Topic Review
Environmentally Friendly Materialism
Protection of the global environment has long been demanded. Companies that have created a large burden on the natural environment have been struggling to cope with this challenge. Companies are required to not only disclose information on their responses to the natural environment to shareholders, governments, and suppliers but also to consumers. In particular, the apparel industry has a massive environmental burden, and globally, consumers are paying attention to what they are dealing with. The increasing number of consumers possessing a global mindset has led to the emergence of environmentally friendly materialist consumers who find pleasure in owning environmentally friendly brands and products.
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  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Determining Factors in rTMS on Sequence Learning
Sequence learning is a fundamental ability of the human brain. It forms the basis of many cognitive, social, and motor skills. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an increasingly used non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) tool to examine the functional role of cortical areas and brain networks. In addition to neuroimaging methods, rTMS might contribute to a better understanding of the functional and neural underpinnings of visuomotor sequence learning. 
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  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Early Childhood Care in Spain before the Lockdown
It is widely assumed that every action in Early Childhood Care (ECC) must be conducted taking into consideration the well-being of the family and relying on their active involvement. It becomes essential to implement an intervention strategy that encompasses not only the children but also their immediate environment and the entire family unit. In this context, the Family-Centred Approach (FCA) has emerged as a prominent methodology. This approach can be defined as a collaborative connection between professionals and families, characterised by mutual respect and acknowledgment of their values and choices. Moreover, it entails extending assistance when required, all aimed at fostering optimal functioning of the familial core. This article aims to understand perceptions of families and professionals concerning Early Intervention in Spain before the lockdown. For this, a scoping review was conducted by mapping articles related to Spain in Scopus or Dialnet (CIRC A+, A, B, or C) before the COVID-19 lockdown. After reviewing thirty-five chosen articles, the identified topics were categorised into emotions, diagnoses, and requirements. Many of the publications fulfilled the CIRC B criterion, with a minority of articles meeting this criterion in the latter portion of the present decade. This subject matter warrants further research. There is a need for effective Early Childhood Care (ECC), characterised by early detection and diagnosis, involving well-trained professionals, and which recognises the importance of families in interventions and children development.
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  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Spanish Baccalaureate
The Spanish Baccalaureate (Spanish: Bachillerato) is the post-16 stage of education in Spain, comparable to the A Levels/Higher (Scottish) in the UK, the French Baccalaureate in France or the International Baccalaureate. It follows the ESO (compulsory stage of secondary education). After taking the Bachillerato, a student may enter vocational training (Higher-level Training Cycles, Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior) or take the "Selectividad" tests for admission to university. There are two parts, a core curriculum with the compulsory subjects and a specialist part with a number of pre-selected branches to choose from.
  • 816
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The Advancement of 3D Printing Technology in Dentistry
Because digitization accelerates product design and reduces development time, 3D printing can meet the demand for small-batch production and customization. This technology has been widely applied in various fields, such as automotive parts production, electronic parts, the aerospace industry, construction, food, and agriculture. 3D printing technology is suitable for application in advancing digitization in dentistry.
  • 370
  • 25 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Bio-Waste Management
Alongside production and consumption, bio-waste management is central to the food systems debate. To achieve sustainable food systems—an essential component of the Sustainable Development Goals and the world they envision—public authorities must address the shortage of current bio-waste-management policies and strive towards a new paradigm of bio-waste management, where environmental justice primarily informs policy design and decision making.
  • 197
  • 24 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Transit Stations and Local Living Patterns
Urban planning and transportation policies are vital to creating sustainable and liveable cities. Transit-orientated development (TOD) has emerged as a prominent approach that emphasises the establishment of neighbourhoods with convenient access to public transportation, thereby promoting car-free lifestyles.
  • 288
  • 24 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Perception of Security and Youth
Trying to connect young adults and the concept of security may seem to be a moot point because the outcome is already known: Young adults are not interested in security matters. On many occasions, when linking the concepts of youth and security, a discourse is created in which the youth are held responsible for the perceived insecurity, and for the scarce implication they have in working towards a safer and more stable world.
  • 228
  • 24 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Factors Affecting Residential Energy-Saving Renovation Decisions
The industrial, transportation, residential, and commercial sectors add to global energy use. Specifically, the residential sector is responsible for about 21% of global energy consumption, or 17% of CO2 emissions. Increased energy consumption poses substantial risks to public health and the natural environment. Therefore, more efficient energy consumption across the entire energy chain can assist in environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and quality-of-life improvement, combined with money savings and increased national energy security.
  • 243
  • 24 Oct 2023
Topic Review
College Student’s Academic Help-Seeking Behavior
Seeking academic help has a positive impact on students’ ability to handle challenges, leading to improved academic success. As the academic landscape becomes more competitive, the importance of students seeking and using academic support is widely recognized for enhancing their learning experience and achievements. 
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  • 24 Oct 2023
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