Topic Review
Renewable Power and Heat for the Decarbonisation
Renewable energy (RE) solutions have been classified into technologies based on the use of renewable electricity and those used to produce heat for multiple industrial processes. Electrification will be key thanks to the gradual decrease in renewable power prices and the conversion of natural-gas-dependent processes. Industrial processes that are not eligible for electrification will still need a form of renewable heat. Among them, the following have been identified: concentrating solar power, heat pumps, and geothermal energy. These can supply a broad range of needed temperatures. Biomass will be a key element not only in the decarbonisation of conventional combustion systems but also as a biofuel feedstock. Biomethane and green hydrogen are considered essential. Biomethane can allow a straightforward transition from fossil-based natural gas to renewable gas. Green hydrogen production technologies will be required to increase their maturity and availability in Europe (EU). Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs)’ decarbonisation will occur through the progressive use of an energy mix that allows EU industrial sectors to remain competitive on a global scale. Each industrial sector will require specific renewable energy solutions, especially the top greenhouse gas-emitting industries. 
  • 464
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Renewable-Based Solar Energy of Cyprus and Saudi Arabia
The use of solar energy as an alternative source of energy is a natural reflection of technological progress to meet the growing needs of modern life applications. Since solar energy is a relatively new scientific field, specialized research centers have been established to conduct theoretical and applied experiments and to employ the various available resources in order to achieve the desired goal of renewable energy sources in their various uses.
  • 292
  • 10 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Repeated Plant Debris Reutilization as Organic Amendment
Greenhouse agriculture typically generates large amounts of waste with plant residue (agricultural biomass) being the most abundant. This residue is generated on a seasonal basis, which complicates the external management of the material. Recently, the European Union (EU) has been implementing a policy based on sustainability through the circular economy that seeks to minimize waste generation. The effect of reusing 3.5 kg·m-2 tomato plants from the previous season as the only fertilizer versus no fertilization and inorganic fertilization in 215-day tomato cycles after transplanting was studied in this trial. The study was carried out during three seasons in greenhouse agriculture in Almeria (Spain) with the repeated use of the solarization technique. The plant debris had similar production results during two of the three seasons and fruit quality parameters were similar to inorganic fertilization. In addition, some physicochemical variables improved and the biological depressive effect of solarization was mitigated. The results suggest that the reuse of the tomato plant debris as the only fertilizer could be an alternative to conventional fertilization under the conditions tested. 
  • 655
  • 22 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Requirement on Mapping High-Resolution Urban Impervious Surfaces
Urban impervious surface (UIS) refers to a land surface paved with impervious or low permeability materials within the urban development boundary. UIS generally consists of materials such as tile, impervious asphalt, and impervious concrete. It typically includes buildings, structures, impervious roads, plazas, parking lots, etc. UIS is a key parameter in climate change, environmental change, and sustainability. High-resolution impervious surface mapping is a long-term need. There is an urgent requirement for impervious surface mapping from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. High-resolution images can capture details and spatial relationships among different objects, gradually becoming an important data source for fine-grained urban impervious surface extraction.
  • 331
  • 23 May 2023
Topic Review
Requirements for Irrigation Water
Access to and the use of irrigation water of adequate quality and targeted nutrient supplementation have become more widespread. Both crop quality and the irrigation system lifetime are affected by the quality of the water used for irrigation.
  • 183
  • 12 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Research Directions Toward Carbon-Neutral Concrete
Carbon storage has become a key aspect of dealing with greenhouse gases such as CO2. Currently, many solutions are being explored to reduce the greenhouse effect caused by CO2, with one being carbon capture and storage. In view of this, there is a need to develop higher-density, highly permanent forms of carbon storage, to reduce the volume required for storing captured CO2. 
  • 626
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Research Trends of Land Use Planning
Land use planning studies are accumulating in unprecedented quantities, and have created a wide space for an extensive summary, the synthesis of fundamental developments, a sharpening of the focus of future study issues, and the dissemination of concise information among the academic community and the policy making environment.
  • 416
  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Research Trends of Transformative Resilience
Transformational resilience is at the forefront of academic and policy initiatives on sustainable development, climate adaptation, and disaster risk reduction as a result of successive and complex changes in global dynamics. The concept has developed primarily around four key presentive domains: vulnerability and climate change adaptation, urban and regional disaster resilience, sustainability management and institutional transformation, and COVID-19. While priorities and subjects of research have evolved over time, key concepts such as resilience, adaptation, and climate change have recurred. Influential authors and documents from three interrelated resilience schools, including sustainable development, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction, have shaped the field’s intellectual foundations. 
  • 555
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Reservoir Modeling
In the oil and gas industry, reservoir modeling involves the construction of a computer model of a petroleum reservoir, for the purposes of improving estimation of reserves and making decisions regarding the development of the field, predicting future production, placing additional wells, and evaluating alternative reservoir management scenarios. A reservoir model represents the physical space of the reservoir by an array of discrete cells, delineated by a grid which may be regular or irregular. The array of cells is usually three-dimensional, although 1D and 2D models are sometimes used. Values for attributes such as porosity, permeability and water saturation are associated with each cell. The value of each attribute is implicitly deemed to apply uniformly throughout the volume of the reservoir represented by the cell.
  • 648
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Resilient Renewable Energy: Strategies During Supply Chain Disruptions
Maintaining progress on greenhouse gas reduction goals is crucial even during supply chain disruptions, as these disruptions can significantly impact the availability of critical components and materials, thereby affecting project timelines and financial performance. Strategies to comply with these goals include prioritizing investments in research and development (R&D) to enhance resilience and efficiency, fostering long-term partnerships with suppliers to ensure priority access to necessary resources, and expanding the development of bioenergy companies that rely on locally or regionally sourced organic materials, among other measures​.
  • 140
  • 26 Jun 2024
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