Topic Review
Socialist Revolutionary Party
The Socialist Revolutionary Party, or Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries (the SRs or Esers; Russian: Партия социалистов-революционеров, ПСР or эсеры, esery) was a major political party in late Imperial Russia and early Soviet Russia. The SRs were agrarian socialists who obtained a mass following in the years preceding the Russian Revolution by endorsing the overthrow of the Tsar and the redistribution of land to the peasantry. In the elections following the 1905 Revolution, the SRs obtained the majority of the few seats alloted to the peasantry. Following the 1907 coup, the SRs would boycott all subsequent Dumas until the fall of the Tsar in the February Revolution. Controversially, the party leadership would endorse the Russian Provisional Government and participated in multiple coalitions with liberal and moderate socialist parties, while an increasingly vocal minority rejected the Provisional Government's authority and began to align with the Bolsheviks. The pro-government and pro-Soviet factions could not be reconciled and split over the course of the summer of 1917 into the Right and Left SRs respectively. The Left SRs supported the October Revolution and formed a coalition government with the Bolsheviks from November 1917 to July 1918, while the Right SRs denounced what they saw as an illegal coup and boycotted the Congress of Soviets. The SRs obtained a plurality in elections to the Russian Constituent Assembly, with most of the defunct party's seats going to the Right. Citing outdated voter rolls which did not acknowledge the party split and the Assembly's conflicts with the Congress of Soviets, the Bolshevik-Left SR government would dissolve the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. The Left SRs would eventually leave the coalition in July 1918 in protest to the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. An abortive uprising by the leadership of the Left SRs resulted in the immediate arrest of most of the party's members. The majority of Left SRs, who opposed the uprising were gradually freed and allowed to keep their government positions, but were unable to organize a new central organ and gradually splintered into multiple pro-Bolshevik parties, all of which would eventually join the Communists by 1921. The Right SRs supported the Whites during the Russian Civil War but were increasingly marginalized by the movement's anti-socialist leadership and ultimately purged. A small Right SR remnant continued to operate in exile from 1923 to 1940 as a member of the Labour and Socialist International.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Homogamy (Sociology)
Homogamy is marriage between individuals who are, in some culturally important way, similar to each other. It is a form of assortative mating. The union may be based on socioeconomic status, class, gender, ethnicity, or religion, or age in the case of the so-called age homogamy. It can also refer to the socialization customs of a particular group in that people who are similar tend to socialize with one another.
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  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Education for Sustainable Development
Education can serve the purpose of trying to mitigate catastrophes, from the climate change education perspective. Therefore, understanding how teachers are engaging with sustainability issues can help to reveal how they cope with it. In a school context, teachers can have a role in enacting an interconnection between critical thinking (CT) as a potentially useful tool and education for sustainable development (ESD), in terms of educating and communicating the importance of sustainability to future generations.
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  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Thalamus
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a common mental disorder, with high lifetime prevalence approximately 6–10% . The prevalence of PTSD in trauma-exposed people has been approximately 20%. PTSD is induced by traumatic stress including life threatening, actual or threatened severe injury, and sexual violence. In DSM-V criteria, PTSD has the following symptoms: intrusion of unwanted memory updates related to traumatic stress, avoidance for reminders, negative alterations in mood, and hyper-arousal. Conservatively, fear-conditioned learning involving the amygdala has been considered one of the causative factors.
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  • 03 Mar 2021
Matt Ridley
Matthew White Ridley, 5th Viscount Ridley DL FRSL FMedSci[1] (born 7 February 1958)[2] is a British journalist and businessman. Ridley is best known for his writings on science, the environment, and economics.[3] He has written several science books including The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature (1994), Genome (1999), The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves (2010) and The E
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Attention-Setting and Human Mental Function: An Introduction
Adapted from the longer article  [url link to original article] This entry provides an introduction to experimental research on top-down human attention in complex scenes, written for cognitive scientists in general. The entry emphasizes effects of human goals and intention on mental function, measured with behavioral experiments. Top-down attention is described as attention-setting — an open category of skillful mental actions that initiate particular task sets, which are assembled from a wide range of mental processes. Experimental research on visual search, task switching, and temporal attention is outlined and extended to the important human time scale of seconds.
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  • 21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Socialist Party USA
The Socialist Party USA, officially the Socialist Party of the United States of America (SPUSA), is a multi-tendency democratic socialist party in the United States . The SPUSA was founded in 1973 as a successor to the Socialist Party of America, which had been renamed Social Democrats, USA a year before. The party is officially committed to multi-tendency democratic socialism. Along with its predecessor, the Socialist Party USA has received varying degrees of support when its candidates have competed against those from the Republican and Democratic parties. The SPUSA advocates for complete independence from the Democratic Party. Self-described as opposing all forms of oppression, specifically capitalism and authoritarian forms of communism, the party advocates for the creation of a "radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control—a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society [... in which] the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups [...] full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work [...] workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions [...] production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few". Headquartered at the A.J. Muste Institute, the SPUSA's National Office is located at 168 Canal Street in the Chinatown neighborhood of New York City. The party has four chartered state organizations in California, Michigan, Maine and New Jersey as well as twenty eight chartered locals throughout the country. In October 2015, the Socialist Party USA nominated Mimi Soltysik for President and Angela Nicole Walker for Vice President.
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  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Organizational Justice: Typology, Antecedents and Consequences
Organizational Justice is an individual’s perception that events, actions, or decisions within an organization adhere to a standard of fairness. Justice researchers have categorized justice into four types, differentiated by how fairness is evaluated by employees: distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice. Organizational justice perceptions have consequences for the employee and the organization: increasing job satisfaction, commitment, and trust; and decreasing turnover, counterproductive work behaviors, and even workplace violence. Contemporary organizational justice research seeks to understand how to restore justice after an injustice has occurred. 
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  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Improvement in Durability and Service of Asphalt Pavements
Develop a pavement design procedure that allows calibrating the design variables of asphalt pavements using regionalized conditions, to obtain efficient pavement performance for developing countries with limited resources and data.
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  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
Geographic Information Systems Within Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Geographic information systems (GIS) have become very important tools in many areas in recent years, including resource management and utilization in many industries. GISs are sometimes referred to as computer tools, but sometimes they are defined as information systems consisting of software and database.
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  • 09 Aug 2022
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