Topic Review
Floating Photovoltaic Systems
Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) system is a solution which employ PV panels in a cooler environment, achieve higher efficiency, and reduce water evaporation. FPV systems open up new opportunities for scaling up solar generating capacity, especially in countries with high population density and valuable lands, as well as countries with high evaporation rates and water resources deficiency.
  • 504
  • 28 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Floating Photovoltaics
Floating photovoltaics (FPV) addresses this issue by installing solar photovoltaics (PV) on bodies of water. Globally, installed FPV is increasing and becoming a viable option for many countries. 
  • 807
  • 18 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Flood Prediction Using ML Models
Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, which are highly complex to model. The research on the advancement of flood prediction models contributed to risk reduction, policy suggestion, minimization of the loss of human life, and reduction of the property damage associated with floods. To mimic the complex mathematical expressions of physical processes of floods, during the past two decades, machine learning (ML) methods contributed highly in the advancement of prediction systems providing better performance and cost-effective solutions. Due to the vast benefits and potential of ML, its popularity dramatically increased among hydrologists.Researchers through introducing novel ML methods and hybridizing of the existing ones aim at discovering more accurate and efficient prediction models. The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the state of the art of ML models in flood prediction and to give insight into the most suitable models. In this paper, the literature where ML models were benchmarked through a qualitative analysis of robustness, accuracy, effectiveness, and speed are particularly investigated to provide an extensive overview on the various ML algorithms used in the field. The performance comparison of ML models presents an in-depth understanding of the different techniques within the framework of a comprehensive evaluation and discussion. As a result, this paper introduces the most promising prediction methods for both long-term and short-term floods. Furthermore, the major trends in improving the quality of flood prediction models are investigated. Among them, hybridization, data decomposition, algorithm ensemble, and model optimization are reported as the most effective strategies for the improvement of ML methods. This survey can be used as a guideline for hydrologists as well as climate scientists in choosing the proper ML method according to the prediction task.
  • 11.6K
  • 04 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Flood Segmentation in Post-Disaster High Resolution Aerial Images
Floods are the most frequent natural disasters, occurring almost every year around the globe. To mitigate the damage caused by a flood, it is important to timely assess the magnitude of the damage and efficiently conduct rescue operations, deploy security personnel and allocate resources to the affected areas. To efficiently respond to the natural disaster, it is very crucial to swiftly obtain accurate information, which is hard to obtain during a post-flood crisis. Generally, high resolution satellite images are predominantly used to obtain post-disaster information. Deep learning models have achieved superior performance in extracting high-level semantic information from satellite images. 
  • 149
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Flow Experiments of CO2 in Complex Pore Structures
To prevent CO2 leakage and ensure the safety of long-term CO2 storage, it is essential to investigate the flow mechanism of CO2 in complex pore structures at the pore scale. 
  • 263
  • 12 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Flower Strips
Wildflower strips, a semi-natural manmade habitat comprising mixtures of native herbaceous species, can be sown on arable field margins to provide multiple ecological, agricultural and conservation benefits. The main aim of creating flower strips is to enrich the fauna of farmland with the species that are beneficial in terms of the agricultural economy: animals that limit the population density of pests (e.g., parasitic insects, including parasitoids, predatory insects and spiders and birds) and pollinators (insects that feed on pollen or nectar), including those with economic significance. For this reason, flower strips should be included in agri-environmental programs to enhance sustainable plant production and the biodiversity of pollinators on farmland or natural aphid enemies. Flower strips are thus increasingly frequently promoted in environmental programmes, and financial support is being implemented as an additional business incentive.
  • 1.2K
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
A flownet is a graphical representation of two-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow through aquifers. Construction of a flownet is often used for solving groundwater flow problems where the geometry makes analytical solutions impractical. The method is often used in civil engineering, hydrogeology or soil mechanics as a first check for problems of flow under hydraulic structures like dams or sheet pile walls. As such, a grid obtained by drawing a series of equipotential lines is called a flownet. The flownet is an important tool in analysing two-dimensional irrotational flow problems. Flow net technique is a graphical representation method.
  • 709
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) are used for various applications, such as in refrigeration and air conditioning, as substitutes of the ozone-depleting substances. Their utilization has increased drastically over the last few decades, with serious consequences for global warming. The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and several national and international legislations, such as the 2014 EU F-gas Regulation, aim to control the utilization and emissions of these gases. In the EU, the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) is underway, with successive reductions in quotas up to 2050. Under this scenario, efficient strategies for managing the produced and already existing F-gases are of vital importance to guarantee that their effect on the environment is mitigated. Up to now, most of the F-gases recovered from end-of-life equipment or when retrofitting systems are either released into the atmosphere or destroyed. However, in order to put forward a cost-efficient adaptation to the F-gas phase-down, increasing separation and recycling efforts must be made.
  • 982
  • 24 May 2021
Topic Review
FluxNet is a global network of micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. Fluxnet is a global 'network of regional networks' that serves to provide an infrastructure to compile, archive and distribute data for the scientific community. It works to ensure that different flux networks are calibrated to facilitate comparison between sites, and it provides a forum for the distribution of knowledge and data between scientists. As of April 2014, there are over 683 tower sites in continuous long-term operation. Researchers also collect data on site vegetation, soil, trace gas fluxes, hydrology, and meteorological characteristics at the tower sites.
  • 501
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Foams in Wastewater Treatment Plants
The formation of persistent foams can be a critical problem in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as it could lead to a series of operational problems, especially the reduction of the overall system performance. To date, the effects of foaming in the WWTPs are a problem that is currently very common and shared, but which to date is treated mainly only at the management level and still too little studied through a globally shared scientific method: the complexity of the phenomenon and the systems have led to numerous partially contradictory descriptions and hypotheses over the years. The goal must be to suggest future research directions and indicate promising strategies to prevent or control the formation of foams in WWTPs. This study examines and investigates the problem of foams by a methodological approach of research through a review on the state of the art: the factors influencing the formation of foams are described first (such as surfactants and/or extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs)), then the known methods for the evaluation of foaming, both direct and indirect, are presented, with the aim of identifying the correct and best (from the management point of view) control and/or prevention strategies to be applied in the future in WWTPs.
  • 1.7K
  • 28 Oct 2020
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