Topic Review
Reconstruction of Remotely Sensed LST
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important environmental parameter in climate change, urban heat islands, drought, public health, and other fields. Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is the main method used to obtain LST information over large spatial scales. However, cloud cover results in many data gaps in remotely sensed LST datasets, greatly limiting their practical applications. Many studies have sought to fill these data gaps and reconstruct cloud-free LST datasets over the last few decades. This paper reviews the progress of LST reconstruction research. A bibliometric analysis is conducted to provide a brief overview of the papers published in this field. The existing reconstruction algorithms can be grouped into five categories: spatial gap-filling methods, temporal gap-filling methods, spatiotemporal gap-filling methods, multi-source fusion-based gap-filling methods, and surface energy balance-based gap-filling methods. The principles, advantages, and limitations of these methods are described and discussed. The applications of these methods are also outlined. In addition, the validation of filled LST values’ cloudy pixels is an important concern in LST reconstruction. The different validation methods applied for reconstructed LST datasets are also reviewed herein. Finally, prospects for future developments in LST reconstruction are provided.
  • 754
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Antimicrobial Resistance in Agricultural Soils
Excessive use of antibiotics in the healthcare sector and livestock farming has amplified antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a major environmental threat in recent years. Abiotic stresses, including soil salinity and water pollutants, can affect AMR in soils, which in turn reduces the yield and quality of agricultural products.
  • 754
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Water Resources Research in the Souss-Massa Basin, Morocco
Most recent studies confirm a decreasing trend in water resources availability in the northern African region; the high competition between the sectors that use this vital resource, and the changing climate are considered as the main factors behind this situation. Under such very dynamic interactions between the natural resources, climate and the socioeconomic sectors, scientists from different perspectives have a challenging task to provide up-to-date and reliable insights to guide potential sustainable management strategies. Through the case of the Souss-Massa, the present research provides state of the art scientific research on water resources. The maps of publications analyzed showed that researchers working in the area focus more on the study of the quality, chemical processing and the impacts of climate change on the availability of water resources. The results showed that Souss-Massa is a region where an important amount of research on climate and water has been carried out. Hence, to keep up with the rapid evolution of land use and other anthropogenic actions in the basin there remain several gaps in knowledge and constraints to address.
  • 754
  • 07 May 2022
Topic Review
Energy Consumption of Vacuum Freeze Dryer
The vacuum freeze-drying process is characterized by sublimating the frozen object into a solid state in a vacuum environment, sublimating the water from the object, and finally drying it. At the same time, sublimating the water into the cold trap coil to re form ice. This characteristic determines that the freeze-drying machine needs to use the heat medium circulation system to heat the material to sublimate the water of the object, The ice condensed on the cold trap coil also needs a lot of heat to melt and discharge. During the freeze-drying process of the freeze dryer, the cold trap needs to continuously capture the water vapor generated by sublimation to freeze the cold trap coil. The ice captured by the cold trap coil needs to be melted after each batch of freeze-drying, which in turn requires a large amount of high-temperature defrosting water or thawing steam. For the freeze dryer with heat medium circulation system, sublimation drying also needs to continuously absorb heat, The heat required for the whole process is provided by the electric heater of the heat medium circulation system. The preparation of defrosting water or defrosting steam and the electric heater that provides necessary heat for sublimation require a lot of energy consumption. The freeze dryer consumes too much energy, the freeze-drying cost is high and the energy waste is serious.
  • 753
  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
A State-of-the-Art Vegetation Map for Jordan
Jordan’s forested regions account for 0.71% of the total land area, with acacia woodland and forests combined totalling 2.3%. From the satellite image interpretation, two maps were created: an unsupervised land cover/land use map and a supervised map of present-day vegetation types, both consisting of 18 categories. These new maps should inform ecosystem management and conservation planning decisions in Jordan over the coming years. 
  • 752
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Last Deglaciation Rainfall Changes
Three drier periods (lower rainfall) (i.e., before ~17, ~1513.5, and 7–3 ka BP) and three wetter periods (higher rainfall) (i.e., ~17–15, ~13.5–7, and after ~3 ka BP) were detected on Southern Indonesia (off southwest Sumba) based on geochemical element (terrigenous input) proxies (ln Ti/Ca and K/Ca). During the Last Deglaciation, AISM rainfall responded to high latitude climatic events related to the latitudinal shifts of the austral summer ITCZ. Sea level rise, solar activity, and orbitally-induced insolation were most likely the primary driver of AISM rainfall changes during the Holocene, but the driving mechanisms behind the latitudinal shifts of the austral summer ITCZ during this period are not yet understood.
  • 752
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Biomass Supply Chains in Post-COVID-19 Recovery
Researchers investigates how biomass supply chains (BSChs) for bioenergy within the broader bioeconomy could contribute to the post-COVID-19 recovery in three dimensions: boosting economic growth, creating jobs, and building more resilient and cleaner energy systems in four future scenarios, in the short term (by 2023) and long term (by 2030).
  • 751
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Release of Microplastics from Masks
The global panic caused by COVID-19 has continued to increase people’s demand for masks. Due to inadequate management and disposal practice, these masks have entered the environment and release a large amount of microplastics (MPs), posing a serious threat to the environment and human health. 
  • 751
  • 29 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin D on Skin Aging
The normal vitamin D3 status is important for a general prevention of premature aging maintaining a healthful skin aging. Vitamin D3metabolites including its classical (1,25(OH)2D3) and novel (CYP11A1-intitated) D3hydroxyderivatives exert many beneficial protective effects on the skin, which could influence the process of premature aging via many different mechanisms, leading to a delay or attenuation of both chronological skin aging and photoaging. Skin-resident cells (keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and sebocytes) are capable of locally activating vitamin D3and exhibiting a diverse biological effect such as photoprotection and immunosuppression, similar to the UVR-induced one.
  • 751
  • 29 Sep 2021
Topic Review
BIO-Argo Float
BIO-Argo float (chlorophyll a (Chl-a), temperature, and salinity profiles) and remote sensing data (Chl-a, photosynthetic available radiation (PAR), and wind) located south of the Kuroshio current near Shikoku from September 2018 to May 2019 were used to study phytoplankton bloom and their mechanisms of development in open oceans.
  • 750
  • 29 Dec 2020
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