Topic Review
ELVs Recycling in Developing Countries
End-of-life vehicle is a vehicle that has reached the end of its useful life and requires proper treatment.
  • 1.6K
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Cultural Eutrophication
Cultural eutrophication is when a flux of excess nutrients from human activity are added into a local run-off which in turns speeds up the natural eutrophication. This is caused by human activity. The problem became apparent once the green revolution and industrial revolution began in the last century. Phosphates and nitrates are the two main nutrients that cause cultural eutrophication as they enrich the water, allowing for aquatic plants such as algae to grow rapidly. Algae is prone to blooming into large quantities removing oxygen from the water generating anoxic conditions. This anoxic environment kills off any organisms in the water body and make it hard for terrestrial animals to gain access to the water for drinking. Increased competition for the added nutrients can cause potential disruption to entire ecosystems and food webs, as well as a loss of habitat and biodiversity of species. There are many ways in which nutrients are added through human activity, including, but not limited to: waste treatment plants, golf courses, fertilizing lawns, burning of fossil fuels and agricultural practices. Cultural eutrophication can occur in fresh water and salt water bodies, usually shallow waters are the most susceptible. In shallow lakes, sediments are frequently disturbed by wind-wave and resuspended, which result in huge nutrients release to overlying water As well the shallow areas are normally where the run-off reaches first and has less water to dilute the excess nutrients. This begins to cause many problems for the nearby wildlife as well as recreational activities for humans. Eutrophication restricts water use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking because of increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds and the oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition.
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  • 19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Technology and Tokenization
Blockchain is an open-source technology that excludes the traditional third parties by relying on collective verification, thus offering a great alternative in terms of costs, traceability, security, and speed. When two financial entities such as banks receive a request to transfer money from one account to another, they have to update the balances of their respective customers. This costly and time-consuming coordination and synchronization exercise can be simplified on a blockchain by using a single ledger of transactions reflecting a single version of records instead of two different databases. Blockchain technology offers a myriad of value through a frictionless process of immutable and transparent records and through converting assets into digital tokens (i.e., tokenization) with smart contracts. 
  • 1.6K
  • 01 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Risk-Based Flood Management
“Flood management” refers to the general method involved in flood prevention and subsequent flood loss, whereas “risk-based flood management” is the combination of all of the actions that aim at the amelioration of the overall activities in a floodplain.
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  • 21 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Biodegradable Waste and Degraded Soil
Soil degradation is the modification of its physical, chemical and biological properties that worsen the biological activity of the environment, with particular emphasis on food production, water quality, ecosystem services, flooding, eutrophication, biodiversity and carbon stock shrinkage. Soil degradation has many forms and genesis: (i) geotechnical soil degradation caused by deformation of the relief resulting from the activities of opencast and underground mining as well as construction (including road, rail and water). This form of soil degradation covers the entire territory, but the greatest damage should be noted in the areas of high concentration of the mining industry and in large urban agglomerations.
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  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Trends in Bioenergy Production
A wide range of studies have been performed in the field of the usage of biomass for energy production, in order to contribute to the green transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies. Over the past 20 years (from 2000 to 2019), approximately 10,000 articles have been published in the “Agricultural and Biological Sciences” field on this theme, covering all stages of production—from the harvesting of crops to the particular type of energy produced. Articles were obtained from the SCOPUS database and examined with a text mining tool in order to analyze publication trends over the last two decades. Publications per year in the bioenergy theme have grown from 91 in 2000 to 773 in 2019. In particular the analyses showed how environmental aspects have increased their importance (from 7.3% to 11.8%), along with studies related to crop conditions (from 10.4% to 18.6%). Regarding the use of energy produced, growing trends were recognized for the impact of biofuels (mentions moved from 0.14 times per article in 2000 to 0.38 in 2019) and biogases (from 0.14 to 0.42 mentions).
  • 1.6K
  • 28 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Wastewater Refinery
The concept of wastewater refinery introduces a new concept of wastewater treatment and management that aims at extracting the most of wastewater components such as water, energy, nitrogen, phosphorous, to co-produce different valuable outputs. It represents a paradigmatic shift in wastewater management, and it is well aligned with the concept of circular economy. A case study on Qatar’s wastewater revealed that significant quantities of valuable resources are embodied in the country’s wastewater, with potential to be recovered. Valorisation of organic constituents and the recovery of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphide should be given priority.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Environmental Performance Index
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) developed by Yale University is regarded as an all-inclusive proxy to examine the country’s environmental conditions. Ozturk et al. also argued that CO2 emissions only cover a small part of the total environmental pollution. The recently revised EPI of 2020 comprises 32 performance indicators across 11 issue categories. It ranks countries under two domains, environmental health and ecosystem vitality, which demonstrate the environmental pollution impacts on human health and also the effects that ensue on the ecosystem through environmental pollution. The Environmental Health Index (HLT) measures the quality of air, water, and exposure to heavy metals. The Ecosystem Vitality Index (ECO) considers issues such as climate change and biodiversity. 
  • 1.6K
  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Augmented Reality in Agriculture
Augmented Reality (AR) applications have become prevalent within smart industry manufacturing and wider popular culture sectors over the last decade, yet use of AR technology within an agricultural setting is still within its infancy. 
  • 1.6K
  • 04 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Global Open-Data Remote-Sensing Satellite Missions
The application of global open data remote sensing satellite missions is in the state of rapid growth, ensuring an observation with high spatial and spectral resolution over large areas. Multispectral (Landsat, Sentinel-2, and MODIS), radar (Sentinel-1), and digital elevation model missions (SRTM, ASTER) were analyzed, as the most often used global open data satellite missions, according to the number of scientific research articles published in Web of Science database. Processing methods of these missions’ data consisting of image preprocessing, spectral indices, image classification methods, and modelling of terrain topographic parameters were analyzed and demonstrated. Possibilities of their application in land cover, land suitability, vegetation monitoring, and natural disaster management were evaluated, having high potential in broad use worldwide. Availability of free and complementary satellite missions, as well as the open-source software, ensures the basis of effective and sustainable land use management, with the prerequisite of the more extensive knowledge and expertise gathering at a global scale.
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  • 12 Nov 2020
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