Topic Review
Appications of Natural Clinoptilolites Based on Ion Exchange
There are many natural zeolites, of which a small number, including clinoptilolite, chabazite, mordenite, erionite, ferrierite, and phillipsite offer the greatest promise for industrial applications. Natural clinoptilolites have been the subject for different modifications in order to improve their use potentialities, where the ion exchange property has been a key role for their different applications. Application of ion exchange to modify clinoptilolites, cation selection, mono- and polycationic exchange to create new functional materials for specific applications are key issues.
  • 694
  • 03 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Surface Acoustic Wave and Quartz Crystal Microbalance Devices
One of the emerging techniques of chemical warfare agents (CWA) detection is based on acoustic wave sensors, among which surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and quartz crystal microbalances (QCM) are of particular importance. These devices allow for the construction of undemanding and affordable gas sensors whose selectivity, sensitivity, and other metrological parameters can be tailored by application of particular coating material.
  • 694
  • 11 Aug 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Cross-Border Territorial Development through Geographical Indications: Gargano (Italy) and Dibër (Albania)
In a globalized context, characterized by dominant trends towards the homogenization of food products and taste, local and niche productions play a vital role in creating effective strategies of territorial development. Albanian food heritage is definitely one of the most various of the Western Balkans. The Ottoman domination and the Mediterranean position just in front of Italy led to an incredible mix of cultures and traditions. As Albania is a candidate to join the European Union, it has a stronger opportunity of protecting its excellent-quality food products with PDO and PGI marks. Moreover, Albania’s territory shares fundamental features with Gargano lakes, especially with relation to the county of Dibër, where Ulez and Shkopet lakes are located. Both the areas’ traditional food products are and can be an important factor of sustainable and participatory development, and the present contribution aims at exploring possible paths of territorial development at a cross-border level, in the framework of a sort of “dialogue” between the two regions through Geographical Indications (GIs). 
  • 693
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Trends in Biological Valorization of Waste-Derived Biomass
The looming climate and energy crises, exacerbated by increased waste generation, are driving research and development of sustainable resource management systems. Research suggests that organic materials, such as food waste, grass, and manure, have potential for biotransformation into a range of products, including: high-value volatile fatty acids (VFAs); various carboxylic acids; bioenergy; and bioplastics. Valorizing these organic residues would additionally reduce the increasing burden on waste management systems.
  • 692
  • 26 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Isotopic Imprints of Pyrite Leaching
Definition  Acid rock drainage (ARD) is one of the major environmental problems at active and closed coal and metalliferous mining sites. ARD forms naturally when sulfidic material comes in contact with atmospheric oxygen and the oxidation of sulfide minerals releases acid, sulfate and metal contaminants. The large-scale ARD that is generated within the mining area is called acid mine drainage (AMD).
  • 692
  • 15 Dec 2020
Topic Review
American Petroleum Institute
The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and natural gas industry. It claims to represent about 650 corporations involved in production, refinement, distribution, and many other aspects of the petroleum industry. The association describes its mission as to influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry. API's chief functions on behalf of the industry include advocacy, negotiation and lobbying with governmental, legal, and regulatory agencies; research into economic, toxicological, and environmental effects; establishment and certification of industry standards; and education outreach. API both funds and conducts research related to many aspects of the petroleum industry. The current CEO and president is Mike Sommers.
  • 692
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
“Elephant-Equus” Event
The dispersal of primitive elephantines and monodactyl equids in Eurasia has long been regarded as representative of a substantial turnover in mammal faunas, denoting the spread of open environments linked to the onset of cold and dry conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. During the 1980s, this event was named the “Elephant-Equus event” and it was correlated with the Gauss-Matuyama reversal, today corresponding to the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition and the beginning of the Quaternary, dated at ~2.6 Ma. Therefore, the Elephant-Equus event became a concept of prominent biochronological and paleoecological significance, especially in western Europe. Yet, uncertainties surrounding the taxonomy and chronology of early “elephant” and “Equus”, as well as conceptual differences in adopting (or understanding) the Elephant-Equus event as an intercontinental dispersal event or as a stratigraphic datum, engendered ambiguity and debate.
  • 692
  • 01 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Efficiency of the Chinese Cement Industry
China’s cement production has been the highest in the world, but the extensive development model, which has been formed for a long time, has brought serious damage to the natural environment. The overall environmental efficiency of China’s cement industry is low, and there is still much room for improvement. Moreover, there are serious imbalances from very low to very high between different regions.
  • 691
  • 31 May 2022
Topic Review
Method for Management and Reducing Plastic Waste
Plastic waste generation has increased dramatically every day. Indiscriminate disposal of plastic wastes can lead to several negative impacts on the environment, such as a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. Products from the pyrolysis process encompassing of liquid, gas, and solid residues (char) can be turned into beneficial products, as the liquid product can be used as a commercial fuel and char can function as an excellent adsorbent. The char produced from plastic wastes could be modified to enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption performance.
  • 690
  • 26 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Geology and Geomorphology of Mare Fecunditatis
Mare Fecunditatis is a ~310,000 km2 flat basalt plain located in the low-latitude area of the Moon. Mare Fecunditatis basin was formed in the pre-Nectarian period, followed by the mare basalts eruption in the Imbrian period, and the volcanic activity continued until the early Eratosthenian period. There is no mass concentration in the center of Mare Fecunditatis, while there are positive Bouguer anomalies on the east and west sides of the basin. A diversity of geological features is found in Mare Fecunditatis.
  • 690
  • 07 Mar 2022
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