Topic Review
CSR Perceptions and Brand Attitudes in Luxury Hospitality
The fit between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and luxury is a debated topic and there is limited understanding regarding how the CSR initiatives of a luxury hotel are differently perceived and responded to by customers. 
  • 340
  • 25 May 2023
Topic Review
CSR Practices on Customer Value Co-Creation and Perception
The rapid development of digitalization has introduced greater variability and trust-related risks to the banking industry. Enhancing customers’ perception of value co-creation with banks is a critical issue that requires attention. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices have no impact on customer value co-creation in the digital context. CSR practices have a positive impact on customers’ perception of a company’s social responsibility.  customers’ perception of a company’s social responsibility has a positive impact on customer value co-creation; and customers’ perception plays a mediating role between CSR practices and customer value co-creation. 
  • 243
  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Cultural Diversity and Conflict in Family Businesses
Family firms play a key role in the economic growth and employment of any country. Several researchers argued that culture of family businesses plays an important role in determining whether the firm continues successfully beyond the first generation. Involvement of the family in business is often portrayed both as a special feature of the family business and as an important source of conflict in these businesses.
  • 215
  • 08 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Cultural Heritage
For urban development worldwide, the revitalisation of cultural heritage and historical buildings is regarded as a strategy for creating jobs, increasing residents’ access to local culture, improving their quality of life, and developing the urban economy. The key factor in the revitalisation of cultural heritage and historical buildings is a strategy for developing the urban economy.
  • 1.6K
  • 25 May 2022
Topic Review
Cultural Intelligence Facilitates Employee Voice in Hospitality Industry
Cultural intelligence (CQ) has a positive effect on employees’ voice behavior through self-efficacy. Further, CQ has a positive effect on job satisfaction through a sequential mediation of self-efficacy and voice. 
  • 499
  • 31 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Cultural Values as Catalysts of Technological Innovation
Innovation is a key element for companies that aim to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. A great number of academics and practitioners have focused on the role of cultural values to provide further incentives to firms to invest more in innovation that will give them a market edge. 
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  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Cumulus is a digital asset management software designed for client/server system which is developed by Canto Software. The product line includes editions targeted to smaller organizations and larger enterprises. The product makes use of metadata for indexing, organizing, and searching.
  • 555
  • 06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Currency War of 2009–11
The Currency War of 2009–2011 was an episode of competitive devaluation which became prominent in the financial press in September 2010. Competitive devaluation involves states competing with each other to achieve a relatively low valuation for their own currency, so as to assist their domestic industry. With the financial crises of 2008 the export sectors of many emerging economies have experienced declining orders, and from 2009 several states began or increased their levels of intervention to push down their currencies. Both private sector analysts and politicians including Tim Geithner have suggested the phrase currency war overstates the extent of hostility, but the term has been widely used by the media since Brazil's finance ministers Guido Mantega September 2010 announcement that a "currency war" had broken out. Other commentators including world statesmen such as Manmohan Singh and Guido Mantega suggested a currency war was indeed underway and that the leading participants are China and the US, though since 2009 many other states have been taking measures to either devalue or at least check the appreciation of their currencies. The US does not acknowledge that it is practicing competitive devaluation and its official policy is to let the dollar float freely. While the US has taken no direct action to devalue its currency, there is close to universal consensus among analysts that its quantitative easing programmes exert downwards pressure on the dollar. According to many analysts the currency war had largely fizzled out by mid-2011, though others including Mantega disagreed. As of March 2012, outbreaks of rhetoric were still occurring, with additional measures being adopted by countries like Brazil to control the appreciation of their currency. Yet by June, there were signs that currency misalignment had been levelling out in China and across the world, with even Mantega relaxing some of Brazils anti-appreciation controls. Alarms were raised concerning a possible second 21st currency war in January 2013, this time with the most apparent tension being between Japan and the Euro-zone.
  • 1.1K
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Current Account
In economics, a country's current account is one of the two components of its balance of payments, the other being the capital account (also known as the financial account). The current account consists of the balance of trade, net primary income or factor income (earnings on foreign investments minus payments made to foreign investors) and net unilateral transfers, that have taken place over a given period of time. The current account balance is one of two major measures of a country's foreign trade (the other being the net capital outflow). A current account surplus indicates that the value of a country's net foreign assets (i.e. assets less liabilities) grew over the period in question, and a current account deficit indicates that it shrank. Both government and private payments are included in the calculation. It is called the current account because goods and services are generally consumed in the current period.
  • 1.1K
  • 24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Current Market for Functional Foods and Consumption Intention
Functional foods generally refer to foods with one or more particular functions and positive effects on human health, often in relation to nutrition or reducing disease risk. The growth of the functional food market has been largely caused by concerns about rising medical and healthcare costs, the desire to improve the quality of later life with the steady increase in life expectancy, and scientific evidence that functional foods are beneficial to health. Purchase intention, which is strongly associated with market expansion, is the likelihood that consumers plan to purchase specific products or services. Consumer attitude towards a certain product or brand, along with certain external factors, promote consumers’ purchase intentions and are crucial indicators for predicting consumer behaviour.
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  • 15 Jul 2022
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