Topic Review
Devil's Garden (Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument)
The Devil's Garden of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) in south central Utah, the United States, is a protected area featuring hoodoos, natural arches and other sandstone formations. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) designated the name Devils Garden—without an apostrophe according to USGS naming conventions—on December 31, 1979. The area is also known as the Devils Garden Outstanding Natural Area within the National Landscape Conservation System. The formations in the Devils Garden were created, and continue to be shaped, by various weathering and erosional processes. These natural processes have been shaping sandstone layers formed more than 166 million years ago during the Jurassic period's Middle epoch. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administers the Devils Garden and the entire GSENM which is the first national monument assigned to the BLM.
  • 522
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Badlands National Park
Badlands National Park is an American national park located in southwestern South Dakota. The park protects 242,756 acres (379.306 sq mi; 98,240 ha) of sharply eroded buttes and pinnacles, along with the largest undisturbed mixed grass prairie in the United States. The National Park Service manages the park, with the South Unit being co-managed with the Oglala Lakota tribe. The Badlands Wilderness protects 64,144 acres (100.225 sq mi; 25,958 ha) of the park as a designated wilderness area, and is one site where the black-footed ferret, one of the most endangered mammals in the world, was reintroduced to the wild. The South Unit, or Stronghold District, includes sites of 1890s Ghost Dances, a former United States Air Force bomb and gunnery range, and Red Shirt Table, the park's highest point at 3,340 feet (1,020 m). Authorized as Badlands National Monument on March 4, 1929, it was not established until January 25, 1939. Badlands was redesignated a national park on November 10, 1978. Under the Mission 66 plan, the Ben Reifel Visitor Center was constructed for the monument in 1957–58. The park also administers the nearby Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. Movies such as Dances with Wolves (1990) and Thunderheart (1992) were partially filmed in Badlands National Park.
  • 522
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Challenges in Recycling of Multi-Material Composites
Transformation of waste into resources is an important part of the circular economy. The recovery of materials in the most effective way is crucial for sustainable development. Composite materials offer great opportunities for product development and high performance in use, but their position in a circular economy system remains challenging, especially in terms of material recovery.
  • 522
  • 17 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Fertilizer-Cum-Pesticide Effect of the Toxic Weed Lantana
Lantana (L. camara), which is acknowledged as one among the 100 most invasive and colonizing of the world’s weeds, has become a major threat to agriculture and forest ecosystems. It has the ability to grow in widely varying environmental conditions, often forming large, impenetrable, thickets. This entry is to compare fertilizer-cum-pesticide effect of vermicomposts derived from cowdung and the toxic weed lantana. It has shown that vermicomposting transforms lantana into an organic fertilizer which is as benign and potent as vermicomposts  based on cowdung and other manures are.
  • 521
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park (/braɪs/) is an American national park located in southwestern Utah. The major feature of the park is Bryce Canyon, which despite its name, is not a canyon, but a collection of giant natural amphitheaters along the eastern side of the Paunsaugunt Plateau. Bryce is distinctive due to geological structures called hoodoos, formed by frost weathering and stream erosion of the river and lake bed sedimentary rocks. The red, orange, and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views for park visitors. Bryce Canyon National Park is much smaller, and sits at a much higher elevation than nearby Zion National Park. The rim at Bryce varies from 8,000 to 9,000 feet (2,400 to 2,700 m). The Bryce Canyon area was settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1850s and was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who homesteaded in the area in 1874. The area around Bryce Canyon was originally designated as a national monument by President Warren G. Harding in 1923 and was redesignated as a national park by Congress in 1928. The park covers 35,835 acres (55.992 sq mi; 14,502 ha; 145.02 km2) and receives substantially fewer visitors than Zion National Park (nearly 4.3 million in 2016) or Grand Canyon National Park (nearly 6 million in 2016), largely due to Bryce's more remote location. In 2016, Bryce Canyon received 2,365,110 recreational visitors, representing an increase of 35% from the prior year.
  • 520
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Sustainability Initiatives in the Canadian Port Sector
Maritime ports are critical nodes in the Canadian resource-based economy that can have significant environmental impacts near coastal communities and marine ecosystems. To address these impacts, Canadian Port Authorities (CPAs) assess their environmental performance using the Green Marine Environmental Program (GMEP). Reliance on this program necessitates its evaluation as an effective initiative to address sustainability in its broader context. 
  • 519
  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Heavy Metals Removal from Contaminated Soil by Phytoremediation
Pollution from heavy metals is one of the significant environmental concerns facing the world today. Human activities, such as mining, farming, and manufacturing plant operations, can allow them access to the environment. Heavy metals polluting soil can harm crops, change the food chain, and endanger human health. Thus, the overarching goal for humans and the environment should be the avoidance of soil contamination by heavy metals. Heavy metals persistently present in the soil can be absorbed by plant tissues, enter the biosphere, and accumulate in the trophic levels of the food chain. The removal of heavy metals from contaminated soil can be accomplished using various physical, synthetic, and natural remediation techniques (both in situ and ex situ). The most controllable (affordable and eco-friendly) method among these is phytoremediation. The removal of heavy metal defilements can be accomplished using phytoremediation techniques, including phytoextraction, phytovolatilization, phytostabilization, and phytofiltration.
  • 519
  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Sea Water and Cement-Based Materials
The use of blast furnace cement is an effective way to meet the requirements of sustainable development. However, CEM III/C is characterized by slow strength gain. The problem can be worse for plasticized reinforced blast furnace cement concretes mixed with sea water in view of shorter durability. The mitigation of corrosion in plasticized blast furnace cement concretes mixed with sea water can be provided through a composition of minor additional constituents, with percentage by mass of the main constituents: alkali metal compounds, 2…3; calcium aluminate cement, 1; clinoptilolite, 1. The alkali metal compounds are known to activate hydraulic properties of ground granulated blast furnace slag. A calcium aluminate cement promotes the accelerated chemical binding of Cl− and SO42−-ions with the formation of Kuzel’s salt. A clinoptilolite occludes these aggressive ions. The positive effects of the mentioned minor additional constituents in the blast furnace cement were supported by the increased early strength gain and the higher structural density, as well as by a good state of steel reinforcement, in the plasticized concretes mixed with sea water.
  • 517
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
China Urbanisation and Carbon Tax
Carbon tax is a tax on carbon-based fuels. In the policy evaluation framework, the social cost of carbon (SCC) is usually used to denote whether a climate policy can cost-effectively abate carbon emissions. In other words, the SCC stands for the costs of the emissions of an additional tonne of carbon dioxide, and thus it is used to denote the marginal welfare impact of the emissions.
  • 516
  • 21 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Hosselkus Limestone
The Hosselkus Limestone is an Upper Triassic fossiliferous marine micritic limestone formation that outcrops in Plumas and Shasta Counties, California . It is known for its invertebrate fauna, most notably the many species of shelled cephalopods.
  • 516
  • 29 Sep 2022
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