Topic Review
Sustainable Social and Economic Development of Russian Municipalities
Sustainable social and economic development of municipalities has been assessed in Russia. In Russia, the issue of improving socio-economic sustainability of municipalities in the region through the assessment of its indicators are particularly relevant. Regional policy measures to equalize the level of socio-economic development should be designed, taking into account the identified features of the territorial development of municipal districts.
  • 555
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Project Management and Interorganizational Projects
Interorganizational cooperation in engineering projects is associated with many opportunities and risks that continue to be a challenge for today’s world. It is important to identify and assess relationship-specific risks and risk determinants threatening to achieve the intended benefit of interorganizational cooperation and to develop assumptions for the risk management model in such projects. It will support sustainable project management in interorganizational engineering projects and increase their sustainability. 
  • 338
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Project Management
Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. Enterprises are integrating ideas of sustainability in their marketing, corporate communication, annual reports and in their actions. The concept of sustainability has more recently also been linked to project management. Sustainable project management means implementing projects that will serve to support future generations and society in social, economic and environmental benefits. Therefore, it is important to focus on the critical factors that lead to successful project management.
  • 2.5K
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Product Innovation Based on Triple Bottom Line
Sustainable product innovation is essential for the realisation of sustainability through sustainable consumption. From the managerial perspective, sustainable products and service development require interdisciplinary knowledge, and the measurement of the environmental and socio-economic performance are significant indications for decision-making, ecolabelling scheme, marketing, etc. Therefore, incorporating the sustainability know-how with the knowledge of life-cycle thinking and LCM, to facilitate co-creation with engineers and value chain actors to develop circular economy business models is necessary. Furthermore, utilising a sustainable product and service innovation framework, such as Sustainable Product Development and Service (SPDS) approach, can be the groundwork for integrating businesses’ sustainability efforts based on the product life cycle. With the integration of Omni-channel marketing methods, the communication of sustainability information of products and services can also improve the consumer experience and empower customers to become loyal brand advocators, creating a positive circularity toward sustainable business.
  • 742
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Performance through Digital-Supply-Chains in Industry 4.0 Era
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic disruption, industry 4.0 technologies (I4TEs) and digital supply chains (DSCs) are reinforcing businesses to gain economic stability and agility to enrich their sustainable performance 
  • 376
  • 24 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Open Innovations
A major significant contribution of the open innovation paradigm is the ability or opportunity for firms to share knowledge and learn to improve on their innovative activities through sourcing of external knowledge or the utilization of the abundant pool of knowledge within the firm. This flow of the most important factor in the open knowledge economy, however, needs focus and institutional backing. Properly designed institutions induce innovation as a matter of competitive necessity. However, weak institutions make transactions within and across firms uncertain and costly, which restricts exchange possibilities.
  • 520
  • 16 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Maritime Workforce
The maritime industry is regarded as the fulcrum of the global economy. It contributes significantly in diverse ways to the movement of goods. To effectively deliver on its mandate, maritime transportation needs to be sustainable.
  • 180
  • 09 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
Sustainable manufacturing was defined as "the creation of manufactured products that use processes that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, are safe for employees, communities, and consumers and are economically sound".
  • 797
  • 12 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Management of Railway Companies
Sustainable transport is a critical and complex issue that the world is currently facing. Managers of railway companies in particular face significant challenges in achieving self-sustainable management of their assets. 
  • 304
  • 16 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Leadership Practices and Competencies of SMEs
Sustainability leadership has gained much popularity as an emergent multidisciplinary area in the recent literature. Worldwide scholars call for more sustainability studies as an important leadership agenda . Modern leaders need to strategically lead their businesses beyond profit-maximization or economic performance and maneuver their vision and strategy toward environmental protection and social responsibility. The literature urges future leaders and managers to purposefully develop value-oriented sustainable leadership and sustainability competencies in their business practices as well as to balance the economic performance and socio-environmental responsibility to thrive for long-term success. The latest empirical research also indicates that sustainability leadership is a key determinant of long-term success and sustainability performance outcomes. The topic strategically becomes critical to achieve corporate resilience, longevity and sustainable futures.
  • 2.1K
  • 15 Jun 2022
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