Topic Review
Cognitive Interventions
With older adults, cognitive intervention programs are most often used for preventing or reversing a decline in cognitive functions. Under the heading of cognitive intervention, a multitude of diverse programs are found. In order to classify this field, we will distinguish between: (1) cognitive training programs (programs that train basic cognitive strategies), (2) cognitive rehabilitation (mono or multidimensional programs on specific skills like memory, attention, arithmetic, etc.), and (3) cognitive stimulation (continuous practice programs or use of external resources).
  • 1.1K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Organizational Silos
Organizational silos are herein defined and contextualized from a behavioral perspective. Specifically, silos are not only seen as barriers to communication and information flow, but they are analyzed in terms of their consequences on organizational structure, process and function. This three-tier division drawn from the literature on complex systems and networks is next adapted to fit a framework of behavior in organizations, which is a function of its environmental consequences. As learning may occur, the concept of silos can be informed by complexity theory, findings from cognitive-behavioral sciences, and a socio-cultural perspective. Moreover, the role of clusters are discussed in light of the aforementioned approaches to silos in organizations.
  • 3.2K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Urban Rain Flood Models
The basis of studying urban rain and flood problems is to establish urban rain and flood models, calibrate and verify the models by simulating and reproducing historical flood events, and then provide technical support for urban hydrological forecasting, urban planning, and water resource utilization. The essence is to alleviate or even solve the problem of urban flood.
  • 781
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Carbon Emission Intensity
The definition of Carbon Emission Intensity (CEI) according to the INDCs is "the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP". As defined, CEI is an emission reduction indicator that takes into account environmental protection and economic development, which has important reference significance for the emission reduction work of developing countries.
  • 2.0K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Community-Driven Tourism Projects
Community-driven Tourism Projects (CDTPs) are initiated, operated, managed and fully controlled by the community.  The communities identify the tourism resources they have access to, and utilize them for livelihood.  The CDTPs are a platform for not just livelihood but also for poverty alleviation
  • 2.2K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Cultural Memory
Historic urban landscapes (HULs) are composed of layers of imbedded tangible and intangible features such as cultural memories. As the collective memories of city inhabitants, cultural memories can affect elements of social sustainability such as health, well-being, community identity, place perception and social engagement. This topic review points to the value of recalling cultural memory features in HULs, which can be used to achieve social sustainability.  In addition, it contributes to sustainable development through the contribution of cultural memory and its influence on the formation of place identity, sense of place, civic pride and quality of life in HULs. 
  • 5.7K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Digital Public Services Evaluation
Digital public services evaluation consists of monitoring and evaluation of indicators to assess the effectiveness of public services provided by a government in order to allow services with high performance, with a more rational planning and to satisfy the quality expected by the users.
  • 1.6K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
CBT-E for Eating Disorders
Enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy, also known as CBT-E, is a “transdiagnostic” psychological treatment for all forms of eating disorder including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and other similar states. CBT-E is the only treatment recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for all the forms of eating disorders both for adults and adolescents
  • 2.3K
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
The daily tasks that the human being develops in any context are complex and dynamic. The variables that are part of a study object can be simplified in concepts that are linked to the problem. In this context, the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) make it easier to synthesize the information related to the problem. This study seeks to identify the variables that not influence the return of agricultural graduates to the rural sector. For this, FCMs tool and hierarchical cluster were applied. Interviews were held with academic experts in the field of rural development and managers of agricultural planning. Eighteen categorized variables were identified in the study, of which five were strategies for agricultural development. These were: (1) state policies for rural development, (2) quality academic training, (3) training in innovation and entrepreneurship, (4) national research and university extension programs, and (5) associative cooperativism. The identification of these variables helps state authorities and universities to design strategies that promote the participation of agricultural graduates in the rural production sector.
  • 751
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
NHRE Deployment
Despite globally progressing energy transition, the deployment of non-hydropower renewable energy (NHRE) in developing countries varies by country and overall is moderate. This entry aims to explain why developing economies with significant challenges in the energy sector are not actively engaged in NHRE diffusion. In doing so, the entry reviews scholarly work on renewable energy (RE) deployment in developing countries and presents a two-stage analytical framework for assessing the NHRE development status. The procedure helps assess the current situation in the national energy sectors in connection to their economic growth and development, environmental sustainability and energy security. At the next stage, the framework lets analyse the preparedness of the national energy sectors for NHRE diffusion. The analysis spans six dimensions: structure of energy sector, RE regulation, institutions and governance, capital and investment, infrastructure and business environment, and human capital. The two-stage analytical framework assists in checking the hypothesis that more advanced economically and institutionally countries are more likely to commence NHRE development.
  • 1.1K
  • 27 Oct 2020
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