Topic Review
Urban–Rural Integration Empowers High-Quality Development of Tourism Economy
Urban–rural integration has become an effective way to promote the high-quality development of the tourism economy in China’s policy evolution. Urban–rural integration has a positive empowering effect on the high-quality development of the tourism economy as a whole, with the integration of urban and rural areas in the central and eastern regions playing a considerable role.
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  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Transformational Leadership and Innovative Behavior of Employees
There is a significant influence of transformational leadership (TL) on employee’s innovative work behavior (EIWB) mediated by both their employees’ intellectual agility (EIA) and employee’s voice (EV). These findings empower leaders to recognize their pivotal roles in nurturing innovation within their enterprises and crafting an optimal culture and climate conducive to innovative endeavors. Furthermore, this insight enables leaders to establish innovative environments that promote employees’ confident sharing of ideas and concepts. 
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  • 22 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Persistence
Society has gradually realized that companies’ actions have consequences. Companies can fulfill their accountability to society by disclosing information beyond their financial data, providing better decision making for stakeholders.
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  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Macroeconomic Effects of Energy Price in Korea
Under the double pressure of the Ukrainian–Russian war and the COVID-19 pandemic, the global energy crisis has also engulfed the Korean economy. According to an empirical study using the impulse response function, the results show that an energy price shock causes a decline in production, labor supply, capital stock, and energy consumption, as well as an increase in consumption, wages, the goods price level, inflation, and the deposit interest rate. Meanwhile, variance decomposition findings indicate that the energy price shock has a greater impact on the Korean macroeconomy than other shocks.
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  • 17 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Applications in Food Supply Chains
Blockchain has found wide acceptance not just in the DeFi and Crypto space, but also in digital supply chains, non-monetary transactions, and governance. Amongst many, the food supply chain is riddled with lots of inefficiencies and untraceable corruption. Hence, many have investigated the integration of blockchain technology into the food system.
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  • 05 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Socio-Economic Activities Involving Wild Boars and Their Habits
The contexts of wild ungulate overabundance in Europe are protected, hunting, forestry, arable farming, livestock farming, and peri-urban areas. Wild boar (Sus scrofa) also known as the wild swine, common wild pig, Eurasian wild pig, or simply wild pig, can be considered the progenitor of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus).
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  • 24 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Developing Forest Carbon Sinks for China
There is growing recognition of the role of forest carbon sinks in offsetting carbon emissions to reduce the threat of global warming. One example of this recognition is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)-initiated Bonn Challenge which has committed to the restoration of 350 million hectares of forest by 2030, estimated to have the potential to sequester up to 14% of global carbon emissions.
  • 307
  • 31 Jul 2023
Bad debt
In the realm of finance, there's a term that strikes fear into the hearts of lenders and borrowers alike: bad debt. It's the bane of financial stability, lurking in the shadows of unpaid bills and defaulted loans. But what exactly is Bad debt, and how can you steer clear of its pitfalls? Bad debt refers to money that is owed and is not likely to be recovered. This can happen for various reaso
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  • 24 May 2024
Topic Review
Information Technology Governance and Bank Performance in Jordan
Financial performance is identified by return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE), and Tobin’s Q. Averages of these variables were calculated for five years from 2015 to 2019. In fact, there is evidence for the general argument that banks will improve their performance by implementing information technology governance (ITG).
  • 305
  • 24 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Consumer’s Attitude towards Display Google Ads
The context of Display Google ads and its components has significant importance to previous studies. However, the full understanding of the variables that influence both Display Google ads avoidance and intention to click has not been thoroughly acknowledged. The data analysis results show that three independent variables positively impact the intention to click; however, credibility has the highest value, then relevance and originality, consequently., while Display Google ads prior experience had no impact on the intention to click. Finally, the research concluded different practical and theoretical implications, and future potential research, and limitations.
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  • 22 Jan 2024
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