Topic Review
Chatbots for Cyber Security
Groups of cyber criminals/hackers have carried out cyber-attacks using various tactics with the goal of destabilizing web services in a specific context for which they are motivated. Predicting these attacks is a critical task that assists in determining what actions should be taken to mitigate the effects of such attacks and to prevent them in the future.
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  • 22 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Competency Mapping
Competency mapping is a strategic HR approach for monitoring the effectiveness and growth of an organisation’s human resources. It is widely seen that the HR system may use this paradigm to connect human resources with subordinate goals and the larger vision and purpose of the firm.
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  • 22 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The Nexus between Entrepreneurship and Environmental Quality
The economic literature has extensively documented the role of entrepreneurship as a driver in transforming political, economic, and social systems. Numerous studies have delved into how entrepreneurship can contribute to solving challenges related to sustainable development. Given this context, entrepreneurship is widely recognized as a crucial source in delivering sustainable processes, products, and services, driving progress toward a green economy.
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  • 21 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Regulation of Data Abuse in Digital Platforms
Data abuse refers to the unauthorized acquisition and use of personal data by enterprises, organizations, or individuals, including but not limited to identity information, transaction records, and health records, without the explicit consent of users. With the booming platform economy, the governance of digital platforms has become a top priority for policymakers, regulators, and competition authorities around the world.
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  • 21 Nov 2023
Topic Review
“Pseudo-Contracted” Workers in Greece
Non-standard forms of employment, also called “flexible” or “new forms” of employment, such as temporary employment, part-time employment, seasonal employment, project agreement, leasing through TWAs, and outsourcing are a worldwide rapidly expanding phenomenon that affects more than one-third of the worldwide workforce. Flexible or new forms of employment emerged in the 1980s and gained popularity during the acute financial crisis (2007), as well as during the recent pandemic COVID-19 that also hugely affected Europe and the USA. More specifically, in 2022, the EU-27 marked rates of 12.1% of temporary employment and 17.6% of part-time employment over total employment. Enterprises turn to flexible forms of employment when aiming to reduce labour costs and to increase their productivity and competitiveness. More specifically, enterprises reduce their internally allocated range of tasks and assign part of or entire activities to external undertakings, thus expanding labour market segmentation and amplifying social inequalities among the employees.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Dependency and Elderly Care
The rapid ageing of populations around the world is creating complex challenges for national governments. The establishment of sustainable and equitable long-term care systems for old and dependent people is one of the main issues of social policy in developed countries. 
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Telework Implications and Leadership on Workforce Sustainability
Effective e-leadership can enhance organizational workforce sustainability and is assessed as an opportunity for teleworking.
  • 214
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Greenwashing in Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a pivotal area of focus, with an increasing number of companies prioritizing its integration into their operational strategies.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Renewable Energy Source Installations in EU Countries
A significant link exists between a strong degree of societal development and the integration of renewable energy sources. In less prosperous EU nations, economic growth plays a pivotal role in renewable energy development. Barriers of an administrative nature exert a notable influence on renewable energy development, especially in less affluent EU countries, while grid-related obstacles are prevalent in Southern–Central Europe. In nations where the proportion of renewable energy sources in electricity consumption is substantial, an excess of capacity in the renewable energy market significantly affects its growth.
  • 192
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Granger Causality
Identifying causal network problems is important for effective policy and management, and recommendations on climate, epidemiology, and financial regulations. Identifying causality in complex systems can be difficult. Granger causality is an approach that uses predictability as opposed to correlation to identify causation between time series variables. Variable X is said to “Granger cause” Y if the predictability of Y declines when X is removed from the universe of all possible causative variables. The key requirement of Granger causality is separability, namely that information about a causative factor is independently unique to that variable and can be removed by eliminating that variable from the model.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
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