Topic Review
Hurricane Preparedness
Cyclone mitigation encompasses the actions and planning taken before a tropical cyclone strikes to mitigate damage and injury from the storm. Knowledge of tropical cyclone impacts on an area help plan for future possibilities. Preparedness may involve preparations made by individuals as well as centralized efforts by governments or other organizations. Tracking storms during the tropical cyclone season helps individuals know current threats. Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers and Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers provide current information and forecasts to help individuals make the best decision possible.
  • 345
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Industrial Heritage as the Drivers of Tourists’ Loyalty
Industrial heritage—a testament to urban progress and an emblem of urban civilization—is at risk during urban development and the transformation of aging cities. Consequently, the preservation and enhancement of urban heritage resources are crucial. Concerning the tourism development of industrial heritage, various challenges arise.
  • 345
  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Quorum Sensing in Microorganisms
The marine environment possesses diverse and complex characteristics, representing a significant challenge for microbial survival. Therefore, bacteria must develop adaptive mechanisms to thrive in such environments. Quorum sensing (QS), a well-established phenomenon in microorganisms, involves the communication between cells through chemical signals, which depends on cell density. Extensive research has been conducted on this microbial ability, encompassing the early stages of understanding QS to the latest advancements in the identification and characterization of its mechanisms. 
  • 345
  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Emotions and Media Coverage in High-Carbon-Emitting Behavior
While the global poorest, who make up 50% of the world’s population, are most afflicted by the climate crisis, they contribute least to it in comparison with the global richest, who make up only one percent of the world’s population. The growing climate injustice should therefore be considered as a moral issue. The moral problem is that high polluters, usually the better-off, have many options to fall back on to mitigate the consequences of their behavior. For example, they have the financial means to protect themselves from climate change impacts (e.g., droughts and floods).
  • 344
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Daisyworld, a computer simulation, is a hypothetical world orbiting a star whose radiant energy is slowly increasing or decreasing. It is meant to mimic important elements of the Earth-Sun system, and was introduced by James Lovelock and Andrew Watson in a paper published in 1983 to illustrate the plausibility of the Gaia hypothesis. In the original 1983 version, Daisyworld is seeded with two varieties of daisy as its only life forms: black daisies and white daisies. White petaled daisies reflect light, while black petaled daisies absorb light. The simulation tracks the two daisy populations and the surface temperature of Daisyworld as the sun's rays grow more powerful. The surface temperature of Daisyworld remains almost constant over a broad range of solar output.
  • 344
  • 09 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Low-Carbon Behavior and Theory of Planned Behavior Framework
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) describes individual behavior and has been extensively utilized in studying pro-environmental behavior and low-carbon travel behavior (LTB). According to TPB, an individual’s behavioral intention is determined by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls, and behavior is determined by behavioral intentions. Attitude refers to an individual’s positive or negative attitude towards a certain behavior, subjective norm refers to the social pressure that individuals perceive to participate or not in a certain behavior, and perceived behavioral control refers to the degree of difficulty an individual perceives for a certain behavior.
  • 344
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Ultrasound-Enhanced Organic Wastewater Treatment Equipments
Ultrasound waves have been widely used in the field of organic wastewater treatment due to their mechanical, thermal, and chemical effects derived from their cavitation effect. Many researchers have combined ultrasound waves with other organic wastewater treatment methods because they have the potential to offset the disadvantages of other method.
  • 344
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Backfill Mining Method for Mines in China
Despite China’s position as a global mining powerhouse, tens of thousands of small- and medium-sized mines (SM mines) within the country continue to pose potential safety hazards and environmental pollution risks. Only through the identification of suitable development paths can these mines improve their economic and environmental benefits, ultimately driving significant progress in China’s mining industry. Backfill mining, an environmentally friendly mining method, has emerged as a viable solution, offering the potential to ensure mining safety, reduce environmental pollution stemming from tailings stockpiles, and enhance ore resource recovery. 
  • 343
  • 04 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Mapping and Monitoring Informal Settlements Using RS Technologies
Research on the detection of informal settlements has increased since 1990s owing to the availability of high- to very-high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery. The achievement of development goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, requires access to up-to-date information on informal settlements.
  • 343
  • 27 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Advanced Oxidation Technologies
Advanced oxidation process (AOPs) based on sulfate radical (SO4●−) and singlet oxygen (1O2) has attracted a lot of attention because of its characteristics of rapid reaction, efficient treatment, safety and stability, and easy operation. SO4●− and 1O2 mainly comes from the activation reaction of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) or persulfate (PS), which represent the oxidation reactions involving radicals and non-radicals, respectively. The degradation effects of target pollutants will be different due to the type of oxidant, reaction system, activation methods, operating conditions, and other factors.
  • 342
  • 12 Oct 2022
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