in creating a livable environment. The title deals with a systematic process for converting the vocabulary of previous studies into standards. The theoretical base is comprehensive for all the details of the commercial street. And by reviewing the literature, an integrated set of placemaking steps was identified as a basis for evaluating the commercial street. Accordingly, a theoretical list of dimensions was formed, and then a practical framework for placemaking strategies to form the basis for measuring livability in the commercial street. The higher the level of applying the steps of placemaking, the more livability the street. This is a summary of what the title says
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  • 24 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Irish Folklore
Irish folklore (Irish: béaloideas) refers to the folktales, balladry, music, dance, and so forth, ultimately, all of folk culture. Irish folklore, when mentioned to many people, conjures up images of banshees, fairy stories, leprechauns and people gathering around, sharing stories. Many tales and legends were passed from generations to generations, so were the dances and song in the observing of important occasions such as weddings, wakes, birthday and holidays or, or handcraft traditions. All of the above can be considered as a part of folklore, as it is the study and appreciation of how people lived.
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  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Picrolite Raw Material on Cyprus
Picrolite is a soft, green massive, banded or crudely fibrous metamorphic rock with a hardness of 3.5, a waxy feel and a conchoidal to subconchoidal fracture (massive), whilst crudely fibrous varieties splinter easily. Picrolite artefacts comprise some of the most distinctive material remains in the prehistory of the island of Cyprus, in the Eastern Mediterranean. Picrolite exploitation dates from at least 12,000 years ago for the manufacture of personal ornaments and items with a symbolic function.
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  • 21 Apr 2022
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