Topic Review
Customer Co-Creation on Revisiting Intentions in Tourism Sector
Co-creation is primarily an organizational process that involves the participation of managers, employees, and customers, but the customer always plays the final and essential role. Managers are responsible for designing processes that allow customers to take an active role, enabling organizations to make necessary adjustments to meet customer needs. In tourism, the co-creation process begins with customers and the elements of the service they will enjoy, which can be in an online environment (such as during the booking process) and physical elements such as layout, equipment, and culture, among others. Additionally, interpersonal dimensions play a fundamental role in co-creation.
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  • 08 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Income of Flexible Workers in China
Numerous workers have adopted the flexible working approach due to its accommodating and job-sharing features, which play a key role in easing the employment pressure and maintaining socio-economic sustainability in China. It was found that, firstly, while the feature of flexible employment may be very different from formal employment, its relationship with work experience and income is as significantly correlated as it is for formal employment with a rise–fall, inverted U-shaped trend, but the return on work experience is lower than the employment level in the labor market. Secondly, there is an income gap between genders, especially in physical labor-intensive forms of flexible work; women can gradually narrow the gender income gap through continuous learning. Thirdly, the return on work experience in the older age group is lower than that in the youth group of flexible workers, and this may be due to the dynamic evolution of the elimination of existing work experience and the accumulation of new work experience. Fourthly, in contrast with the findings of the labor market as a whole, the trend of work experience return in flexible employment is reversed; the low-income group’s return rate of work experience is higher than that of the high-income group, and it can be seen that flexible employment is conducive to the development of new and young workers.
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  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Climate Justice Implications of Banning Air-Freighted Fresh Produce
Airfreight transport refers to the shipment of goods by air from one location to another and is often perceived as a contributor to global carbon emissions. The environmental impacts associated with airfreight are of notable and genuine concern. Such concerns have often led to calls for measures to ban or limit air freight as a mode of transportation for goods. Whilst the majority of these calls are perceived to be well placed, it is nevertheless essential to acknowledge the climate justice implications associated with such measures, particularly in the context of perishable products like fresh produce.
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  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Indirect Land Use Change Risk Certification for Biofuels
Indirect land use change (ILUC) is considered a significant challenge, resulting from an increasing demand for biomass and bioenergy. On a political level sustainability certification of biomass-derived products is discussed as one potential instrument to manage the risk of ILUC. However, extending existing schemes towards a credible and reliable certification approach to account for ILUC-risks is still an open challenge. To develop such a certification instrument, so-called “additionality practices” are gaining relevance. Such practices include measures that an individual producer can adopt to provide an amount of biomass in addition to the business-as-usual feedstock production. In preparation of an integrated assessment framework for low ILUC-risk certification, a gap analysis is presented that examines whether trade-offs that may arise from the use of such additionality practices are considered already in existing sustainability certification schemes for biofuels.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19 and Community Group in Online Purchase Behavior
The omicron outbreak affected the online food purchases of those born before the 1990s, males, the less educated, and low-income earners through a community group effect. The internet provides a convenient means of disseminating information, promoting access to local foods, and assuring food access during public health emergencies. Purchasing food online can be further enhanced through standardized management of online communities.
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  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Technological Progress in Citrus-Producing China
Technological progress is the use of a certain amount of input to produce more output, or, conversely, the use of less input to produce a certain amount of output. With the continuous progress in agricultural technology, productivity has greatly improved, and a large number of scholars have emerged in the field of agricultural technological progress research.
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  • 05 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Selection of Industrial Sites to Minimize Risks
Industrial sites are essential for the development of an area and they are even more crucial considering the increasing population, which results in an increasing demand for the supply of industrial products. The procurement of products requires a particular place, specifically set as an industrial site location, to produce different products that society needs. An industrial site is an area where industrial activities are centralized and supported by facilities and infrastructure that are developed and managed by industrial site companies with an industrial estate business license. The efficient selection of a perfect site for the development of an industrial site in spatial planning should consider the land condition and environmental factors to minimize the impacts and risks.
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  • 05 Dec 2023
Topic Review
LSTM-Based Stock Prediction and Selection
A great deal of attention has been devoted to the use of neural networks in portfolio management, particularly in the prediction of stock prices. First, data from historical quotes and technical and fundamental indicators are used in the long short-term memory (LSTM) network to provide good predictions. Second, the EMN strategy allows for the funding of long-position stocks by short-sell-position stocks, thus hedging the market risk.
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  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Hotels’ Online Attributes and Customer Satisfaction
This research examines the impact of different types of destinations (commercial and religious) on the relationship between customer satisfaction and hotel service quality attributes, as assessed by their online review ratings.
  • 369
  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Pandemic Economic Crises
The market serves as the convergence point of supply and demand and represents the process through which market relations between economic units materialize. From a global perspective, the focus shifts to the world market, which is the fundamental structure on which the global economy is based. The world economy operates as a very complex ecosystem. When it is exposed to the extremely damaging effects of a global pandemic, the term of a pandemic economic crisis becomes relevant.
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  • 04 Dec 2023
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