Topic Review
Crossover of Work Engagement
Work engagement is related to a plethora of positive outcomes both at the individual and organizational level. This positive organizational state can cross over from one individual to another, and this process may depend on several factors, such as the work context or individual differences. Crossover is a form of emotional contagion, and a conscious procedure in which transference of emotions and affective states is facilitated by the empathic reactions of partners.
  • 1.1K
  • 19 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Crowdsourcing Public Engagement for Urban Planning
Crowdsourcing could potentially have great benefits for the development of sustainable cities in the Global South (GS), where a growing population and rapid urbanization represent serious challenges for the years to come.
  • 591
  • 23 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Cruise Tourism
Cruise tourism is one of the leading industries suffering from covid-19 recently. Cruise tourism uses cruise ships with elegant services and various entertainment facilities as a means of transportation for scenic coastal tourist destinations. In particular, in accordance with the recent trend of increasing the size of ships, cruise lines have expanded the size and facilities of ships, and have continued to increase the maximum number of boarding ships. The cruise travel process and intensive entertainment system turned out to be a tourism structure vulnerable to the covid-19 pandemic. Will cruise tourism be extinguished? Should we prepare for the post-Pandermic cruise tourism era?
  • 9.9K
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
Cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity, with Bitcoin adopted as a national currency in two countries. The blockchain technology on which cryptocurrency is built is an important tool used not only to facilitate a medium of exchange but also in many industries, including healthcare and education. As with all technologies, blockchain is a tool and can be abused by malicious actors. However, the decentralised nature of the technology creates an obstacle to establishing jurisdiction in transnational crimes.
  • 309
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Cultivated Meat and Conventional Meat
Conventional meat production has become a force of environmental damage, but global meat consumption is predicted to continue increasing. Therefore, the technology of cultivated meat is undergoing rapid development. Physical health, animal welfare, and food quality significantly encouraged consumer acceptance of cultivated meat as a sustainable substitute for conventional meat. Food technology neophobia significantly inhibits the acceptance of cultivated meat, whereas unnaturalness did not show an impact on cultivated meat acceptance.
  • 341
  • 18 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Cultural Additivity
This entry provides the conceptual development of “cultural additivity.” It reviews the three most relevant concepts namely syncretism, cultural hybridity, and creolization, and then makes a case for the usefulness of “cultural additivity” in explaining the adoption and rejection of emerging cultural values. The newly introduced concept utilizes a well-developed theory called mindsponge theory.
  • 2.0K
  • 02 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Cultural Capital
Cultural capital is a sociological concept introduced by French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. It refers to the cultural assets and knowledge that an individual possesses, which can be used to gain social advantages and achieve upward mobility within a particular society. Cultural capital encompasses various forms of cultural knowledge, skills, education, and tastes that are valued by a particular social group.
  • 517
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Cultural Construction: A Fundamental Principle of Anthropology
A cultural construction can be defined as a set of ideas that shape the perception and understanding of a situation in a particular way, within a specific space-time context. The concept of cultural construction aims to describe a situation as a process and to make clear that this situation can be seen differently by each culture. Almost everything that has not been created by nature but by societies is a cultural construct (for example law, marriage, fashion, guilt, sex, etc.). This term was firstly presented in the European literature by Prof. Alexandros Argyriadis in 2014, in order to enrich the term "social construct". The significance of this term focuses mainly on the fact that it explains that every population group that perceives specific characteristics which might differ from the majority is not superior or inferior to another, but simply different.  It is important to note that the difference between social and cultural construction lies mainly in the fact that the cultural approach examines phenomena and processes always in their historical depth. Furthermore, it studies the deeper structures that lead to the emergence of a phenomenon considering that culture is the unconscious determinant of behaviors. At the same time, it focuses on art, experiences and everyday life, examining them as processes.
  • 9.5K
  • 17 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Cultural Divide
A cultural divide is "a boundary in society that separates communities whose social economic structures, opportunities for success, conventions, styles, are so different that they have substantially different psychologies". A cultural divide is the virtual barrier caused by cultural differences, that hinder interactions, and harmonious exchange between people of different cultures. For example, avoiding eye contact with a superior shows deference and respect in East Asian cultures, but can be interpreted as suspicious behavior in Western cultures. Studies on cultural divide usually focus on identifying and bridging the cultural divide at different levels of society.
  • 2.3K
  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cultural Identity in the Tourism Development of Colombia
Cultural identity, a concept deeply ingrained in disciplines like archaeology, history, and anthropology, has been a subject of ongoing discussion for experts across the ages. It encompasses the unique set of values, traditions, and customs that define a particular group of people. 
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  • 01 Nov 2023
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