Topic Review
Anglophone Problem (Cameroon)
The Anglophone Problem, as it is commonly referred to in Cameroon, is a socio-political issue rooted in Cameroon's colonial legacies from the Germans, British, and the French. The issue classically and principally opposes many Cameroonians from the Northwest and Southwest regions, many of whom consider themselves anglophones, to the Cameroon government. This is based on the fact that these two regions (formally British Southern Cameroons) were controlled by Britain as a mandated and trust territory of the League of Nations and the United Nations respectively."
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Students’ Perceived EFL Teacher Support on Academic Achievement
Recent studies have shown the crucial role of students’ perceived English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher support in their academic learning within their immediate social environments. Nevertheless, little is known about the intricate links among dimensions of perceived EFL teacher support and academic achievement as well as the mediating function of personalities (e.g., academic buoyancy). To close these gaps, a quantitative approach was used to examine the effects of particular dimensions of students’ perceived EFL teacher support (i.e., academic, emotional, and instrumental support) on educational outcomes.
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  • 17 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Accreditation Systems in Higher Education
Accreditation in higher education is a key process that attempts to ensure the quality of institutions and their respective programs.
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  • 30 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Exploring Sign System Design for a Medical Facility
The National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) is a significant institution in modern medicine in Taiwan. Its West Campus, the oldest medical center in the country, has been recognized as a municipal historic site due to its architectural and historical importance. However, visitors have faced navigation difficulties for a long time.
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  • 20 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The "Vimana" is one such concept in ancient Indian texts that has been in the spotlight of most scholars, historians, and enthusiasts of ancient technology. Indeed, Vimanas, as they are described in Hindu epics or Vedic literature, flying machines or celestial chariots have amazed many a knowledgeable intellect, and some even go to the extent of citing them as evidence for advanced knowledge in aeronautical science in ancient India.
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  • 21 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Chapter and Conventual Mass
As currently used, the terms Chapter Mass (for chapters of canons) and Conventual Mass (for most other houses of religious) refer to the Mass celebrated by and for a community of priests or for a community of priests and brothers or sisters. Such Masses are normally concelebrated by most or all of the priests in a house in the case of a house of an order or other religious community that includes priests. The conventual Mass is therefore the daily "community Mass" for a local religious family – whether a convent, monastery or other house. It is normally linked with the Liturgy of the Hours, at which the community gathers to worship as a body: there are special norms in the rubrics for combining any one of the hours of the Divine Office with the celebration of Mass. The Mass and Office celebrated are those of the day, according to the rubrics and ordo of the order or house. The modern concept of the conventual Mass is laid out in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Site Sesselfelsgrotte
Both the nature and the scope of fire use by Neanderthals in Europe are often debated, as some scholars advocate limited use, without the capability to produce fire at will and with full reliance on natural fire occurrences, while others suggest advanced use, including fire-production knowledge and the application of pyrotechnologies. 
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  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Blockchain Payment Services in the Hospitality Sector
Blockchain technology has the potential to completely transform the hospitality sector by offering a safe, open, and effective method of payment. Increased customer utilisation efficiency may result from this.
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  • 15 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Image Annotations in Cultural Heritage Platforms
Cultural heritage is one of many fields that has seen a significant digital transformation in the form of digitization and asset annotations for heritage preservation, inheritance, and dissemination. However, a lack of accurate and descriptive metadata in this field has an impact on the usability and discoverability of digital content, affecting cultural heritage platform visitors and resulting in an unsatisfactory user experience as well as limiting processing capabilities to add new functionalities. Cultural heritage institutions were responsible for providing metadata for their collection items with the help of professionals, which is expensive and requires significant effort and time. In this sense, crowdsourcing can play a significant role in digital transformation or massive data processing, which can be useful for leveraging the crowd and enriching the metadata quality of digital cultural content.
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  • 20 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Rae–Richardson Arctic Expedition
The Rae–Richardson Polar Expedition of 1848 was an early British effort to determine the fate of the lost Franklin Polar Expedition. Led overland by Sir John Richardson and John Rae, the team explored the accessible areas along Franklin's proposed route near the Mackenzie and Coppermine rivers. Although no direct contact with Franklin's forces was achieved, Rae later interviewed the Inuit of the region and obtained credible accounts that the desperate remnants of Franklin's team had resorted to cannibalism. This revelation was so unpopular that Rae was effectively shunned by the British Admiralty and popular opinion, and the search for Franklin continued for several years.
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  • 30 Sep 2022
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