Topic Review
Sustainable Development Suitability in Linear Cultural Heritage
Heritage area development assessments can increase public and government knowledge of the state of heritage areas and aid decision makers in formulating sensible policies or plans to protect and develop heritage areas. The valley is the spatial model of mountain economic development proposed on the basis of a basin combined with the ecological protection, rural development, and cultural inheritance present in mountainous areas.
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  • 11 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Barriers to Attracting and Retaining Female Construction Graduates
Ongoing debates exist about making career decisions and increasing women’s representation in male-dominated professions. This is because countless efforts to increase this status quo across various sectors face different barriers.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Born in Translation and Iteration
João Delgado’s poetry first appeared as an anthology of translated poetry in He’arat Shulaym Issue 1, published in November 2001 in Jerusalem by the artist collective Sala-Manca. The entire issue was devoted to João Delgado. Delgado was a Portuguese-Argentinean poet, born in Lisbon circa 1920 (or not), who left Portugal as a political refugee for Buenos Aires. He disappeared in 1976 during the military dictatorship in Argentina (1976–1983). Since 1976, there has been no trace of his fate, although new fragments of his work are constantly being discovered, translated, and published by the Sala-Manca group.
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  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Analysis of Ancient Bones
The analysis of bone microstructure and histological examination currently provides valuable insights into various facets of bone biology, ancient human existence, and bone-related diseases.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Great Figures for Article
Figures in scientific articles transcend mere visuals; they are dynamic tools for conveying complex information. This entry explores the essence of great scientific figures. Beyond illustrating data, they clarify, engage, and enhance the research narrative. Effective figures prioritize clarity, employ best data visualization practices, embrace aesthetics, and contribute to the overarching research story. Accessibility and inclusivity are paramount. These visual companions not only elucidate but also persuade, bridging the gap between textual exposition and abstract data. By mastering the art and science of crafting exceptional figures, researchers can enrich the scholarly discourse, fostering understanding and dissemination of their discoveries.
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  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
First Universalist Church (Atlanta, Georgia)
The First Universalist Church of Atlanta, organized in 1895, re-established a Universalist presence in Atlanta, Georgia. Initial missionary efforts in 1879 were short-lived and failed to establish a permanent presence in the city. With the explicit assistance the Young People's Christian Union, this second missionary effort enabled the Universalists to sustain their presence and construct a church building on East Harris in 1900. The Universalists occupied the church until 1918 when they merged with Atlanta's Unitarians. The combined churches selected the Unitarian church on West Peachtree Street as their collective home. The combined church known by several names over the next three decades collapsed in 1951.
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Catholic Theology of Scripture
The theology of Scripture in the Roman Catholic church has evolved much since the Second Vatican Council of Catholic Bishops ("Vatican II", 1962-1965). This article explains the theology (or understanding) of Scripture that has come to dominate in the Catholic Church today. It focuses on the Church’s response to various areas of study into the original meaning of texts.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Essays and Reviews
Essays and Reviews, edited by John William Parker, published in March 1860, is a broad-church volume of seven essays on Christianity. The topics covered the biblical research of the German critics, the evidence for Christianity, religious thought in England, and the cosmology of Genesis. Essays and Reviews was a popular book title in the 19th century and there are many similar books available, but none made the same impact.
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  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Spatial Relations between the Theatre and Its Surroundings
Theater as a place, but also as a field of human and team activity involving the creation of performances performed in the presence of the viewer, has a centuries-old history. Among different hybrid cultural spaces, theaters have a distinct role linked to their complex functional and technological structure, urban, social, and even ideological function.
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  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life
Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophical Inquiry is a 1984 book by Albert Borgmann (born 1937), an American philosopher, specializing in the philosophy of technology. Borgmann was born in Freiburg, Germany, and is a professor of philosophy at the University of Montana. Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life contributed to the emerging philosophical discussions of issues surrounding modern technology. Following a Heideggerian viewpoint, Borgmann introduced the notion of the device paradigm to explain what constitutes technology's essence, loosely based on Heidegger's notion of Gestell (enframing). The book explores the limitations of conventional ways of thinking about technology and its social context, both liberal democratic ideals, and Marxist lines of thought, concluding with a call for the reform of technology and the device paradigm via what he calls focal things and practices.
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  • 05 Nov 2022
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