Topic Review
Electricity Usage Settlement System Based on Cryptocurrency Instrument
The development of digital techniques, including blockchain-based mechanisms, has meant that an increased interest in blockchain-based solutions is to be expected. Blockchain and similar approaches are characterised by decentralisation, so they are concurrent with the trends of the transforming power sector. Decentralised energy generation based on a high proportion of prosumer installations requires the implementation of a new settlement system for grid activities related to electricity use. The first projects of such systems based on a dedicated cryptocurrency have emerged. Based on these, the general concept of such a system with its own cryptocurrency called CCE is presented, including variants implementing net-metering and net-billing.
  • 337
  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Foreign Trade of Wood-Based Sectors
The national strategies for the development of wood-based industries (WBI) in EU countries are aimed at higher utilization of the country’s own resources of wood as a raw material and the finalization of wood processing in the country of origin. The high level of exports of wood as a raw material in Slovakia and the Czech Republic contributes to an active trade balance, which on the one hand is positive for the economy of these countries, but on the other hand is not in line with national strategies.
  • 291
  • 06 Jun 2023
Topic Review
An Enneagram Approach to Strategy
The enneagram strategy is a structural typology that many organisations and individuals use to effectively understand their business profiles and interpersonal patterns, despite scholars showing concerns about its robustness and dynamism.
  • 479
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Open Innovation in the transition to Agriculture 4.0
Industry 4.0 digital technologies in agribusiness will enable traditional farming systems to migrate to Agriculture 4.0. Open innovation emerges as an enabler for implementing these technologies and increased sector competitiveness.
  • 522
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Flexible Employment and Innovation in China
Flexible Employment was born in industrialized developed countries as a form of employment resulting from the development of emerging industries and advances in information and communication technologies, with a concentration of highly skilled labor.
  • 408
  • 02 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Business Strategies and Innovation Outputs in Manufacturing
An important factor in maintaining a competitive advantage and efficiency in a knowledge-based economy is the ability to introduce innovations constantly. Considering the idea of sustainable development which has been discussed globally, nowadays innovations must have at least a neutral impact on the environment and society. The ability to create innovation is in turn determined by the business strategy adopted by an enterprise. Such a strategy, involving long-term planning and actions aimed at development, is primarily oriented towards the introduction of innovations that enable the dynamic development of a company. The innovative process in enterprises is characterized by specific features. Regardless of the adopted innovation implementation model, it is required to acquire skills and establish relationships with the environment. An innovative enterprise as a learning organization.
  • 321
  • 02 Jun 2023
Topic Review
ICT Diffusion Impact on the Shadow Economy
The primary factors that influence sovereign bond yields are typically domestic macroeconomic and financial fundamentals, as well as global factors such as international risk appetite and global liquidity, as indicated by a substantial body of literature. Credit ratings are widely regarded as a standard means of measuring a country’s financial risk and play a critical role in assessing its overall risk profile. Furthermore, international investors seeking to realize higher returns inevitably face higher risk and volatility and scarce relevant information when focusing on emerging markets. As a result, they turn to credit ratings as valuable indicators of a country’s capacity or willingness to meet its financial obligations. Hence, credit ratings can also be seen, as Cantor and Packer (1996) suggest, as a reflection or proxy of domestic macroeconomic and financial indicators. 
  • 323
  • 01 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Consumption and Circular Economy
Sustainable consumption is a key concept in society and the environment due to its direct relationship with sustainable development; its importance lies in the decoupling of consumption and economic growth with environmental damage and its involvement with various behavioral disciplines and ecological concepts. 
  • 585
  • 01 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Whistleblowing Maturity Framework
Empirical research identifies whistleblowing as one of the most effective internal antifraud controls. Very recently, Directive 1937/2019 became effective in the EU, aiming to deal with the defragmentation of whistleblowing legislation among the member states and provide common minimum accepted standards.
  • 431
  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Entrepreneurship Institutions for Sustainable Enterprise
The emergence of entrepreneurship institutions, as a mechanism, is not only for sustainability, but access to micro-financing for entrepreneurs has also become pivotal owing to the heightened spate of economic degradation, growing poverty rates, and an upsurge in rural–urban migration, all currently occurring across the globe.
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  • 31 May 2023
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