Topic Review
The Key Motive of Adaptive Social Innovation
The fundamental cause of adaptive social innovation can be found in the changes derived from the “digital economy.” Newly born platform capitalism and its industrial structure are expanding their dominant power in economic systems. This is causing extensive upheaval in the fundamentals that support the social and economic environment such as production, consumption, distribution, etc., by reorganizing the production and distribution systems. 
  • 464
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Building a Super Smart Nation
Globally, countries are increasingly facing challenges regarding their national future post the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to decreasing and aging populations; dwindling workforces; trade wars due to restricted movement of goods, people, and services; and overcoming economic development and societal problems. 
  • 744
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Economic Value Added as Universal Financial Metric
Previous research into Economic Value Added (EVA) has extensively described it as a business metric of firms. Still, no studies have confirmed or denied that EVA is a universal metric and that one may use EVA in unstable markets in the same way as in stable and developed economies. Meanwhile, the green energy revolution, ensuring carbon neutrality through green innovations, requires enormous investments, and the projects realised must be appropriately tailored. These projects are realised by different firms, including those from developing countries, and investors need solid financial metrics.
  • 622
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Water–Energy–Food Model
The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Water–Energy–Food (WEF) nexus under the lens of institutional, stakeholder, and innovation theories has been studied recently. Research on AI for WEF nexus management has adopted mostly a technical perspective, neglecting the relevance of management tools and the business model concept. An integrated approach for managing the nexus through AI technologies is proposed to meet sustainable and responsible business models. The gap between research and policy making could be filled by combining scientific data and policy needs with inclusive tools that are technically viable for sustainable resource utilization.
  • 843
  • 20 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Effect of COVID-19 on International Trade
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been detrimental to all countries, despite the continuous efforts of governments on all continents to attempt to mitigate its damaging effects. All economic and social indicators have worsened. COVID-19 impact was evident in all countries, but not with the same strength.
  • 634
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Environment Sustainability Is a Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility (both internal and external CSR) positively promotes SSCM practices and contributes to expanding dynamic capacity theory in the context of BDA capabilities. Big data analytical capabilities (BDAC) are also a key mediator between SSCM practices and organizational performance. These results contribute to and improve the research on stakeholder theory and SSCM practice and provide a new perspective for scholars to further study this issue.
  • 564
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument
Questionnaire is one of the most widely used tools to collect data in especially social science research. The main objective of questionnaire in research is to obtain relevant information in most reliable and valid manner. Thus the accuracy and consistency of survey/questionnaire forms a significant aspect of research methodology which are known as validity and reliability. Often new researchers are confused with selection and conducting of proper validity type to test their research instrument (questionnaire/survey). 
  • 56.7K
  • 15 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Understanding Hotel Service Failures
Service failure is inevitable. Service in the hospitality industry involves multiple interactions between the service providers and customers, and a high risk of service failures accompanies these interactions. Although empirical studies on the outcomes and processes of service failures have been conducted in the hotel industry, the findings need more exploration to understand how different segments perceive service failures and the associated emotions differently. This study revealed the similarities and differences between groups (i.e., men vs. women and leisure vs. business) in reporting service failures. Different meanings of words that emerged from the text-mining results were also examined to ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the guest experience.
  • 4.0K
  • 15 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Rural–Urban Industry Linkages
Rural–urban linkages refer to the goods, people, and money transfers between rural and urban places, and have long been a focus for economic development researchers and practitioners alike. Urban places typically have higher incomes and more diverse market segments, making greater rural–urban market integration a potentially lucrative business and rural development strategy. Indeed, urban-adjacent rural communities often have comparative advantages in the production of food, energy, tourism, and other rural goods and services desired by urban consumers. Thus, identifying how these interdependent economic flows affect the economic prosperity of rural places may better inform rural development policies and strategies.
  • 872
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
ESG Integration into the Business Model
The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) into the business model means considering ESG issues in the existing business model, which is defined by four factors: value proposition, value creation, value delivery, and value capture.
  • 3.0K
  • 14 Mar 2022
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