Topic Review
Major Impacts of Potentially Toxic Elements
Environmental contamination with a myriad of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is triggered by various natural and anthropogenic activities. However, the industrial revolution has increased the intensity of these hazardous elements and their concentration in the environment, which, in turn, could provoke potential ecological risks. Additionally, most PTEs pose a considerable nuisance to human beings and affect soil, aquatic organisms, and even nematodes and microbes. 
  • 791
  • 13 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Challenges to Promote Sustainability in Urban Agriculture Models
Urban agriculture (UA) can be used as an action to promote sustainability in cities and inform public health policies for urban populations. Despite this growing recognition, its implementation still presents challenges in countries in the Global North and Global South. 
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  • 13 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Minimum Energy Performance Standards in Colombia
The minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) has become a mandatory government document to evaluate the energy efficiency of different equipment and thus limit the minimum energy consumption in domestic, commercial, and industrial applications, guaranteeing end users are able to select more efficient equipment. In order to be compared with the Colombian panorama at the market, technical and political levels, some reference countries and their energy policies were consulted. This allows the establishment of common aspects and differences related to the determination of energy consumption, adjusted volume, and formalization of efficiency ranges, and in the specific case of domestic refrigeration in Colombia.
  • 1.2K
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Blue Carbon Ecosystems
Blue carbon was established as a metaphor to highlight that, apart from terrestrial ecosystems, coastal ecosystems also contribute significantly to carbon sequestration. Apart from being recognized as a helpful carbon sink, blue carbon ecosystems provide various other services, including shelter for different migratory birds, fishes, and crabs. It is also vital in minimizing net carbon emissions. 
  • 519
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Impact of Wildfires on Ecosystems and Wildlife
Wildfires are common occurrences worldwide that can destroy vast forest areas and kill numerous animals in a few hours. The researchers describe how the different species are expected to behave during a wildfire and the impacts on the ecosystem. 
  • 2.2K
  • 10 Feb 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19 Affect Our Perception of Sustainability
Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19 virus 2 (COVID-19) virus disease 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on 9 January 2020, the entire world has been exceptionally interested in examining the impact of this pandemic on people and the environment. The pandemic led to unprecedented measures to halt air traffic and close factories due to lockdowns, economic closures, and the stopping of transportation of all kinds. The decline in the use of coal by power plants, oil refining, and steel manufacturing had a beneficial effect on air pollution and caused a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, the concept of sustainability has become more prevalent, reflecting the increasing awareness of the responsibility placed on every member of society. Sustainability is the quality and quantity of change that meets our needs without destroying the giving planet, which is the hope for the survival of future generations. 
  • 422
  • 09 Feb 2023
Topic Review
The Concept of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is one of the key challenges of environmental, economic and social importance. It is a global problem regardless of economic development level and political orientation, and also applies to a country such as Belarus. 
  • 1.5K
  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Antibiotic Synthesis in Flow Mode
Continuous-flow chemistry has become a mainstream process and a notable trend among emerging technologies for drug synthesis. It is routinely used in academic and industrial laboratories to generate a wide variety of molecules and building blocks. The advantages it provides, in terms of safety, speed, cost efficiency and small-equipment footprint compared to analog batch processes, have been known for some time. What has become even more important is its compliance with the quality objectives that are required by drug-development protocols that integrate inline analysis and purification tools. There can be no doubt that worldwide government agencies have strongly encouraged the study and implementation of this innovative, sustainable and environmentally friendly technology.
  • 466
  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Diverse Techniques for the On-Site Treatment of Blackwater
The maintenance of people’s lifestyle against global climate change, exhaustion of groundwater, depletion of minerals, and water scarcity has instigated the recycling and reuse of water from unlikely sources. This situation has motivated researchers to develop effective technologies for treating wastewater, enabling its reuse. Water security has been ensured in myriad, highly populated regions through large-scale centralized treatment facilities. The development and implementation of small-scale, renewable-energy-based, decentralized, on-site treatment methodologies ensure water sustainability in rural areas, where centralized treatment facilities are impractical for application.
  • 576
  • 07 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Methylmercury in Aquatic Environments
Methylmercury (MeHg) is the most important and the most abundant organic Hg pollutant in the aquatic ecosystem that can affect human health through biomagnification. It is the most toxic organic Hg form, which occurs naturally and by human-induced contamination in water and is further biomagnified in the aquatic food web. MeHg is the only Hg form that accumulates in living organisms and is able to cross the blood–brain barrier, presenting an enormous health risk. Anthropogenic activity increases eutrophication of coastal waters worldwide, which promotes algae blooms. Microalgae, as primary producers, are especially sensitive to MeHg exposure in water and are an important entrance point for MeHg into the aquatic food web. MeHg assimilated by microalgae is further transferred to fish, wildlife and, eventually, humans as final consumers. MeHg biomagnifies and bioaccumulates in living organisms and has serious negative health effects on humans, especially newborns and children.
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  • 07 Feb 2023
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