Topic Review
Environmental Orientation and Environment Commitment
Environmental orientation reflects the extent to which employees recognize the legitimacy of environmental issues and the impact that the firm has on those issues. It is an essential part of the strategic disposition of any organization that translates into business operations and how operating in an environmentally sustainable way is perceived by different members of the organization. Environmental commitment practices ranged from having a formal environmental plan to a dedicated board or committee looking after the environmental issues. Drivers of environmental commitment can be identified on the continuum of internal to external drivers. The environmental orientation is one of the drivers of environmental commitment by firms as it can prompt the organizational leaders to take pro-environmental initiatives. When environmentalism is part of corporate identity, environmental commitment becomes a moral obligation.
  • 2.5K
  • 04 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Reputational Risk and Sustainability
Reputation is the contemporary business’s most important commodity. Well, the known will lead to several promising results. Businesses with a solid, good reputation retain consumers and create market satisfaction, hire and sustain high-level staff, build long-term relationships with vendors, attract new buyers, obtain funding at reduced prices and deter future rivals from joining the industry. Since the investor expects that these businesses will achieve long-term profit and future prosperity, they have higher costs and market values. 
  • 1.3K
  • 03 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Circular Economy and Circular Cities
An alternative way to the current way cities develops and operate is provided by the circular economy (CE). The idea of circular economy finds its roots in environmental and ecological economics, industrial ecology and management and corporate sustainability. The circular city represents a relatively new concept, and as a result, assumptions about these types of cities are often incorrect and require further explanations to understand their way of functioning. A framework for a circular economy not only reduces the raw materials used within the system but also brings opportunities for sustainable consumption, waste management and innovation in all fields, as well as human development and increased well-being for everyone. However, the nature of circular systems mandates for the collective effort of governments, businesses and consumers likewise. Therefore, a circular economy should be an integrated part of the cities’ and regions’ development plans for achieving healthy circular ecosystems.
  • 637
  • 02 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Green Entrepreneurship
The concept of “green entrepreneurship” has been given significant attention by academics, who push for “going green” to be captured as a measure to raise environmental sustainability. Give this direction, researchers view green entrepreneurship as the answer to ecological and social problems. This concept suggests that the world can become environmentally friendly when individuals pay attention to the “going green” environment. Green entrepreneurship is a new area in academia, both in research and policy forums in Ghana, and is thus no longer a clumsy business, but a charitable social action with the aim of safeguarding and conserving natural resources.
  • 2.2K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Socioeconomic Impacts of University–Industry Collaborations
University–industry collaborations create socioeconomic impacts for the areas where they are undertaken. Although these collaborations have recognized importance and a high potential to generate economic and social benefits, there is no consensus in the literature on a consolidated conceptual model for assessing their socioeconomic impacts.
  • 524
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Perceived Value’ Predictive Relationship
Ecotourism development is a distinct market phenomenon and a necessary form of sustainable tourism, which grows three times faster than tourism in general. Ecotourism’s rising popularity worldwide has encouraged tourist destinations to receive more and more tourists who like contact with nature and are willing to comply with the protection standards of the natural area chosen. 
  • 819
  • 28 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Innovation Management Systems
Standardized innovation management systems (SIMS) are homogeneous management systems which accelerate the conversion of an organization’s innovation strategy into effective actions. Thus, SIMSs ensure that innovation means not mere shiny novel inventions, but rather an organization’s ability to recognize and pursue new areas of opportunity while reacting to fluctuating conditions in its environment. In 2006, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) issued the Spanish UNE 166002: 2006, the first innovation management standard, as sets of principles intended to aid organizations in navigating the multifaceted process of innovation, schematizing their activities and improving management efficiency.
  • 645
  • 27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Open Space Design
Open space design, as an integral part of urban design, is the art of relationship.
  • 1.7K
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Safety Leadership
Safety leadership is a process where the leader, through interaction with followers, tries to achieve safety standards set by the organization, increases safety awareness, and encourages safe behaviour.
  • 884
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Perceived Green Value (PGV)
Perceived Green Value (PGV) is defined as consumers’ overall evaluation and appraisal of products in regards to their perceived environmental and sustainable advantages. This concept derives from consumer perceived value (CPV) theory, which mainly considers two dimensions, which are the functional value (quality, services, price, and convenience values) and the symbolic value (aesthetic, emotional, social, and reputational values) .
  • 2.7K
  • 26 Jul 2021
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