Topic Review
Achievement Goal Orientation and Academic Engagement
Enhancing academic engagement in university students can help enrich students’ educational experience. Drawing on the Conservation of Resources Model and the Job Demand-Resources Model, exploring the links between undergraduates’ achievement goal orientation and academic engagement (AE), by examining the mediating functions of perceived school climate (PSC) and academic self-efficacy (ASE).
  • 547
  • 20 Mar 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Charter Schools: An Alternative Option in American Schooling
Charter schools are educational institutions in the United States funded through taxation but operated privately under a charter or contract with a public entity, providing alternative public education options to families. Charter schools are subject to fewer rules and regulations and have greater autonomy than traditional public schools over operations, curriculum, and instruction, although have greater stakes in school accountability.
  • 964
  • 17 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Sustainability of Smallholders in the Local Food System
Food is vital to human life. Many advancements in food production, especially the application of modern technologies in food production, have been generated through the green revolution, and global trade has evolved into a global food system that has restructured the relationships among those involved in food production, distribution, and consumption.
  • 342
  • 17 Mar 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Image-Based Sexual Abuse: Online Gender-Sexual Violations
Image-based sexual abuse describes the offline or online non-consensual sharing of real or fake images or videos with (un)known others of a person that are either sexually explicit or sexually suggestive. New information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide many open-ended and undefined possibilities for image-based sexual abuse (IBSA), such as ‘revenge pornography’, ‘upskirting’, deepfake pornography, sexual spycamming, and cyberflashing, to name just a few. These forms of abuse refer to the online, and also at times offline, non-consensual distribution or sharing of explicit images or videos of someone else by ex-partners, partners, others, or hackers seeking revenge, entertainment, or peer group status. The vast majority of these are committed by men against women. Given the many adverse impacts on physical and psychological health and well-being it has on its victim-survivors, exploring this form of online gender-sexual abuse and violation becomes an important endeavor. Situating the discussion within debates on gender and sexuality, the entry discusses the increasing use of new technologies for online gender-sexual abuse and violation, highlighting the motivations of those perpetrating IBSA, the negative physical and psychological impacts of IBSA on victim-survivors, and what has been, and could be, done to combat image-based sexual abuses and other misuses of new technologies, notably through legal, policy, and practice interventions within and between nations.
  • 431
  • 16 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Methodology: Video Data Analysis
Video Data Analysis (VDA) is a curated multi-disciplinary collection of tools, techniques, and quality criteria intended for analyzing the content of visuals to study driving dynamics of social behavior and events in real-life settings. It often uses visual data in combination with other data types. VDA is employed across the social sciences in disciplines such as sociology, psychology, criminology, business research, and education research.
  • 320
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Health, Hope, and Harmony
Myriad determinants of happiness were found that were placed into three broad categories labeled Health, Hope, and Harmony. The predominant happiness determinants were mental, emotional, and physical well-being, a purposeful holistic work–life balance, nurturing social relationships, caring for self and others, and being in harmony with one’s culture, traditions, community, religion, and environment.
  • 550
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Decarbonization in Higher Education Institutions for Green Campus
Reducing the carbon footprint (CF) helps to meet the targets of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), with emphasis on SDG 13, which seeks urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or universities, as organizations engaged in education, research, and community service, play an important role in promoting sustainable development. Thus, HEIs are increasingly interested in practices to reduce their CF, in addition to training professionals for this worldwide need. CF reduction is a tool to assess the sustainability and decarbonization of a campus that aligns with Green Campus (GC) initiatives. 
  • 533
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Learning Activities Involving Plants and Technology
The increase in remote work and study modalities has changed our indoor physical spaces. Key variables such as air quality, temperature, or well-being in general have acquired special relevance when designing workspaces. In this context, plants can play an active role in moderating these variables and providing well-being to the people who live in these spaces. 
  • 353
  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Digital Productions for Cultural Heritage Tourism
Recent literature on cultural heritage emphasises the necessity to involve local communities in managing, planning, and preserving the local cultural heritage, as only by recognising the cultural heritage values, local communities can express and raise awareness of its meaning and importance to them. Evidently, the feeling of ownership and of proudness that they develop in this way is further reflected in a sense of responsibility for the heritage itself, regardless of its nature as tangible or intangible.
  • 379
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review Video
Virtual Travel
Virtual experience in tourism and hospitality can be broadly described as the totality of tourists’ affective, cognitive, and sensorial responses before, during, and after interaction with the virtual environment (VR). VR is traditionally defined as a computer-generated environment where the user has an opportunity to immerse, look around, and control the experience. Technologies represented in virtual reality range from 360° videos, VR, AR, and virtual meetings to the digital world as a persistent virtual environment, which can be broadly classified based on the levels of immersion, presence, and complexity. The levels of immersion can be defined as non-immersive (e.g., computer, display, mice), semi-immersive (e.g., high-resolution displays, projectors, hard simulators), and fully immersive (e.g., VR glasses, head mount display), based on the type of simulation and degree of user’s abstraction from the real world.
  • 985
  • 11 Mar 2023
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