Topic Review
Polish Pension System
Polish’s Pension System was reformed in 1999. The new system is built from three parts. It comprises a public pension and an earnings-related system with notional accounts.  There are also voluntary employer sponsored pension plans.
  • 5.1K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Panic Buying
This entry reviews some of the social psychological factors that influence the spread of panic buying. They include social influence and social trust. For a more comprehensive review of the causes of panic buying, refer to creator's publication below [1].
  • 1.2K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Video Game Live Streaming
Video game live streaming is a kind of real-time video social media that integrates traditional broadcasting and online gaming. Real-time, sociability and suspense are the main features of video game live streaming. Video game live streaming can meet user demands in social integration, personal integration, tension release, affection, and cognition. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of video game live streaming, the following text summarizes the background from the live streaming industry and research status. After that, the definition, users, features and community classification of video game live streaming are introduced in detail.
  • 6.8K
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Open BOK Context
A Body of Knowledge (BOK) is a concept used to represent concepts, terms, and activities that make up a professional domain. In addition, an Open BOK is necessary because it allows us to develop the abilities and talents of professionals in different Knowledge Areas (KAs).
  • 858
  • 02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Diffused Religion Beyond Secularization
Diffused religion theory concerns the capacity of a dominant religion in a country to remain solid for centuries.
  • 3.4K
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
BRP for Non-Residential Buildings
According to its strategic long-term vision, Europe wants to be a climate-neutral economy by 2050 and buildings represent a sector with low-cost opportunities for high-level CO2 reduction. The main challenge is to increase the renovation rate of the existing building stock, which currently is around 1.2%/year. The ALliance for Deep RENovation (ALDREN) project developed a Holistic and reliable European Voluntary Certification Scheme to trigger deep renovation of non-residential buildings. The ALDREN approach is composed by a sum of protocols and tools with the goal of encouraging property owners to undertake renovation of existing buildings using a clear, robust, and comparable method using coherent and harmonized instruments, the so called ALDREN EPC and ALDREN Building Renovation Passport for non-residential buildings.
  • 1.9K
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Sociology and History
Sociology and History as consolidated scientific and academic projects have maintained a peculiar and paradoxical relationship. The growing disciplinary and subdisciplinary specialisation of these two sciences poses relevant epistemological and methodological challenges in order to face potential situations of isolation, fragmentation and enable the apology of an interdisciplinary perspective characterised by the historicity of social structures, actions and senses.
  • 17.5K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Sociology is a science with specificities that can offer a more rigorous knowledge of social reality. But what is sociology? There is a wide variety of definitions and it is not easy to define them directly. It is an extremely ambitious and broad theme of which we will make a brief presentation based on Ferreira & Serpa (2017), Serpa & Ferreira (2018), and Serpa & Ferreira (2019).
  • 24.3K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Risk Communication
Risk communication is critical to emergency management. Following the message-centered approach or risk communication, the whole communication process for public health emergency is suggested to integrate the accessibility and openness of risk information, the timing and frequency of communication, and the strategies dealing with uncertainties. Based on these principles a simplified Government–Expert–Public risk communication model can illustrate a collaborative network for effective risk communication.
  • 1.8K
  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mental Health in Adults
High total intake of fruits and vegetables, and some of their specific subgroups including berries, citrus, and green leafy vegetables, may promote higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy, as well as reduce the level of psychological distress, ambiguity, and cancer fatalism, and protect against depressive symptoms. The general recommendation to consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day may be beneficial also for mental health.
  • 1.1K
  • 30 Oct 2020
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