Topic Review
Utilization Methods for Lignocellulosic Biomass
Utilization of lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) for bioenergy production has been widely investigated in the previous decades, as it provides an excellent environmentally friendly alternative to non-renewable energy sources. There are numerous procedures to convert plant-based biomass into usable feedstock or valuable energy carriers, such as C5 and C6 sugars, organic acids, or more commonly, bioethanol and biogas. 
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  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Storage for Car Transportation
Hydrogen storage is a key enabling technology for the extensive use of hydrogen as energy carrier. This is particularly true in the widespread introduction of hydrogen in car transportation. Indeed, one of the greatest technological barriers for such development is an efficient and safe storage method.
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  • 07 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Risks and Safer Medical Destinations
Environmental catastrophes have an effect on people and the environment and can have long-term effects, including the immediate disruption of human, animal, and plant life as well as all economic activity. The worldwide tourism sector has seen a dramatic shift in passengers’ interests. Tourists are increasingly considering safety and sustainability when picking their travel locations as climate change, natural catastrophes, and pollution continue to threaten diverse regions across the world. This shift in mentality has far-reaching consequences for both the tourism sector and the environment.
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  • 15 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Phytoplankton as Indicators of Climate Change
Phytoplankton represent a taxonomically diverse group of photosynthetic, mostly single-celled aquatic organisms that drift with the current. Phytoplankton also play an important role in influencing the Earth’s climate and the functioning of the biological carbon pump. The biological carbon pump is a major component of the global carbon cycle and refers to the process by which atmospheric CO2 is transferred by primary producers (mostly phytoplankton) from the eutrophic zone of the ocean to the underlying sediments.
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  • 10 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Practical Application of Zeolites as Adsorbent
Zeolites are crystalline micro- and mesoporous materials widely used as catalysts and sorbents. Zeolites are commonly used in separation processes in, e.g., the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries as they can be made fairly specific to the target molecules, and since the main mechanisms behind the separation process (molecular sieving, electrostatic interaction, and polarization) are always reversible, zeolites are believed (under ideal situations) to be able to undergo a virtually unlimited number of adsorption–desorption cycles. This is important from a cost-efficiency perspective too, as the high initial costs can be compensated by the longer life, assured by excellent stability and ease of regeneration.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Triboelectric Nanogenerator Network for Harvesting Ocean Blue Energy
The utilization of abundant blue energy in the ocean could greatly contribute to achieving carbon neutrality. However, the unsolved economic and technical challenges of traditional technologies for harvesting blue energy have resulted in slow progress. Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), as a new approach for converting mechanical energy into electricity, have great potential for blue energy harvesting, which can be connected as networks with different numbers of units for varying scales of energy harvesting. Anchoring strategies of devices and networks are also discussed. The development of TENG networks could provide an effective solution for large-scale ocean blue energy harvesting, which can also serve as an in-situ energy station or power source for self-powered systems, supporting various marine equipment and activities.
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  • 23 Feb 2024
Topic Review
New Ways to Modelling and Predicting Ionosphere Variables
The new way of thinking science from Newtonian determinism to nonlinear unpredictability and the dawn of advanced computer science and technology can be summarized in the words of the theoretical physicist Michel Baranger, who, in 2000, said in a conference: “Twenty-first-century theoretical physics is coming out of the chaos revolution; it will be about complexity and its principal tool will be the computer.”. This can be extended to natural sciences in general. Modelling and predicting ionosphere variables have been considered since many decades as a paramount objective of research by scientists and engineers. The new approach to natural sciences influenced also ionosphere research. Ionosphere as a part of the solar–terrestrial environment is recognised to be a complex chaotic system, and its study under this new way of thinking should become an important area of ionospheric research, particularly with the addition of machine learning techniques.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Requirements for Irrigation Water
Access to and the use of irrigation water of adequate quality and targeted nutrient supplementation have become more widespread. Both crop quality and the irrigation system lifetime are affected by the quality of the water used for irrigation.
  • 186
  • 12 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Height Estimation with Aerial Images
Height estimation is a key component of 3D scene understanding and has long held a significant position in the domains of remote sensing and computer vision. Initial research predominantly focused on stereo or multi-view image matching. With the advent of large-scale depth datasets, research focus has shifted. The effort is centered on estimating distance information from monocular 2D images using supervised learning. Monocular height estimation approaches can be generally categorized into three types: methodologies based on handcrafted features, methodologies utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNN), and methodologies based on attention mechanisms.
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Recent Advances in Dielectric Properties-Based Soil WaterContent Measurements
Dielectric properties are crucial in understanding the behavior of water within soil, particularly the soil water content (SWC), as they measure a material’s ability to store an electric charge and are influenced by water and other minerals in the soil. However, a comprehensive review paper is needed that synthesizes the latest developments in this field, identifies the key challenges and limitations, and outlines future research directions. In addition, various factors, such as soil salinity, temperature, texture, probing space, installation gap, density, clay content, sampling volume, and environmental factors, influence the measurement of the dielectric permittivity of the soil. Therefore, this review aims to address the research gap by critically analyzing the current state-of-the-art dielectric properties-based methods for SWC measurements. The motivation for this review is the increasing importance of precise SWC data for various applications such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and hydrological studies. We examine time domain reflectometry (TDR), frequency domain reflectometry (FDR), ground-penetrating radar (GPR), remote sensing (RS), and capacitance, which are accurate and cost-effective, enabling real-time water resource management and soil health understanding through measuring the travel time of electromagnetic waves in soil and the reflection coefficient of these waves. SWC can be estimated using various approaches, such as TDR, FDR, GPR, and microwave-based techniques. These methods are made possible by increasing the dielectric permittivity and loss factor with SWC. The available dielectric properties are further synthesized based on mathematical models relating apparent permittivity to water content, providing an updated understanding of their development, applications, and monitoring. It also analyzes recent mathematical calibration models, applications, algorithms, challenges, and trends in dielectric permittivity methods for estimating SWC.
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  • 15 Jul 2024
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