Topic Review
Exchange Rate Crisis among Inflation Targeting Countries
The exchange market pressure index has proven to be a major indicator in identifying exchange rate crises in economies; however, due to the complexities surrounding developing economies, the efficacy of the index has been called to question. Specifically, the selection of an appropriate index and the problem of selecting the appropriate threshold for identifying exchange market pressure.
  • 443
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Universities Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Russian Regions Innovative Activity
The entrepreneurial ecosystem of universities is frequently recognized to have a key influence on the innovative activity of the related regions. It is extremely important to strengthen the impact of university entrepreneurial activity on the innovative activity of regions by building the interactions between education, science, and business.
  • 443
  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Factors Drive Enterprise Digital Innovation
The concept of digital innovation was first introduced by Youngjin Yoo in 2010, who thought digital innovation is an innovative process of combining digital and physical components to produce new products, services, and business models. Subsequently, it aroused widespread concern in academic circles. In terms of the connotation and measurement of digital innovation, some studies based on the consequential theory, proposed that digital innovation refers to the innovative results produced by applying digital technology in the innovation process, including the use of digital technology to bring new products, improving production processes, changing organizational models, creating and changing business models, etc. Based on process theory, some scholars proposed that digital innovation is the combination of digital technologies such as information, computing, communication, and connection used in the innovation process. There are also studies based on the theory of synthesis, pointing out that digital innovation should combine the application of digital technology and the results, including both the efficiency in innovation process and the generation of innovation results.
  • 443
  • 28 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Land Change Modeling
Land change models (LCMs) describe, project, and explain changes in and the dynamics of land use and land-cover. LCMs are a means of understanding ways that humans change the Earth's surface in the past, present, and future. Land change models are valuable in development policy, helping guide more appropriate decisions for resource management and the natural environment at a variety of scales ranging from a small piece of land to the entire spatial extent. Moreover, developments within land-cover, environmental and socio-economic data (as well as within technological infrastructures) have increased opportunities for land change modeling to help support and influence decisions that affect human-environment systems, as national and international attention increasingly focuses on issues of global climate change and sustainability.
  • 442
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Digital Culture, Knowledge, and Commitment to Digital Transformation
Digital culture (DC) is considered an important and integral part of any organization’s strategy and dynamics, together with knowledge, learning, and continuous improvement. They are key concepts that enable companies to keep up with mature and competitive markets and to be fully adapted to constantly changing scenarios.
  • 442
  • 09 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Marketing of Healthcare Systems
By using market orientation, the managers of healthcare systems could stimulate the innovation, the efficiency of funds allocation and the quality of medical services. The results will lead to a better quality of population life and to an increasing of life expectancy. 
  • 441
  • 16 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Assessing Firm Readiness to Adopt Cluster-Based Innovative Projects
As innovation has garnered substantial attention on corporate success and sustainability, organizations must evaluate internal contexts to determine potential innovative practices and benefits. Firms need to investigate the determining factors of innovation preparedness as organizational innovation practices are catalyzed through internal elements.
  • 441
  • 25 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Business Development
In the context of open innovation, enterprises’ thirst for innovation resources is increasing day by day. Faced with limited resources, innovation search behavior, as a way to collect and learn information such as knowledge and technology to increase the novelty of resources, is an important way for enterprises to break through the status quo in order to obtain a wider range of resources and improve the innovation of enterprises. However, in the existing literature, there are many studies on the impact of innovation search behavior on innovation performance, but the existing studies are scarce and paradoxical regarding the influencing factors of antecedent variables of innovation. In today’s rapidly evolving society with faster product iterations and changing consumer needs, the market competition environment is becoming increasingly fierce, which leads to higher standards for enterprises to carry out innovation activities. More and more enterprise managers find that by relying on their own resources, they cannot adapt to the changing market environment and cannot obtain sustainable innovation advantages. Enterprises need to actively conduct innovative search behaviors to obtain resources according to their own state, and innovative resources need not only include internal resources but also external resources, which are open. In this context, the open innovation behavior of enterprises is promoted through innovation search behavior, and sustainable competitive advantages are obtained to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.
  • 440
  • 22 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Progressive Utilization Theory
Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) is a socioeconomic and political theory created by the Indian philosopher and spiritual leader Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Sarkar conceived of PROUT in 1959. Supporters of PROUT (Proutists) claim that the theory exposes and overcomes the limitations of both capitalism and communism. It aims to be economically progressive and improve social development. The theory is in line with Sarkar's Neohumanist values which aim to provide "proper care" to every being on the planet, including humans, animals and plants.
  • 440
  • 20 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Human Resources Management and Job Performance
Organizations are encouraged to integrate sustainability into their HRM practices to enhance their attractiveness as employers to prospective employees and to motivate employees to excel, which allows them to recognize the contribution they make to society and the lasting impact they create. Establishing a trusting relationship between employees and leaders emerges as a crucial factor when organizations opt to implement sustainable HRM practices across diverse contexts. 
  • 439
  • 18 Dec 2023
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