Topic Review
Sustainability Dimensions in the Food Supply Chain
Nowadays, the world is facing numerous sustainability challenges and the modern food system is called to innovate processes or products in order to remain competitive within the market, as well as answering to strategic government guidelines for a more sustainable food supply chain.
  • 634
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Cross-Sectoral Digital Platform and Innovation Ecosystem Development
A cross-sectoral ecosystem is considered to be a mechanism for the cross-sectoral interaction of an unlimited number of actors of a certain technological sector of the economy in a platform-based single digital circuit that provides digital tools and services to ensure accelerated growth and reduce costs through synergy from multilateral interaction based on common rules and principles of self-government, digital transparency, networking, and equality for all participants.
  • 1.2K
  • 12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Workplace and Employee Engagement
Workplace and employee engagement are closely related. Workplace might be a hybrid one, i.e., home, office, and third places.  For more than a decade, the physical workplace has been perceived as a ‘business tool’ designed for a financial return far greater than the initial investment. However, a ‘work environment’ in employee engagement studies (e.g., organisational psychology, human resources, and management) is usually defined as a social environment rather than a physical one. 
  • 668
  • 03 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Income Inequality and Race/Ethnicity Drive Obesity
Obesity is a major public health problem both globally and within the U.S. It varies by multiple factors, including but not limited to income and sex. After controlling for potential covariates, there is little evidence to determine the association between income and obesity and how obesity may be moderated by sex and family income. We examined the association between income and obesity in U.S. adults aged 20 years and older, and tested whether this relationship differs by race or ethnicity groups. For this analysis, we used data from the 1999–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). Obesity was determined using Body Mass Index ≥ 30 kg/m2; the Gini coefficient (GC) was calculated to measure income inequality using the Poverty Income Ratio (PIR). We categorized the PIR into five quintiles to examine the relationship between income inequality and obesity. For the first set of analyses, we used a modified Poisson regression in a sample of 36,665 adults, with an almost equal number of men and women (women’s ratio was 50.6%), including 17,303 white non-Hispanics (WNH), 7475 black non-Hispanics (BNHs), and 6281 Mexican Americans. The models included age, racial/ethnic groups, marital status, education, health behaviors (smoking and drinking status and physical activities), health insurance coverage, self-reported health, and household structure (live alone and size of household). Adjusting for potential confounders, our findings showed that the association between PIR and obesity was positive and significant more frequently among WNH and BNH in middle and top PIR quintiles than among lower-PIR quintiles; this association was not significant in Mexican Americans (MAs). Results of GC in obese women showed that in comparison with WNHs (GC: 0.34, S.E.: 0.002), BNHs (GC: 0.38, S.E.: 0.004) and MAs (GC: 0.41, S.E.: 0.006) experienced higher income inequality, and that BNH obese men experienced the highest income inequality (GC: 0.45, S.E.: 0.011). The association between PIR and obesity was significant among WNHs and BNHs men in the 3rd, 4th and 5th PIR quintiles. The same association was not found for women. In treating obesity, policymakers should consider not only race/ethnicity and sex, but also strategies to reduce inequality in income. 
  • 505
  • 28 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Value Innovation
Value innovation, as defined by Kim and Mauborgne, and Kim and Mauborgne, is making “the competition irrelevant by offering fundamentally new and superior buyer value in existing markets and by enabling a quantum leap in buyer value to create new markets”. The concept of value innovation is a summation of analytical outcomes from 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 companies, worldwide, in approximately 30 industries, as well as a study for the business launched of approximately 100 companies to quantify the influence of value innovation on a company’s growth in revenues and profits. From a company perspective, Mohanty, Mele, Mele, Russo Spenaviewed value innovation as resource integration and superior competency development; meanwhile, Setijonodescribed value innovation as “creating stakeholder value through radical (disruptive)-attractive quality”, where the logic behind it is to provide a total solution, extraordinary experiences, and cost reduction through product, service, and delivery platforms.
  • 1.4K
  • 26 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Stand-Level Optimization
There is a vast backlog of conducted first commercial thinnings (FCTs) in Finland. The reasons are many, but probably the most crucial would be the lack of simultaneous economic incentives for participating agents, i.e., private forest owners and forest machine contractors. In this study an FCT was executed accruing to five predetermined management options: (1) Industrial wood thinning with only two timber assortments, pulpwood and saw logs, (2) Integrated procurement of industrial and energy wood, (3) Energy wood thinning solely consisting of delimbed stems, (4) Whole-tree energy wood thinning with an energy price of 3 € m−3 and (5) Whole-tree energy wood thinning with energy price of 8 € m−3. Then, a two-phase financial analysis consisting of stand-level optimization (private forest owners) and profitability assessment (contractor) was conducted in order to find out whether there would be simultaneous economic incentives for both participants of FCT. The stand-level optimization revealed the financially best management options for a private forest owner, and then, for a contractor, the profitability assessment exposed the profit (or loss) associated with the particular management option.
  • 598
  • 22 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting is an essential mechanism for ensuring the transparency and accountability of companies towards sustainability performance. To further promote that sustainable development agenda, CSR-related regulations and policies have emerged worldwide.
  • 3.2K
  • 22 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Green Jobs
Green jobs, described as those jobs generated around sustainability and European Green Deal (EGD), have become “the emblem of this sustainable economy” according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report. Studies on green economy and green tourism have increased substantially in the last decade, but it is also true that there is a lack of studies that determine what green job opportunities exist in the Spanish hotel sector under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainability policies.
  • 1.0K
  • 21 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Business Failure
As living organisms, companies follow a three-stage life cycle: they are established, they grow and develop and, at some point, their life ends more or less suddenly. Business Failure is defined as liquidation, inactivation and legal declaration.
  • 654
  • 20 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Tougher Plastics Ban Policies in China
After the Chinese government's new plastics ban policies issued in 2020, another set of tougher plastics ban measures were introduced in Shanghai, China in 2021. The tougher plastic ban polices completely forbade the usage of plastic carrier bags and required all supermarkets to sell only cloth or nylon carrier bags priced from RMB 1.0 to 39.0. Tougher plastics ban policies are penalty-oriented. The tougher plastics ban policies produce positive plastics reducing effects by observing significantly decreased usage of charged carrier bags by 46%, and significantly increased usage of old plastic bags and reusable bags by 117% and 36%, respectively. Policy execution loopholes are found in some supermarkets which do not follow the tougher plastics ban measures. Fortunately, the spill-over effects from tougher-measure-executing supermarkets fix this issue to some extent. The tougher 2021 measures fail to be the most powerful impacting factor on people’s usage of each type of bag. To produce better plastics reducing results, other bag-targeted measures are necessary.
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  • 19 Oct 2021
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