Topic Review
Consumers’ Willingness to Adopt Digital Banking
Even though the literature implies that customers and banking organizations can profit from digital banking in various ways, client adoption of this service is still low, especially in emerging and developing nations. Consumers’ openness to digital services limits their willingness to adopt digital banking, especially mobile banking services. 
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  • 04 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Blockchain and Business Process Management Synergy
Blockchain technology has become a powerful disruptive force that upends established ideas in several industries. A fascinating point of convergence is that of blockchain technology and Business Process Management (BPM), where the distributed and immutable characteristics of blockchain promise to completely transform the modeling, implementation, and oversight of business processes. This symbiosis offers a singular chance to develop corporate processes that are more efficient, safe, and transparent.
  • 179
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Administrative Regulation Institutional Factors and Business Efficiency
Different business environments may have differential impacts. The improvement in the institutional environment and increased certainty about the future greatly impact entrepreneurial activity and business results. The research aimed to investigate administrative barriers to business in (1) subdivisions of the Russian Federation on the example of monitoring and supervision activities of state bodies, and (2) the provision of public services. 
  • 161
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Housing Choices of Young Adults
As young adults’ living arrangements affect decisions about marriage, education, childbirth, and participation in the workforce, more knowledge for policymakers is crucial to implementing effective policies to support young adults and promote financial independence and well-being.
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  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Digital Economy, Waste Treatment and Urban Waste
Waste management has always been an integral part of urban governance, and in the post-pandemic era, the choice of waste disposal methods has become a focal point of public attention. While there is existing literature pointing to new waste disposal methods, such as the conversion of biomass-derived polymers into functional biochar materials through pyrolysis, according to the Chinese Urban Statistical Yearbook, there are currently two primary waste disposal methods: landfill disposal and incineration.
  • 293
  • 03 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Factors Related to Fintech Adoption
Technology in general, and information and communication technologies (ICT) specifically, have directly impacted all facets of human life, from innovation processes that affect the economy and industrial and organizational dynamics to important advances in different sectors. Such is the case in the financial sector, where emerging disruptive technologies such as financial technologies (Fintech) are adding elements of ease and speed to the different transactions carried out in that sector.
  • 605
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Empowering Clusters for Sustainable Supply Chain in Egypt
The high frequency of market shocks pushes organisations to focus on cost reduction and financial gains at the expense of social and environmental issues, which leads to health and safety issues. Especially in supply chain clusters (SCCs), the concentration of industrial and logistics activities, such as transportation, raises environmental issues and harms the surrounding communities.
  • 234
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
CAPM and Fama and French Three-Five Factor Models
Entitled the Fama and French three-factor (hereafter, FF3F) model (1993), it embraces others risk factors in addition to the CAPM beta, such as the mimicking returns for the size factor and the mimicking returns for the book-to-market factor.
  • 180
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Digitalization and Supply Chain
Digitization has completely changed the landscape of supply chain management, which enables businesses to streamline their processes and attain higher levels of profitability and sustainability. The relationships between digitalization and supply chain elements, particularly integration, communication, operation, and distribution, and their effects on corporate profitability and sustainability are investigated . 
  • 222
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Silver Consumers in Short-Form Video Platforms
With the aging of the population and the popularization of digital technology, the proportion of the silver group (people over the age of 50) with money and leisure to use short-form video (SFV) e-commerce will increase accordingly. SFV companies should pay more attention to the size and potential of the silver market, and help silver groups to cross the digital divide and remove barriers to the use of SFV e-commerce platforms.
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  • 29 Dec 2023
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