Topic Review
I4.0, Servitisation, and Circular Economy
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies have been highlighted in recent literature as enablers of servitisation. Simultaneously, businesses are advised to implement a circular economy (CE) to bring new opportunities. However, it is pertinent to mention that little attention has been given to assess the role of I4.0 in adopting the CE and servitisation in a fully integrated manner. This research fills this gap by developing a conceptual framework through a systematic literature review of 139 studies investigating the relationship between the I4.0, CE, and servitisation. This study identifies the impact of these variables on a firm’s operational and financial performance (revenue stream, growth, and profitability). Our research findings advocate that adopting I4.0 technologies to the business and manufacturing model enables sustainability, energy and resource efficiency while enhancing performance and offering innovative products through smart services. Thus, firms must systematically adopt I4.0 technologies to support a CE model that creates value through servitisation. This study identifies the research gaps that are unexplored for practitioners and future researchers while providing insight into the role of I4.0 in implementing CE in the servitisation business model.
  • 748
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
ICN Model Approach
During the last two decades, determining the urban boundaries of cities has become one of the major concerns in the urban and regional planning subject domains. Many scholars have tried to model the change of urban boundaries as it helps with sustainable development, and here researchers reported a ICN model.
  • 723
  • 02 Dec 2021
Topic Review
ICTs for Education during COVID-19
The educational field has experienced a significant variation with the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs), applying a wide range of tools, from drones, for the explanation of theoretical ideas, to virtual learning environments and virtual realities. These tools and multidisciplinary structures have given more flexibility, adaptability, and dynamics to the education system. The educational structures tend to include ICTs with a higher compliance capacity, accessibility, and end-user attractiveness. Additionally, the utilization of virtual realities via mobile devices and headsets is increasing, as they allow the immersion and acquiring of theoretical or practical skills. In mid-2020, the pandemic of COVID-19 forced the higher institutions (HEIs) to include several ICTs and to move to online teaching, trying to guarantee the continuity and quality in their teaching process.
  • 1.2K
  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Ideal Type
The concept of "ideal type" was introduced by the sociologist Max Weber as a methodological tool to analyze and understand complex social phenomena. An ideal type is an abstract, simplified model constructed by the researcher to highlight essential characteristics of a social phenomenon, allowing for clearer analysis and comparison, despite recognizing that real-world instances may not perfectly align with the constructed model. It serves as an analytical device rather than a precise representation of empirical reality, aiding in the systematic examination of social phenomena.
  • 442
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Idealism in International Relations
Idealism in foreign policy holds that a state should make its internal political philosophy the goal of its foreign policy. For example, an idealist might believe that ending poverty at home should be coupled with tackling poverty abroad. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was an early advocate of idealism. Wilson's idealism was a precursor to liberal international relations theory, which would arise amongst the "institution-builders" after World War II. It particularly emphasized the ideal of American exceptionalism. More generally, Michael W. Doyle describes idealism as based on the belief that other nations' stated good intentions can be relied on, whereas Realism holds that good intentions are in the long run subject to the security dilemma described by John H. Herz. Hedley Bull wrote: By the 'idealists' we have in mind writers such as Sir Alfred Zimmern, S. H. Bailey, Philip Noel-Baker, and David Mitrany in the United Kingdom, and James T. Shotwell, Pitman Potter, and Parker T. Moon in the United States. ... The distinctive characteristic of these writers was their belief in progress: the belief, in particular, that the system of international relations that had given rise to the First World War was capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order; that under the impact of the awakening of democracy, the growth of 'the international mind', the development of the League of Nations, the good works of men of peace or the enlightenment spread by their own teaching, it was in fact being transformed; and that their responsibility as students of international relations was to assist this march of progress to overcome the ignorance, the prejudices, the ill-will, and the sinister interests that stood in its way.
  • 6.5K
  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Identifying the Directions of Technology-Driven Government Innovation
The world is now strengthening its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities to secure economic growth and national competitiveness. The role of ICT is important for problems like COVID-19. ICT based innovation is effective in responding to problems for industry, economy, and society. However, not from the perspective of performance or investment, that the use and performance of ICT technology are promoted when each country’s ICT related environment, policies, governance, and regulations are effective.
  • 349
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Identity refers to the distinct and unique set of characteristics, qualities, beliefs, and affiliations that define an individual or a group. It encompasses various aspects, including personal attributes, cultural heritage, social roles, and a sense of belonging. Identity is dynamic, shaped by personal experiences, societal influences, and the interactions between individuals and their broader cultural, social, and historical contexts. It plays a crucial role in shaping how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others. Additionally, identity can be expressed through factors such as ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, and personal values, contributing to the richness and diversity of human experiences.
  • 1.2K
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Ideological Evolution of ‘Health First’ in Chinese School
Strengthening school physical education (PE) is of great strategic significance in enhancing students’ all-round development, which mainly includes their morality, intelligence and physique development. School PE has upheld the guiding ideology of ‘health first’ and continuously enhanced PE development in China. The guiding ideology of ‘health first’ has involved three stages: (1) improving students’ physical conditions; (2) enhancing students’ physical health, mental health and ability to socially adapt; and (3) promoting students’ all-round human development.
  • 502
  • 21 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Ideology is a comprehensive and integrated system of beliefs, values, and ideas that shape individuals' perceptions of the world, guide their understanding of social and political issues, and influence their behavior. It serves as a framework for interpreting reality, often providing a cohesive narrative that informs individuals' views on topics such as politics, morality, and social relations. Ideologies can range from political doctrines to religious frameworks, playing a crucial role in shaping societal norms and individual identities.
  • 405
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Image-Based Sexual Abuse: Online Gender-Sexual Violations
Image-based sexual abuse describes the offline or online non-consensual sharing of real or fake images or videos with (un)known others of a person that are either sexually explicit or sexually suggestive. New information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide many open-ended and undefined possibilities for image-based sexual abuse (IBSA), such as ‘revenge pornography’, ‘upskirting’, deepfake pornography, sexual spycamming, and cyberflashing, to name just a few. These forms of abuse refer to the online, and also at times offline, non-consensual distribution or sharing of explicit images or videos of someone else by ex-partners, partners, others, or hackers seeking revenge, entertainment, or peer group status. The vast majority of these are committed by men against women. Given the many adverse impacts on physical and psychological health and well-being it has on its victim-survivors, exploring this form of online gender-sexual abuse and violation becomes an important endeavor. Situating the discussion within debates on gender and sexuality, the entry discusses the increasing use of new technologies for online gender-sexual abuse and violation, highlighting the motivations of those perpetrating IBSA, the negative physical and psychological impacts of IBSA on victim-survivors, and what has been, and could be, done to combat image-based sexual abuses and other misuses of new technologies, notably through legal, policy, and practice interventions within and between nations.
  • 435
  • 16 Mar 2023
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