Topic Review
Quality (Business)
In business, engineering, and manufacturing, quality – or high quality – has a pragmatic interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of something (goods or services); it is also defined as being suitable for the intended purpose (fitness for purpose) while satisfying customer expectations. Quality is a perceptual, conditional, and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people. Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace. Producers might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced correctly. Support personnel may measure quality in the degree that a product is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable. In such ways, the subjectivity of quality is rendered objective via operational definitions and measured with metrics such as proxy measures.
  • 991
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Qualitative Marketing Research
Qualitative marketing research involves a natural or observational examination of the philosophies that govern consumer behavior. The direction and framework of the research is often revised as new information is gained, allowing the researcher to evaluate issues and subjects in an in-depth manner. The quality of the research produced is heavily dependent on the skills of the researcher and is influenced by researcher bias.
  • 490
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund (QIAIF)
Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund or QIAIF is a Central Bank of Ireland regulatory classification established in 2013 for Ireland's five tax-free legal structures for holding assets. The Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicle or ICAV is the most popular of the five Irish QIAIF structures, and was designed in 2014 to rival the Cayman Island SPC; it is the main tax-free structure for foreign investors holding Irish assets. In 2018, the Central Bank of Ireland expanded the Loan Originating QIAIF or L–QIAIF regime which enables the five tax-free structures to be used for closed-end debt instruments. The L–QIAIF is Ireland's main Debt–based BEPS tool as it overcomes the lack of confidentiality and tax secrecy of the Section 110 SPV. It is asserted that many assets in QIAIFs and LQIAIFs are Irish assets being shielded from Irish taxation. Irish QIAIFs and LQIAIFs can be integrated with Irish corporate base erosion and profit shifting ("BEPS") tax tools to create confidential routes out of the Irish tax system to Ireland's main Sink OFC, Luxembourg. In March 2019, the UN identified Ireland's "preferential tax regimes" for foreign funds on Irish assets as affecting the human rights of tenants in Ireland.
  • 561
  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Quadruple and Quintuple Innovation Helix (Q2IH) Framework
The quadruple along with the quintuple innovation helix framework was co-developed by Elias G. Carayannis and David F.J. Campbell, with the quadruple helix being described in a 2009 article and the quintuple helix in a 2010 article. It extends and expands substantially the triple helix model of innovation economics as the framework introduces civil society and the environment as pillars and focal points of policy and practice. In particular, civil society emphasizes the role of bottom-up initiatives complementing top-down government, university and industry policies and practices, and the environment emphasizes the sustainability priorities and exigencies that need to inform and moderate top-down policies and practices as well as bottom-up initiatives. Within the quintuple helix, these represent the sine qua non of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The quintuple helix views the natural environments of society and the economy as drivers for knowledge production and innovation, thus defining opportunities for the knowledge society and knowledge economy. The quintuple helix can be described in terms of the models of knowledge that it extends, the five subsystems (helices) it incorporates, and the steps involved in the circulation of knowledge. How to define these new helices has been debated and some researchers see them as additional helices while some see them as different types of helix which overarch the previous helices.
  • 5.0K
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Purple Economy
The purple economy is that part of the economy which contributes to sustainable development by promoting the cultural potential of goods and services. “The purple economy refers to taking account of cultural aspects in economics. It designates an economy that adapts to the human diversity in globalization and that relies on the cultural dimension to give value to goods and services.”
  • 3.4K
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa–Samuelson Effects
The Balassa–Samuelson (BS) hypothesis is often criticized for one of its fundamental, but oversimplified assumptions related to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) holding which can be confirmed for cronss-country tradables’ prices, implying nontraded-sector prices are solely responsible for inducing trend deviations in real exchange rate. The assumption, when empirically tested, does not always hold valid, revealing a price difference in tradables for Asian countries against the world (U.S.), a potential driver of their trend in real exchange rate deviations (appreciation). 
  • 1.5K
  • 14 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Public–Private Partnership Infrastructure Investment
Interconnected infrastructure is an essential foundation for sustainable economic development. As China’s economy enters the new normal, the contradiction between the continuously growing demand for public goods represented by infrastructure and the insufficient supply efficiency and quality of single government-led investment mode under downward economic pressure and fiscal constraints has profoundly changed the supply and investment mode of infrastructure. Public–private partnership (PPP) has become the most important means of investing in infrastructure. PPP, an innovative mode of infrastructure investment, has been widely applied in China and has become an essential policy tool with which to promote sustainable economic development.
  • 425
  • 11 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Public-Sector Project Procurement and the Supply Chain
Procurement and supply chain management challenges of public sector agricultural development projects are crucial (not only for the project’s success but also for sustainable agricultural development. In general, projects can be categorized into three categories: natural resource issues, market issues, and policy issues. The purpose of the project herein is to boost agricultural productivity and return on investment. Furthermore, the projects make substantial contributions to effective agricultural development, which is crucial, not just for economic development but also for food security, the environment, and agricultural sustainability. Effective agricultural development is a key part of maintaining sustainable supply chain management of agricultural commodities, which would help reduce system waste.
  • 412
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Public-Private Partnership Unit
A Public-private partnership unit (PPP unit) is an organisation responsible for promoting, facilitating and/or assessing Public-private partnerships (PPP, P3, 3P) in their territory. PPP units can be government agencies, or semi-independent organizations created with full or part government support. Governments tend to create a PPP unit as a response to prior criticisms of the implementation of P3 projects in their country. In 2009, 50% of OECD countries had created a centralized PPP unit, and many more of these institutions exist in other countries.
  • 256
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Psychological Traits and E-Commerce
Psychological traits—need of achievement (“N of Ach”) and risk-taking propensity (RTP)—on perceived usefulness (PUF) and perceived ease of use (PercEU), as well as their effects, influence the intention to use e-commerce among rural micro-entrepreneurs.
  • 532
  • 28 Sep 2021
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