Topic Review
Cybersecurity Economics
Cybersecurity economics can be defined as a field of research that utilizes a socio-technical perspective to investigate economic aspects of cybersecurity such as budgeting, information asymmetry, governance, and types of goods and services, to provide sustainable policy recommendations, regulatory options, and practical solutions that can substantially improve the cybersecurity posture of the interacting agents in the open socio-technical systems.   
  • 5.2K
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Technoversal Leadership
Technoversal Leadership is a theory that goes beyond leader-follower interactions and business concerns such as growth and profit. This style has a discipline to a global understanding of biodiversity loss, climate, and environmental consciousness and the leader rising with them; Technoversal Leadership theory roots where these global crises, technology, and adaptable qualities intersect.
  • 5.2K
  • 29 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Quadruple and Quintuple Innovation Helix (Q2IH) Framework
The quadruple along with the quintuple innovation helix framework was co-developed by Elias G. Carayannis and David F.J. Campbell, with the quadruple helix being described in a 2009 article and the quintuple helix in a 2010 article. It extends and expands substantially the triple helix model of innovation economics as the framework introduces civil society and the environment as pillars and focal points of policy and practice. In particular, civil society emphasizes the role of bottom-up initiatives complementing top-down government, university and industry policies and practices, and the environment emphasizes the sustainability priorities and exigencies that need to inform and moderate top-down policies and practices as well as bottom-up initiatives. Within the quintuple helix, these represent the sine qua non of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The quintuple helix views the natural environments of society and the economy as drivers for knowledge production and innovation, thus defining opportunities for the knowledge society and knowledge economy. The quintuple helix can be described in terms of the models of knowledge that it extends, the five subsystems (helices) it incorporates, and the steps involved in the circulation of knowledge. How to define these new helices has been debated and some researchers see them as additional helices while some see them as different types of helix which overarch the previous helices.
  • 5.0K
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Expectation–Disconfirmation Theory and Brand
Combining brand equity indicators with Expectation–Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) provides insight into the hardly measurable influential variables of brand loyalty and brand equity evaluation. The results suggest that the satisfaction level (i.e., product evaluation) can be explained in more depth by the divided response shift indicator in the case of a familiar, low involvement product such as mineral water. It can be stated that the positive and negative disconfirmations of the response shift, which measures the weight of a brand in the overall evaluation of a product, can provide accurate information for brand managers.
  • 4.8K
  • 26 Jul 2022
Topic Review
System Theory of Corporate Sustainability
In response to the prevailing sustainability problems that are difficult to solve since they are characterized by complex interdependencies, and the effort to solve one aspect of a sustainability problem may lead to other problems, an interim, system-based theory of corporate sustainability to fill in significant gaps in the corporate sustainability field is developed. The full-blown theory helps the researchers to comprehend, describe and predict situations, behavioral actions and/or context. It guides the researchers to either go against orthodoxy or to continue with it to enrich the current knowledge domain.
  • 4.8K
  • 07 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Serendipity is defined as an ability to notice, evaluate, and take advantage of unexpected information for survival purposes (both natural and social). The concept has been discussed for centuries. Still, it has only caught the attention of academia quite recently due to its strategic advantage in all aspects of life, such as daily life activities, science and technology, business and entrepreneurship, politics and economics, education administration, career choice and development, etc.
  • 4.6K
  • 01 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Analysis of Business Efficiency
Measuring efficiency and identifying the sources of potential inefficiency in particular are very important steps in improving the competitive position of the enterprises in their continuous development, sustainability, overall behavior in the current corporate environment and security aspects. 
  • 4.6K
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Climate Change and Russian Agriculture
Russian weather trends such as winter softening and increase in summer heat have a significant but opposite effect on yields. An interesting finding is a significant and mostly positive influence of global climatic variables, such as the CO2 concentration, El Niño and La Niña events on both harvests and yields. Although technological factors are the main drivers of growth in Russian agricultural performance over the past 20 years, we found a strong positive effect on yield and gross harvest only for mineral fertilizers. The influence of the other variables is mixed, which is mainly due to data quality and aggregation errors.
  • 4.7K
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Perception of Artificial Intelligence by Students
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of people's daily lives and is available on all platforms, from smart homes to smartphones and autonomous cars. Students of economics and business studies at different levels of study have the differences in various aspects of the perception of artificial intelligence. Current college students will soon join a job market where proficiency in working with, developing, and managing AI will be necessary for many positions. Studying AI-related courses has become a necessary trend that offers significant benefits for students’ future career development 
  • 4.6K
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Mac OS Memory Management
Historically, the classic Mac OS used a form of memory management that has fallen out of favor in modern systems. Criticism of this approach was one of the key areas addressed by the change to Mac OS X. The original problem for the engineers of the Macintosh was how to make optimum use of the 128 KB of RAM with which the machine was equipped, on Motorola 68000-based computer hardware that did not support virtual memory. Since at that time the machine could only run one application program at a time, and there was no fixed secondary storage, the engineers implemented a simple scheme which worked well with those particular constraints. That design choice did not scale well with the development of the machine, creating various difficulties for both programmers and users.
  • 4.4K
  • 15 Nov 2022
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