Topic Review
The Implementation of Water Framework Directive in Europe
The development of a sustainable water quality monitoring system at national scale remains a big challenge until today, acting as a hindrance for the efficient implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
  • 310
  • 04 May 2023
Topic Review
CH4 and NOx from Marine LNG Engine Exhaust
Compared to diesel, liquefied natural gas (LNG), often used as an alternative fuel for marine engines, comes with significant advantages in reducing emissions of particulate matter (PM), SOx, CO2, and other pollutants. Promoting the use of LNG is of great significance for achieving carbon peaking and neutrality worldwide, as well as improving the energy structure.
  • 310
  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Microemulsions for Sustainable Development of Enhanced Oil Recovery
Global oil and gas resources are declining continuously, and sustainable development has become a common challenge worldwide. In terms of environmental protection and economic benefits, the application of microemulsions for enhanced oil recovery often requires fewer chemical agents, showing distinct advantages.
  • 310
  • 17 Jan 2024
Topic Review
New Technical Methods in Plant Protection
The various areas of ultra-sensitive remote sensing research equipment development have provided new ways for assessing crop states. However, even the most promising areas of research, such as hyperspectral remote sensing or Raman spectrometry, have not yet led to stable results.
  • 309
  • 15 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Geoheritage and Geoconservation
In geoheritage and geodiversity management, geoconservation is a term that encompasses a series of actions dedicated to conservation, research on and the protection of geoheritage, and the enhancement as well as dissemination of knowledge in this area. Geoconservation is a kind of container, with several compartments dedicated to different aspects that identify geoheritage and geodiversity, including scientific, technical, administrative, didactical, and political aspects.
  • 309
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Brazil’s Formal E-Waste Recycling System
Disruptive innovation has led to the increased obsolescence and accelerated replacement of electrical and electronic equipment, resulting in the rapid growth of waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste) worldwide. However, amidst the challenges in e-waste management, the recovery of secondary raw materials from e-waste presents an attractive business opportunity.
  • 308
  • 16 Jan 2024
Topic Review
National Emissions Standards Act
The National Emissions Standards Act, officially known as the Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act (Pub.L. 89–272), is a 1965 amendment to the U.S. Clean Air Act of 1963. The amendment set the first federal vehicle emissions standards, beginning with the 1968 models. These standards were reductions from the 1963 emissions: 72% reduction for hydrocarbons, 56% reduction for carbon monoxide, and 100% reduction for crankcase hydrocarbons. The impact the regulatory standards will have on air quality in the future, as well as the potential characteristics of the vehicle fleet can be analyzed with the use of roadway air dispersion models. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a department specific to the Clean Air Act. Its purpose is to make sure the amount of air pollution emitted stays inside the standards set by the U.S. Each state is required to have a state implementation plan (SIPs) that clearly indicates how it will enforce the regulations of the Clean Air Act. The states have to create regulations of their own that also adhere to the guidelines of the U.S. regulations; in order to do so, they must hold hearings so the public can contribute ideas and provide feedback.
  • 307
  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are a dominating group of insecticidal compounds that have been used for a long time and are still being used today, due to their potency and their variability. From natural pyrethrins, which can be utilized especially for their biodegradable properties, to the synthetic derivatives, pyrethroids, which may be used for their potency, this class of organic insecticides displays a lot of variability. It must be acknowledged that without plants, and plant metabolites, a great area of the insecticide compound class would be missing.
  • 306
  • 15 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Homogenization (Climate)
Homogenization in climate research means the removal of non-climatic changes. Next to changes in the climate itself, raw climate records also contain non-climatic jumps and changes, for example due to relocations or changes in instrumentation. The most used principle to remove these inhomogeneities is the relative homogenization approach in which a candidate station is compared to a reference time series based on one or more neighboring stations. The candidate and reference station(s) experience about the same climate, non-climatic changes that happen only in one station can thus be identified and removed.
  • 305
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Precipitation Monitoring Using Commercial Microwave Links
As rainfall exhibits high spatiotemporal variability, accurate and real-time rainfall monitoring is vitally important in fields such as hydrometeorological research, agriculture and disaster prevention and control. The utilization of commercial microwave links (CMLs) for rainfall estimation, as an opportunistic sensing method, has generated considerable attention. Relying on CML networks deployed and maintained by mobile network operators can provide near-surface precipitation information over large areas at a low cost. 
  • 305
  • 20 Oct 2023
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