Topic Review
High-Quality Tourism Destinations Based on Spatiotemporal Big Data
A tourism destination is a region where tourist activities take place; this can be either a special tourist site or any area in a city where tourist activities occur. It is one of the most important parts of the entire tourism process. Creating high-quality tourism destinations can provide tourists with high-quality experiences and improve the overall living environments in an area, thereby pleasing locals and attracting visitors from far and wide.
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  • 03 Aug 2023
Topic Review
The Integration of Cultural Tourism Industry
The development and integration of industries have promoted economic growth and gradually become an important perspective to understand the country’s modernized construction. The cultural industry and the tourism industry are naturally coupled, which is an important part of the process of industrial integration. In addition, the country’s drive towards modernization needs to improve the overall level of industrial integration, and rural revitalization is one of the key links to this.
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  • 02 Aug 2023
Topic Review
High-Quality Gastronomy for Tourism Offer
Food has evolved from a basic necessity to a primary motivation for travel. While providing a high-quality gastronomic offer is still a restaurant’s primary function, quality is no longer enough; today’s demanding guests seek unique and memorable dining experiences. A restaurant’s competences play a significant role in shaping the guests’ overall perception of the quality and derived perceived value, both of which ultimately impact the competitiveness of both the restaurant and the gastronomic destination. 
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  • 01 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Creating Value via Circular Economy in Tourism Sector
Among major international research and practice issues, the issue of the circular economy has emerged recently as “an alternative economic paradigm” to address the current needs of the present and to search for innovative solutions for the future. Sustainable tourism development has emerged as a critical issue for future development trajectories with the aim of boosting the efficient use of natural resources while producing less waste and addressing the challenges of climate change and biodiversity. A new economic concept known as the “circular economy” (CE) has emerged recently to address social and environmental sustainability issues that increasingly arise in tourism research and its practice. CE is replacing the traditional “take, make, dispose” economic model, which has become highly unsustainable.
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  • 01 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Digital Economy and Sustainability
The digital economy is defined as the global network of economic activities, professional interactions, and commercial exchanges facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICT). It indicates the world’s transition to the fourth industrial revolution. Technologies such as big data and analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and virtual reality are changing the business landscape. The technologies that characterize the digital economy contribute to sustainable development, providing innovations that help improve people’s standard of living and providing advanced techniques to protect the planet, ensuring organizational profitability.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Corporate Responsibility in the Digital Era
As the digital era advances, many industries continue to expand their use of digital technologies to support company operations, notably at the customer interface, bringing new commercial opportunities and increased efficiencies. New sets of responsibilities associated with the deployment of these technologies are emerging, encompassed within the concept of corporate digital responsibility (CDR). The scope of CDR is wide-ranging and overlaps with the other dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), having social, economic, ethical, and environmental—as well as technological components.
  • 570
  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Developing Forest Carbon Sinks for China
There is growing recognition of the role of forest carbon sinks in offsetting carbon emissions to reduce the threat of global warming. One example of this recognition is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)-initiated Bonn Challenge which has committed to the restoration of 350 million hectares of forest by 2030, estimated to have the potential to sequester up to 14% of global carbon emissions.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Empowering Women through Digital Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion empowers women and offers them more financial authority. It ultimately could have a positive impact on a family’s entire home. In addition, agency banking and other digital financial services made available through mobile phone platforms let women conduct transactions easily and safely from their own homes, companies, and communities. Despite the substantial advantages, there are still considerable challenges that need to be overcome before more women throughout the world may access digital financial services.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Profit Maximization for Carsharing Services
This research considers building a dynamic model of profit maximization for a carsharing system and its verification based on the case of implementing such a system in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. The region, bounded by the administrative boundaries of Astana, was divided into subregions that covered the region with regular hexagons placed side by side.
  • 216
  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Macroeconomic Simulator with Multi-Layered Supplier–Customer Relationships
Instead of setting an upstream and downstream structure of firms in the inter-firm networks, the model includes a mechanism that connects each firm through supplier–customer relationships and incorporates interactions between firms mutually buying and selling intermediate input materials. It is confirmed through the proposed model’s simulation analysis that, although a firm’s sales volume temporarily falls due to an economic shock of the type that causes a sharp decline in households’ final demand, the increase in assets held by households as they refrain from spending rather expands their capacity for consumption.
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  • 31 Jul 2023
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