Topic Review
Senior housing universal design
The senior housing universal design (SHUD) is relatively new, and uprising approach to primarily construct flats that would meet the needs of the elderly and/or disabled ones. These have been termed “barrier-free flats”. The necessary adaptations are implemented at the architectural design stage and involve modifications of bathroom, kitchen, household equipment, furniture, doors, as well as passageways. The primary SHUD of living spaces suitable for senior citizens (barrier-free flats) is more beneficial from the socio-economic perspective as compared to the adaptation of existing houses. 
  • 897
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (2008), 2nd ed., is an eight-volume reference work on economics, edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume and published by Palgrave Macmillan. It runs to 7,680 pages and 5.8 million words. It includes 1,844 articles, of which 1057 are new articles and, from the earlier edition, 80 "classic" essays, 157 revised articles, and 550 edited articles. It is the product of 1,506 contributors, 25 of them Nobel Laureates in Economics. Articles are classified according to Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification codes. The New Palgrave is also available in a hyperlinked online version. Article information by abstract, outline, and keywords is available without subscription. These are accessed by "Go to" or "Quick" searches or alphabetical article links by first letter, see Articles A-Z. Refined search by using JEL classification code, article elements, Boolean operators, or wildcards is available, see Advanced search. Online content is added to the 2008 edition from quarterly updates links, see Online Updates. The first edition was titled The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics (1987), edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, and Peter Newman and published in four volumes. It is discussed in a section below. Access to full-text articles for both editions and post-2008 updates is available online by subscription, whether of an organization, a person, or a person through an organization.
  • 896
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Smart Cities and Financial Sustainability
Smart city initiatives have become recurrent strategies used by local governments to provide better services, improve their managerial effectiveness, and increase citizen participation in cities’ decision-making processes. Great potential exists to use data, information, and communication technologies (ICT) more extensively to improve city operations. However, depending on the size and financial situation of the cities, some smart city initiatives could be considered investments that are too expensive and not easy to maintain in the long term. If city governments want to achieve most of the benefits arising from the intense use of technology and data, building financially sustainable smart cities should be seen as a priority.
  • 894
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Managerial in the Tourism Industry
Globalization and intense competition force organizations to be flexible and adaptable to constant changes in the market. According to many researchers, innovation is a crucial source of competitive advantage in the continuously changing environment. Many studies in the area of management present innovation as one of the most significant factors for enhancing organizational performance.
  • 890
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
New Organizational Structures
The structure of an organization can be defined as a relatively fixed pattern of formal authority, responsibility relationships, and information flows and sources. Although the traditional forms of the organizational structure have been widely studied (Mintzberg, 1989), new organizational structures have yet to be clearly defined. 
  • 889
  • 02 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Black Sea Trade and Economy
The Black Sea trade and economy provide an integral part in the connection between Asia and Europe. In addition to sea ports and fishing, key activities include hydrocarbons exploration for oil and natural gas, and tourism. According to NATO, the Black sea is a strategic corridor that provides smuggling channels for moving legal and illegal goods including drugs, radioactive materials, and counterfeit goods that can be used to finance terrorism.
  • 885
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
William Jennings Bryan Presidential Campaign, 1896
In 1896, William Jennings Bryan ran unsuccessfully for President of the United States. Bryan, a former Democratic congressman from Nebraska, gained his party's presidential nomination in July of that year after electrifying the Democratic National Convention with his Cross of Gold speech. He was defeated in the general election by the Republican candidate, former Ohio governor William McKinley. Born in 1860, Bryan grew up in rural Illinois and in 1887 moved to Nebraska, where he practiced law and entered politics. He won election to the House of Representatives in 1890, and was re-elected in 1892, before mounting an unsuccessful US Senate run. He set his sights on higher office, believing he could be elected president in 1896 even though he remained a relatively minor figure in the Democratic Party. In anticipation of a presidential campaign, he spent much of 1895 and early 1896 making speeches across the United States; his compelling oratory increased his popularity in his party. Bryan often spoke on the issue of the currency. The economic Panic of 1893 had left the nation in a deep recession, which still persisted in early 1896. Bryan and many other Democrats believed the economic malaise could be remedied through a return to bimetallism, or free silver—a policy they believed would inflate the currency and make it easier for debtors to repay loans. Bryan went to the Democratic convention in Chicago as an undeclared candidate, whom the press had given only a small chance of becoming the Democratic nominee. His 'Cross of Gold' speech, given to conclude the debate on the party platform, immediately transformed him into a favorite for the nomination, and he won it the next day. The Democrats nominated Arthur Sewall, a wealthy Maine banker and shipbuilder, for vice president. The left-wing Populist Party (which had hoped to nominate the only silver-supporting candidate) endorsed Bryan for president, but found Sewall unacceptable, substituting Thomas E. Watson of Georgia. Abandoned by many gold-supporting party leaders and newspapers after the Chicago convention, Bryan undertook an extensive tour by rail to bring his campaign to the people. He spoke some 600 times, to an estimated 5,000,000 listeners. His campaign focused on silver, an issue that failed to appeal to the urban voter, and he was defeated. The 1896 race is generally seen as a realigning election. The coalition of wealthy, middle-class and urban voters that defeated Bryan kept the Republicans in power for most of the time until 1932. Although defeated in the election, Bryan's campaign made him a national figure, which he remained until his death in 1925.
  • 878
  • 26 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Building the Circular Supply Chain
The circular supply chain involves return processes and the manufacturer intends to capture additional value in the supply chain. In this paper, value chains have been mapped to visualize the links and interactions between the different stages and actors to understand the complexities of these systems and to make informed decisions. It can be concluded that to develop a new relationship capacity will allow for reaching more frequent, closer relationships with more actors. These relationships will be developed within an adapted organizational and logistical framework that is framed in new business model archetypes. However, dimensions related to the business environment such as sectoral, legislative, and fiscal frameworks must be incorporated.
  • 878
  • 11 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Innovation Capacity in Developing Countries
Innovation is an intrinsic capacity of humankind, enabling the adaptation to changes and managing probable solutions to problems regarding its welfare or its surroundings. It constitutes a key driver of sustainable growth. Moreover, innovation capacity is among the dynamic capacities leading to achieving a competitive and sustainable advantage. Hence, by adopting innovative and R&D practices, a country might enhance its growth and competitiveness, particularly for a developing country. In addition, it encompasses diverse perspectives, e.g., organizational capacity, public capacity, regional capacity, national capacity, among others. Therefore, many public and private organizations have focused their efforts on identifying and quantifying the variables that determine the innovation capacity of a country. Various mechanisms have been proposed to assess this capacity, such as the national innovation capacity, Global Innovation Index (GII), Global Competitive Index (GCI) , or European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). These mechanisms aim at providing an objective measurement of the performance of a country regarding innovation capacity or innovation as a means to competitiveness. Each one of these presents a particular set of determinants, methods, and interpretations to assess innovation.
  • 878
  • 05 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Historical Development of the Fair Value Model
The use of fair value (F.V.) can help businesses obtain more up-to-date financial information on how they are doing and make financial reporting more transparent than traditional accounting methods. It also poses many problems for auditors because they have to make detailed estimates and adjustments when they look at the assets and liabilities of a company. Because “Fair Value Measurements (F.V.M.s)” are based on the current prices, certain assets and liabilities were not evaluable because there were not enough efficient markets for them. There is an “agency problem” between managers and owners, which means more incentives for managers to manipulate and misrepresent financial information.
  • 878
  • 09 Sep 2022
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