Topic Review
Social Class
Social class refers to a hierarchical arrangement of individuals in a society based on factors such as economic status, occupation, education, and cultural capital. It delineates distinct social groups with varying levels of privilege, influencing access to resources, opportunities, and societal advantages.
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Evolution
Social evolution refers to the gradual and continuous change in social structures, behaviors, and institutions over time. It encompasses the development and transformation of societies, including advancements in technology, shifts in cultural norms, and alterations in political and economic systems, often driven by factors such as innovation, conflict, and interaction with the environment. This concept underpins various theories in sociology and anthropology, offering insights into how societies adapt and evolve in response to internal and external pressures.
  • 1.7K
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Capital
Social capital refers to the inherent value embedded in social relationships and networks. It encompasses the trust, reciprocity, and shared norms that facilitate cooperation and collaboration within a community or society. This concept underscores the importance of social connections in fostering collective well-being, economic development, and the overall functioning of human societies.
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Change
Social change refers to the transformation of societal structures, institutions, and behaviors over time. It involves shifts in values, norms, and practices that impact the way individuals and groups interact, ultimately influencing the broader dynamics of a society. Social change can result from various factors, including technological advancements, cultural evolution, political movements, and economic developments.
  • 340
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Cohesion
Social cohesion refers to the degree of unity, solidarity, and social bonds within a society or community. It encompasses the sense of belonging, trust, and cooperation among individuals and groups, contributing to social stability, resilience, and well-being. Social cohesion is essential for fostering a harmonious and inclusive society where individuals can collaborate, support one another, and collectively address societal challenges.
  • 1.2K
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Social Control
Social control refers to the mechanisms, norms, and practices through which societies regulate individual behavior and maintain order. It encompasses both formal institutions such as laws and regulations, as well as informal social norms and expectations. Social control mechanisms serve to reinforce conformity to societal norms, values, and expectations, while also deterring deviant behavior through sanctions and rewards.
  • 647
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Network Connectivity and Accessibility in Airport Regions
One of the keys to the transformation of a region is the expansion of transportation networks. Airports will continue to develop as significant growth centres. 
  • 234
  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
A Primer for Design and Systems Thinkers
Teaching students to think in complex systems and design is presumably intricate, creative, and nonlinear. However, due to the overwhelming number of standardized tools and frameworks, the process sometimes ends up being procedural and deductive. Conformity to rigid procedures loses the intention of creative problem-solving towards tackling wicked problems.
  • 406
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Neurobiology of Pathogen Avoidance and Mate Choice
The risk of parasitic infection has a major influence on animal behaviour. Organisms must adjust their behaviour to avoid various modes of parasitic infection and pathogen acquisition. Social species are at an increased risk of parasitic transmission as they spend more time in the proximity of others that may carry parasites. The detection of parasitic risk is also critical in mate assessment and choice. Perceptual systems and behavioural responses have evolved to detect individuals who are parasitized and pose the risk of parasitic transmission. This includes the integration of inputs from various sensory modalities (e.g., olfaction), brain regions and networks, and neuromodulatory systems. Understanding the neurobiological systems involved in detecting the parasite infection risk and the expression of disgust will allow us to better understand the evolution and regulation of pathogen avoidance and mate choice.
  • 119
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Factors Influencing University Teachers’ Technological Integration
The extent and effectiveness of digitalization are influenced by a variety of factors, which are worth studying both separately and together, looking at how they affect each other. Typically, researched aspects in the context of education are institutional support, teachers’ beliefs about using digital tools, digital competence in teaching, technostress, self-efficacy, and the extent of digital tool use. 
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  • 25 Jan 2024
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